Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.karchnu.fr:2200/dnsmanager

This commit is contained in:
Julien Simonet 2014-01-25 23:35:50 +01:00
commit 59cf727e28
12 changed files with 159 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ use Moose;
has dbh => ( is => 'rw', builder => '_void');
has dnsi => ( is => 'rw', builder => '_void');
has um => ( is => 'rw', builder => '_void');
has [ qw/zdir dbname dbhost dbport dbuser dbpass sgbd dnsapp/ ] => qw/is ro required 1/;
has [ qw/zdir dbname dbhost dbport dbuser dbpass sgbd dnsapp sshhost sshuser/ ] => qw/is ro required 1/;
sub _void { my $x = ''; \$x; }
### users
@ -91,7 +91,10 @@ sub add_domain {
return 0;
my $ze = app::zone::edit->new(zname => $domain, zdir => $self->zdir);
my $ze = app::zone::edit->new(zname => $domain
, zdir => $self->zdir
, host => $self->sshhost
, user => $self->sshuser );
@ -103,7 +106,10 @@ sub delete_domain {
return 0 unless $success;
return 0 unless $user->delete_domain($domain);
my $ze = app::zone::edit->new(zname => $domain, zdir => $self->zdir);
my $ze = app::zone::edit->new(zname => $domain
, zdir => $self->zdir
, host => $self->sshhost
, user => $self->sshuser );
@ -111,19 +117,28 @@ sub delete_domain {
sub update_domain_raw {
my ($self, $login, $zone, $domain) = @_;
my $ze = app::zone::edit->new(zname => $domain, zdir => $self->zdir);
my $ze = app::zone::edit->new(zname => $domain
, zdir => $self->zdir
, host => $self->sshhost
, user => $self->sshuser );
sub update_domain {
my ($self, $login, $zone, $domain) = @_;
my $ze = app::zone::edit->new(zname => $domain, zdir => $self->zdir);
my $ze = app::zone::edit->new(zname => $domain
, zdir => $self->zdir
, host => $self->sshhost
, user => $self->sshuser );
sub get_domain {
my ($self, $login, $domain) = @_;
my $ze = app::zone::edit->new(zname => $domain, zdir => $self->zdir);
my $ze = app::zone::edit->new(zname => $domain
, zdir => $self->zdir
, host => $self->sshhost
, user => $self->sshuser );
@ -146,7 +161,10 @@ sub get_all_users {
sub new_tmp {
my ($self, $login, $domain) = @_;
my $ze = app::zone::edit->new(zname => $domain, zdir => $self->zdir);
my $ze = app::zone::edit->new(zname => $domain
, zdir => $self->zdir
, host => $self->sshhost
, user => $self->sshuser );

