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use Modern::Perl;
use Data::Dump "dump";
use DNS::ZoneParse;
use File::Copy;
use Net::OpenSSH;
2014-01-26 20:46:22 +01:00
use Net::SSH q<sshopen2>;
use v5.14;
use lib '../../';
use app::zone::interface;
package app::zone::edit;
use Moose;
has [ qw/zname data/ ] => qw/is ro required 1/;
sub get {
my ($self) = @_;
my $dest = '/tmp/' . $self->zname;
my $file = $self->data->zdir.'/'.$self->zname;
$self->_scp_get($file, $dest);
DNS::ZoneParse->new($dest, $self->zname);
copie du template pour créer une nouvelle zone
update du serial
ajout de la zone via dnsapp (rndc, knot)
retourne la zone + le nom de la zone
sub addzone {
my ($self) = @_;
my $tpl = $self->data->zdir."/tpl.zone";
my $tmpfile = '/tmp/'.$self->zname;
$self->_scp_get($tpl, $tmpfile); # get the template
$self->_sed($tmpfile); # sed CHANGEMEORIGIN by the real origin
my $zonefile = DNS::ZoneParse->new($tmpfile, $self->zname);
$zonefile->new_serial(); # update the serial number
# write the new zone tmpfile to disk
my $newzone;
open($newzone, '>', $tmpfile) or die "error";
print $newzone $zonefile->output();
close $newzone;
my $file = $self->data->zdir.'/'.$self->zname;
$self->_scp_put($tmpfile, $file); # put the final zone on the server
unlink($tmpfile); # del the temporary file
# add new zone on the primary ns
my $prim = app::zone::interface->new()
->get_interface($self->data->dnsapp, $self->data);
$prim->addzone($self->data->zdir, $self->zname);
# add new zone on the secondary ns
my $sec = app::zone::interface->new()
->get_interface($self->data->dnsappsec, $self->data);
return $zonefile;
màj du serial
push reload de la conf
sub update {
my ($self, $zonefile) = @_;
# update the serial number
my $tmpfile = '/tmp/' . $self->zname;
# write the new zone tmpfile to disk
my $newzone;
open($newzone, '>', $tmpfile) or die "error";
print $newzone $zonefile->output();
close $newzone;
my $file = $self->data->zdir.'/'.$self->zname;
$self->_scp_put($tmpfile, $file); # put the final zone on the server
unlink($tmpfile); # del the temporary file
my $prim = app::zone::interface->new()
->get_interface($self->data->dnsapp, $self->data);
udpate via the raw content of the zonefile
sub update_raw {
my ($self, $zonetext) = @_;
my $zonefile;
my $file = '/tmp/'.$self->zname;
# write the updated zone file to disk
my $newzone;
open($newzone, '>', $file) or die "error";
print $newzone $zonetext;
close $newzone;
eval { $zonefile = DNS::ZoneParse->new($file, $self->zname); };
if( $@ ) {
# sera utile plus tard, pour l'interface
sub new_tmp {
my ($self) = @_;
my $tpl = $self->data->zdir."/tpl.zone";
my $file = '/tmp/'.$self->zname;
$self->_scp($tpl, $file);
my $zonefile = DNS::ZoneParse->new($file, $self->zname);
$zonefile->new_serial(); # update the serial number
return $zonefile;
sub _cp {
my ($self, $src, $dest) = @_;
File::Copy::copy($src, $dest) or die "Copy failed: $! ($src -> $dest)";
sub _scp_put {
my ($self, $src, $dest) = @_;
my $co = $self->data->sshuser . '@' . $self->data->sshhost . ':' . $self->data->sshport;
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new($co);
$ssh->scp_put($src, $dest) or die "scp failed: " . $ssh->error;
sub _scp_get {
my ($self, $src, $dest) = @_;
my $co = $self->data->sshuser . '@' . $self->data->sshhost . ':' . $self->data->sshport;
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new($co);
$ssh->scp_get($src, $dest) or die "scp failed: " . $ssh->error;
sub _sed {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
my $orig = $self->zname;
my $cmd = qq[sed -i "s/CHANGEMEORIGIN/$orig/" $file 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null];
sub del {
my ($self) = @_;
my $prim = app::zone::interface->new()
->get_interface($self->data->dnsapp, $self->data);
$prim->delzone($self->data->zdir, $self->zname);
my $sec = app::zone::interface->new()
->get_interface($self->data->dnsappsec, $self->data);
my $file = $self->data->zdir.'/'.$self->zname;
my $host = $self->data->sshhost;
my $user = $self->data->sshuser;
2014-01-26 20:46:22 +01:00
my $cmd = "rm $file";
2014-01-26 20:53:21 +01:00
Net::SSH::sshopen2("$user\@$host", *READER, *WRITER, "$cmd") || die "ssh: $!";
2014-01-26 20:46:22 +01:00