des tests supplémentaires, passage à bootstrap3, simplifications

This commit is contained in:
karchnu 2015-12-22 17:50:26 +01:00
parent 13cb33d7bb
commit 83157fb1ab
31 changed files with 10599 additions and 752 deletions

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ cpanm --local-lib=~/perl5 local::lib && eval $(perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5/ -Mloca
cpanm Dancer2
cpanm Dancer2::Plugin::Deferred
#cpanm Dancer::Plugin::FlashMessage
cpanm YAML::XS
cpanm Data::Dump
cpanm File::Basename
@ -34,4 +33,6 @@ cpanm Net::OpenSSH
cpanm Template
cpanm Net::SSH
cpanm Date::Calc
cpanm Data::Validate::IP
# cpanm Template::Toolkit non trouvé

View File

@ -92,9 +92,10 @@ prefix '/domain' => sub {
post '/update/:domain' => sub {
what_is_next rt_dom_update
what_is_next rt_dom_add_entry
get_session( qw/login passwd/ )
, get_param( qw/domain name type priority rdata ttl/ );
, get_param( qw/domain type name ttl priority weight port rdata/ )
, get_request( qw/referer/ );
get '/details/:domain' => sub {
@ -117,6 +118,20 @@ prefix '/domain' => sub {
, get_request( qw/address referer/ );
get '/del/:domain/:name/:ttl/:type/:priority/:rdata' => sub {
what_is_next rt_dom_del_entry
get_session( qw/login passwd/ )
, get_param( qw/domain name ttl type priority rdata/ )
, get_request( qw/address referer/ );
get '/del/:domain/:name/:ttl/:type/:priority/:weight/:port/:rdata' => sub {
what_is_next rt_dom_del_entry
get_session( qw/login passwd/ )
, get_param( qw/domain name ttl type priority weight port rdata/ )
, get_request( qw/address referer/ );
get '/del/:domain/:name/:ttl/:type/:rdata' => sub {
what_is_next rt_dom_del_entry
get_session( qw/login passwd/ )
@ -127,9 +142,9 @@ prefix '/domain' => sub {
post '/mod/:domain' => sub {
what_is_next rt_dom_mod_entry
get_session( qw/login passwd/ )
, get_param( qw/domain
oldpriority oldtype oldname oldttl oldrdata
newpriority newtype newname newttl newrdata/ )
, get_param( qw/domain type
oldpriority oldname oldttl oldrdata oldweight oldport
newpriority newname newttl newrdata newweight newport/ )
, get_request( qw/address referer/ );