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ use Modern::Perl;
use Data::Dump "dump";
use DNS::ZoneParse;
use File::Copy;
use Net::SCP;
use Net::SSH2;
use v5.14;
use lib '../../';
@ -9,12 +11,15 @@ use app::zone::rndc_interface;
package app::zone::edit;
use Moose;
has [ qw/zname zdir/ ] => qw/is ro required 1/;
has [ qw/zname zdir host user/ ] => qw/is ro required 1/;
sub get {
my ($self) = @_;
my $dest = '/tmp/' . $self->zname;
my $file = $self->zdir.'/'.$self->zname;
return DNS::ZoneParse->new($file, $self->zname);
$self->_scp_get($file, $dest);
DNS::ZoneParse->new($dest, $self->zname);
@ -28,19 +33,24 @@ sub addzone {
my ($self) = @_;
my $tpl = $self->zdir."/tpl.zone";
my $file = $self->zdir.'/'.$self->zname;
my $tmpfile = '/tmp/'.$self->zname;
$self->_cp($tpl, $file);
$self->_scp_get($tpl, $tmpfile); # get the template
$self->_sed($tmpfile); # sed CHANGEMEORIGIN by the real origin
my $zonefile = DNS::ZoneParse->new($file, $self->zname);
my $zonefile = DNS::ZoneParse->new($tmpfile, $self->zname);
$zonefile->new_serial(); # update the serial number
# write the new zone file to disk
# write the new zone tmpfile to disk
my $newzone;
open($newzone, '>', $file) or die "error";
open($newzone, '>', $tmpfile) or die "error";
print $newzone $zonefile->output();
close $newzone;
my $file = $self->zdir.'/'.$self->zname;
$self->_scp_put($tmpfile, $file); # put the final zone on the server
unlink($tmpfile); # del the temporary file
my $rndc = app::zone::rndc_interface->new();
$rndc->addzone($self->zdir, $self->zname);
@ -58,16 +68,21 @@ sub update {
# update the serial number
my $file = $self->zdir.'/'.$self->zname;
my $tmpfile = '/tmp/' . $self->zname;
# write the new zone file to disk
# write the new zone tmpfile to disk
my $newzone;
open($newzone, '>', $file) or die "error";
open($newzone, '>', $tmpfile) or die "error";
print $newzone $zonefile->output();
close $newzone;
my $file = $self->zdir.'/'.$self->zname;
$self->_scp_put($tmpfile, $file); # put the final zone on the server
unlink($tmpfile); # del the temporary file
my $rndc = app::zone::rndc_interface->new();
@ -96,7 +111,6 @@ sub update_raw {
# sera utile plus tard, pour l'interface
@ -106,7 +120,9 @@ sub new_tmp {
my $tpl = $self->zdir."/tpl.zone";
my $file = '/tmp/'.$self->zname;
$self->_cp($tpl, $file);
$self->_scp($tpl, $file);
my $zonefile = DNS::ZoneParse->new($file, $self->zname);
$zonefile->new_serial(); # update the serial number
@ -119,9 +135,27 @@ sub _cp {
my ($self, $src, $dest) = @_;
File::Copy::copy($src, $dest) or die "Copy failed: $! ($src -> $dest)";
sub _scp_put {
my ($self, $src, $dest) = @_;
my $scp = Net::SCP->new( { host => $self->host, user => $self->user } );
$scp->put($src, $dest) or die $scp->{errstr};
sub _scp_get {
my ($self, $src, $dest) = @_;
my $scp = Net::SCP->new( { host => $self->host, user => $self->user } );
$scp->get($src, $dest) or die $scp->{errstr};
sub _sed {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
my $orig = $self->zname;
my $cmd = qq[sed -i "s/CHANGEMEORIGIN/$orig/" $dest 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null];
my $cmd = qq[sed -i "s/CHANGEMEORIGIN/$orig/" $file 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null];
@ -130,6 +164,17 @@ sub del {
my $rndc = app::zone::rndc_interface->new();
$rndc->delzone($self->zdir, $self->zname);
my $ssh = Net::SSH2->new();
$ssh->auth( username => $self->user);
my $chan = $ssh->channel();
my $file = $self->zdir.'/'.$self->zname;
$chan->exec( "rm $file" );

View File

@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ sub reconfig {
sub delzone {
my ($self, $zdir, $zname) = @_;
system("rndc delzone $zname 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null");

View File

@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ passwd = HardPass4bla
# possible options for dnsserver : bind rndc
dnsapp = rndc
zones_path = "/srv/named/"
sshhost = pizza
sshuser = karchnu

View File

@ -10,30 +10,14 @@ use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use lib '../';
use app::app;
sub initco {
my $cfg = new Config::Simple('./config.ini');
my $app = app->new( zdir => $cfg->param('zones_path'),
dbname => $cfg->param('dbname'),
dbhost => $cfg->param('host'),
dbport => $cfg->param('port'),
dbuser => $cfg->param('user'),
dbpass => $cfg->param('passwd'),
sgbd => $cfg->param('sgbd'),
dnsapp => $cfg->param('dnsapp') );
return $app;
use initco;
if( @ARGV != 0 ) {
say "usage : ./get_all_domains.pl";
exit 1;
my $app = initco();
my $app = initco::initco();
my %domains = $app->get_all_domains();

View File

@ -10,30 +10,14 @@ use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use lib '../';
use app::app;
sub initco {
my $cfg = new Config::Simple('./config.ini');
my $app = app->new( zdir => $cfg->param('zones_path'),
dbname => $cfg->param('dbname'),
dbhost => $cfg->param('host'),
dbport => $cfg->param('port'),
dbuser => $cfg->param('user'),
dbpass => $cfg->param('passwd'),
sgbd => $cfg->param('sgbd'),
dnsapp => $cfg->param('dnsapp') );
return $app;
use initco;
if( @ARGV != 0 ) {
say "usage : ./get_all_domains.pl";
exit 1;
my $app = initco();
my $app = initco::initco();
my %users = $app->get_all_users();

View File

@ -10,30 +10,14 @@ use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use lib '../';
use app::app;
sub initco {
my $cfg = new Config::Simple('./config.ini');
my $app = app->new( zdir => $cfg->param('zones_path'),
dbname => $cfg->param('dbname'),
dbhost => $cfg->param('host'),
dbport => $cfg->param('port'),
dbuser => $cfg->param('user'),
dbpass => $cfg->param('passwd'),
sgbd => $cfg->param('sgbd'),
dnsapp => $cfg->param('dnsapp') );
return $app;
use initco;
if( @ARGV < 2) {
say "usage : ./auth.pl login mdp";
exit 1;
my $app = initco();
my $app = initco::initco();
my ($auth_ok, $user, $isadmin) = $app->auth($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
if($auth_ok) {

View File

@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ use warnings;
use v5.14;
use autodie;
use Modern::Perl;
use DNS::ZoneParse;
use Config::Simple;
use Data::Dump qw( dump );
package initco;
@ -15,14 +13,16 @@ sub initco {
$cfgfile = defined $cfgfile ? $cfgfile : './config.ini';
my $cfg = new Config::Simple($cfgfile);
my $app = app->new( zdir => $cfg->param('zones_path'),
dbname => $cfg->param('dbname'),
dbhost => $cfg->param('host'),
dbport => $cfg->param('port'),
dbuser => $cfg->param('user'),
dbpass => $cfg->param('passwd'),
sgbd => $cfg->param('sgbd'),
dnsapp => $cfg->param('dnsapp') );
my $app = app->new( zdir => $cfg->param('zones_path')
, dbname => $cfg->param('dbname')
, dbhost => $cfg->param('host')
, dbport => $cfg->param('port')
, dbuser => $cfg->param('user')
, dbpass => $cfg->param('passwd')
, sgbd => $cfg->param('sgbd')
, sshhost => $cfg->param('sshhost')
, sshuser => $cfg->param('sshuser')
, dnsapp => $cfg->param('dnsapp') );

t/scp.pl Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.14;
use autodie;
use Modern::Perl;
use Net::SCP;
my $hostname = "pizza";
my $username = "karchnu";
my $scp = Net::SCP->new( { host => $hostname, user => $username } );
$scp->get("/etc/resolv.conf", "kikoo") or die $scp->{errstr};
$scp->put("kikoo", "lolwat") or die $scp->{errstr};
# $scp->put("filename") or die $scp->{errstr};

t/ssh.pl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.14;
use autodie;
use Modern::Perl;
use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use DNS::ZoneParse;
my $hostname = "pizza";
my $username = "karchnu";
use Net::SSH2;
my $ssh = Net::SSH2->new();
$ssh->auth( username => $username);
my $chan = $ssh->channel();
$chan->exec('ls /');
my $buf = '';
say $buf while $chan->read($buf, 1500);

View File

@ -16,3 +16,6 @@ passwd = HardPass4bla
# possible options for dnsserver : bind rndc
dnsapp = rndc
zones_path = "/etc/bind/named/"
sshhost = localhost
sshuser = karchnu

View File

@ -23,14 +23,16 @@ our $VERSION = '0.1';
sub initco {
my $cfg = new Config::Simple(dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/config.ini');
my $app = app->new( zdir => $cfg->param('zones_path'),
dbname => $cfg->param('dbname'),
dbhost => $cfg->param('host'),
dbport => $cfg->param('port'),
dbuser => $cfg->param('user'),
dbpass => $cfg->param('passwd'),
sgbd => $cfg->param('sgbd'),
dnsapp => $cfg->param('dnsapp') );
my $app = app->new( zdir => $cfg->param('zones_path')
, dbname => $cfg->param('dbname')
, dbhost => $cfg->param('host')
, dbport => $cfg->param('port')
, dbuser => $cfg->param('user')
, dbpass => $cfg->param('passwd')
, sgbd => $cfg->param('sgbd')
, sshhost => $cfg->param('sshhost')
, sshuser => $cfg->param('sshuser')
, dnsapp => $cfg->param('dnsapp') );
@ -224,11 +226,10 @@ prefix '/domain' => sub {
my $cfg = new Config::Simple(dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/config.ini');
my $ed = app::zone::edit->new(zdir=>$cfg->param('zones_path')
, zname => param('domain'));
$app->update_domain( session('login')
, $zone
, param('domain'));
redirect '/domain/details/'.param('domain');