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use app;
use utf8;
use Dancer ':syntax';
use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use Data::Validate::IP qw(is_ipv4 is_ipv6);
use Exporter 'import';
# what we want to export eventually
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ rt_dom_del_entry
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ rt_dom_del_entry
/] );
@ -80,15 +81,22 @@ sub rt_dom_mod_entry {
my @missingitems;
my @items = qw/domain type
oldname oldrdata oldttl
newname newrdata newttl/;
oldtype oldname oldrdata oldttl
newtype newname newrdata newttl/) {
push @missingitems, $_ unless($$param{$_});
if($$param{type} && $$param{type} eq 'MX') {
push @items, qw/oldpriority newpriority/;
if($$param{oldtype} eq 'MX' && ! $$param{newpriority}) {
push @missingitems, "newpriority";
if($$param{type} && $$param{type} eq 'SRV') {
push @items, qw/
oldpriority oldweight oldport
newpriority newweight newport/;
for(@items) {
push @missingitems, $_ unless($$param{$_});
if(@missingitems != 0) {
@ -96,13 +104,73 @@ sub rt_dom_mod_entry {
return $res;
oldtype oldname oldrdata oldttl
newtype newname newrdata newttl/) {
say "$_ : $$param{$_}" if $$param{$_};
for(@items) {
say "::::::::: $_ : $$param{$_}" if $$param{$_};
eval {
unless( $$param{domain} ) {
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} = q<Domaine non renseigné.>;
$$res{route} = ($$request{referer}) ? $$request{referer} : '/';
return $res;
my $rdata = $$param{newrdata};
if ($$param{type} eq 'A' && ! is_ipv4($rdata)) {
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} =
"Il faut une adresse IPv4 pour un enregistrement de type A."
. " Ceci n'est pas une adresse IPv4 : $rdata";
$$res{route} = ($$request{referer}) ? $$request{referer} : '/';
return $res;
if ($$param{type} eq 'AAAA' && ! is_ipv6($rdata)) {
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} =
"Il faut une adresse IPv6 pour un enregistrement de type AAAA."
. " Ceci n'est pas une adresse IPv6 : $rdata";
$$res{route} = ($$request{referer}) ? $$request{referer} : '/';
return $res;
if ($$param{type} =~ /^(CNAME|MX|NS|PTR|SRV)$/i
&& ! is_domain_name ($rdata))
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} =
"Une entrée CNAME doit avoir un nom de domaine "
. "(pas une URL, pas de http://) : $rdata n'est pas correct.";
$$res{route} = ($$request{referer}) ? $$request{referer} : '/';
return $res;
if($$param{type} =~ /^(CNAME|MX|NS|PTR)$/ && $rdata !~ /\.$/) {
$rdata .= ".$$param{domain}.";
my $str_old = "$$param{oldname} $$param{oldttl} $$param{type} ";
my $str_new = "$$param{newname} $$param{newttl} $$param{type} ";
if($$param{type} eq "MX") {
$str_old .= "$$param{oldpriority} $$param{oldrdata}";
$str_new .= "$$param{newpriority} $$param{newrdata}";
elsif ($$param{type} eq "SRV") {
$str_old .= "$$param{oldpriority} $$param{oldweight} "
."$$param{oldport} $$param{oldrdata}";
$str_new .= "$$param{newpriority} $$param{newweight} "
."$$param{newport} $rdata";
else {
$str_old .= "$$param{oldrdata}";
$str_new .= "$rdata";
say "str_old : $str_old";
say "str_new : $str_new";
# Do the modification of the entry
my $app = app->new(get_cfg());
my $user = $app->auth($$session{login}, $$session{passwd});
@ -113,26 +181,8 @@ sub rt_dom_mod_entry {
return $res;
unless( $$param{domain} ) {
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} = q<Domaine non renseigné.>;
$$res{route} = ($$request{referer}) ? $$request{referer} : '/';
return $res;
my $zone = $app->get_zone( $$param{domain} );
my $zf = $zone->get_zonefile();
my $str_old =
"$$param{oldname} $$param{oldttl} $$param{oldtype} $$param{oldrdata}";
my $str_new = "$$param{newname} $$param{newttl} $$param{newtype} ";
if($$param{newtype} eq "MX") {
$str_new .= "$$param{newpriority} $$param{newrdata}";
else {
$str_new .= "$$param{newrdata}";
say "old rdata : $$param{oldrdata}";
say "new rdata : $$param{newrdata}";
$zf->rr_mod( $str_old, $str_new);
$zone->update( $zf );
@ -140,6 +190,11 @@ sub rt_dom_mod_entry {
if($@) {
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} = q{Modification impossible. } . $@;
return $res;
@ -161,17 +216,47 @@ sub rt_dom_del_entry {
return $res;
unless( $$param{domain} ) {
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} = q{Domaine non renseigné.};
my @missingitems;
my @items = qw/domain name ttl type rdata/;
if ($$param{type} && $$param{type} eq 'SRV') {
push @items, qw/priority weight port/;
elsif ($$param{type} && $$param{type} eq 'MX') {
push @items, qw/priority/;
for(@items) {
push @missingitems, $_ unless($$param{$_});
for(@items) {
say "::::::::: $_ : $$param{$_}" if $$param{$_};
if(@missingitems != 0) {
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} = "Il manque : " . join ', ', @missingitems;
$$res{route} = ($$request{referer}) ? $$request{referer} : '/';
return $res;
my $zone = $app->get_zone( $$param{domain} );
my $zf = $zone->get_zonefile();
"$$param{name} $$param{ttl} $$param{type} $$param{rdata}"
my $str_del = "$$param{name} $$param{ttl} $$param{type} ";
if( $$param{type} eq 'SRV') {
$str_del .=
"$$param{priority} $$param{weight} $$param{port} $$param{rdata}";
elsif ($$param{type} eq 'MX') {
$str_del .= "$$param{priority} $$param{rdata}";
else {
$str_del .= "$$param{rdata}";
$zf->rr_del_raw( $str_del );
$zone->update( $zf );
@ -348,7 +433,7 @@ sub rt_dom_details {
if($@) {
$app->disconnect() if $app;
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} = $@;
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} = q{Une erreur est survenue. } . $@;
$$res{route} = '/';
return $res;
@ -356,8 +441,8 @@ sub rt_dom_details {
sub rt_dom_update {
my ($session, $param) = @_;
sub rt_dom_add_entry {
my ($session, $param, $request) = @_;
my $res;
unless( $$session{login} && $$param{domain} ) {
@ -368,13 +453,18 @@ sub rt_dom_update {
$$res{route} = '/domain/details/'. $$param{domain};
my @missingitems;
my @items = qw/domain type name ttl rdata/;
for(qw/name ttl type rdata domain/) {
push @missingitems, $_ unless($$param{$_});
if($$param{type} && $$param{type} eq 'MX') {
push @items, qw/priority/;
if($$param{type} eq 'MX' && ! $$param{priority}) {
push @missingitems, "priority";
if($$param{type} && $$param{type} eq 'SRV') {
push @items, qw/priority weight port/;
for(@items) {
push @missingitems, $_ unless($$param{$_});
if(@missingitems != 0) {
@ -383,6 +473,64 @@ sub rt_dom_update {
eval {
# Perform tests on the different entries
my $name = $$param{name};
if($name =~ /$$param{domain}$/) {
$name .= '.';
if($name !~ /\.$/) {
$name .= ".$$param{domain}."
my $str_new = "$name $$param{ttl} $$param{type} ";
my $rdata = $$param{rdata};
if ($$param{type} =~ /^(CNAME|MX|NS|PTR)$/i
&& ! is_domain_name ($rdata))
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} =
"Une entrée CNAME doit avoir un nom de domaine "
. "(pas une URL, pas de http://) : $rdata n'est pas correct.";
$$res{route} = ($$request{referer}) ? $$request{referer} : '/';
return $res;
if ($$param{type} eq 'A' && ! is_ipv4($rdata)) {
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} =
"Il faut une adresse IPv4 pour un enregistrement de type A."
. " Ceci n'est pas une adresse IPv4 : $rdata";
$$res{route} = ($$request{referer}) ? $$request{referer} : '/';
return $res;
if ($$param{type} eq 'AAAA' && ! is_ipv6($rdata)) {
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} =
"Il faut une adresse IPv6 pour un enregistrement de type AAAA."
. " Ceci n'est pas une adresse IPv6 : $rdata";
$$res{route} = ($$request{referer}) ? $$request{referer} : '/';
return $res;
if($$param{type} =~ /^(CNAME|MX|NS|PTR|SRV)$/ && $rdata !~ /\.$/) {
$rdata .= ".$$param{domain}.";
if($$param{type} eq "MX") {
$str_new .= "$$param{priority} $rdata";
elsif ($$param{type} eq "SRV") {
$str_new .=
"$$param{priority} $$param{weight} $$param{port} $rdata";
else {
$str_new .= "$rdata";
# Add the entry
my $app = app->new(get_cfg());
my $user = $app->auth($$session{login}, $$session{passwd});
@ -396,23 +544,6 @@ sub rt_dom_update {
my $zone = $app->get_zone( $$param{domain} );
my $zf = $zone->get_zonefile();
my $name = $$param{name};
$name .= ".$$param{domain}" unless $name =~ /$$param{domain}$/;
my $str_new = "$name $$param{ttl} $$param{type} ";
my $rdata = $$param{rdata};
if($$param{type} =~ /^(CNAME|MX|NS|PTR)$/ && $rdata !~ /\.$/) {
$rdata .= ".$$param{domain}";
if($$param{type} eq "MX") {
$str_new .= "$$param{priority} $$param{rdata}";
else {
$str_new .= "$$param{rdata}";
$zone->update( $zf );
@ -421,7 +552,7 @@ sub rt_dom_update {
if ( $@ ) {
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} = q{Problème de mise à jour du domaine. }. $@;
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} = q{Problème à l'ajout d'une entrée. }. $@;

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ sub rt_user_login {
if( $@ ) {
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} = q{Impossible de se connecter ! } . $@;
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} = q{Impossible de se connecter ! };
$$res{sessiondestroy} = 1;
$$res{route} = '/';
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ sub rt_user_add {
if($@) {
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} = q{Ce pseudo est déjà pris.} . $@;
$$res{deferred}{errmsg} = q{Ce pseudo est déjà pris.};
$$res{route} = '/user/subscribe';
return $res;

View File

@ -125,8 +125,9 @@ sub rr_del {
sub rr_add_raw {
my ($self, $rrline) = @_;
say "to add : $rrline";
say "to add raw : $rrline";
my $rr = Net::DNS::RR->new($rrline);
say "to add reformed : " . $rr->plain;
@ -193,8 +194,23 @@ sub rr_array_to_array {
$$rr{rdata} = $_->rdstring;
elsif($list[3] =~ /^SRV$/) {
# _service._proto.name. TTL class SRV priority weight port target.
# _sip._tcp.example.com. 86400 IN SRV 10 60 5060 bigbox.example.com.
$$rr{priority} = $list[4];
$$rr{weight} = $list[5];
$$rr{port} = $list[6];
$$rr{rdata} = $list[7];
else {
die "This RR is not available : " . $_->plain;
$$rr{rdata} = $_->rdstring;
say "This RR is not available : " . $_->plain;
push @$rr_list, $rr;

public/css/bootstrap-theme.css vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
* Bootstrap v3.3.6 (http://getbootstrap.com)
* Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
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background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#dff0d8), to(#d0e9c6));
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

public/css/bootstrap.css vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
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