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package zone;
use v5.14;
use Moo;
use Modern::Perl;
# TODO all this file is to redesign
use getiface ':all';
use copycat ':all';
use fileutil ':all';
use configuration ':all';
use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use zonefile;
# primary dns interface
has dnsi => ( is => 'rw', builder => '_void_arr');
# dns interface for secondary name servers
has dnsisec => ( is => 'rw', builder => '_void');
has [ qw/tld tmpdir domain primarydnsserver secondarydnsserver slavedzones/ ]
=> qw/is ro required 1/;
sub _void { my $x = ''; \$x; }
sub _void_arr { [] }
sub get_ztmp_file_ {my $s = shift; "$$s{tmpdir}/$$s{domain}" }
sub get_ztpl_dir_ {my $s = shift; "$$s{dnsi}{mycfg}{zonedir}" }
sub get_ztpl_file_ {
my $s = shift;
# for each TLD
for(@{$$s{tld}}) {
# if our domain is part of this TLD, get the right template
if($$s{domain} =~ $_) {
return $s->get_ztpl_dir_() . '/' . $_ . '.tpl';
die "There is no template for $$s{domain}.";
sub get_dnsserver_interface {
my ($self, $dnsserver) = @_;
my $cfg = {
mycfg => $dnsserver
, primarydnsserver => $$self{primarydnsserver}
, secondarydnsserver => $$self{secondarydnsserver}
, tmpdir => $$self{tmpdir}
getiface $$dnsserver{app}, $cfg
sub get_dns_server_interfaces {
my $self = shift;
my $primary = $$self{primarydnsserver};
my $s = $$self{secondarydnsserver};
my $prim = $self->get_dnsserver_interface($primary);
my @sec;
for(@{$s}) {
push @sec, $self->get_dnsserver_interface($_);
($prim, [ @sec ])
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
($$self{dnsi}, $$self{dnsisec}) = $self->get_dns_server_interfaces()
# change the origin in a zone file template
sub mod_orig_template {
my ($file, $domain) = @_;
say "s/CHANGEMEORIGIN/$domain/ on $file";
qx[sed -i "s/CHANGEMEORIGIN/$domain/" $file];
sub get_remote_zf_ {
my $self = shift;
sub are_same_records_ {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
#debug({ a => $a });
#debug({ b => $b });
#$a->{priority} eq $b->{priority} &&
( $$a{name} eq $$b{name} &&
$$a{host} eq $$b{host} &&
$$a{ttl} == $$b{ttl} )
# returns the lists of domains of a certain type
sub get_records_ {
my ($zone, $entry) = @_;
for( lc $$entry{type} ) {
if ($_ eq 'a') { return $zone->a }
elsif ($_ eq 'aaaa') { return $zone->aaaa }
elsif ($_ eq 'cname') { return $zone->cname }
elsif ($_ eq 'ns') { return $zone->ns }
elsif ($_ eq 'mx') { return $zone->mx }
elsif ($_ eq 'ptr') { return $zone->ptr }
die 'Impossible to get the entry type.'
sub reload_secondary_dns_servers {
my $self = shift;
$_->reload_sec($$self{slavedzones}) for(@{$$self{dnsisec}})
sub delete_entry {
my ($self, $entryToDelete) = @_;
my $zone = $self->get();
my $records = get_records_ $zone, $entryToDelete;
if( defined $records ) {
foreach my $i ( 0 .. scalar @{$records}-1 ) {
if(are_same_records_($records->[$i], $entryToDelete)) {
delete $records->[$i];
sub modify_entry {
my ($self, $entryToModify, $newEntry) = @_;
my $zone = $self->get();
my $records = get_records_ $zone, $entryToModify;
if( defined $records ) {
foreach my $i ( 0 .. scalar @{$records}-1 ) {
if(are_same_records_($records->[$i], $entryToModify)) {
say $records->[$i]->{name} . ' = ' . $newEntry->{newname};
say $records->[$i]->{host} . ' = ' . $newEntry->{newhost};
say $records->[$i]->{ttl} . ' = ' . $newEntry->{newttl};
#say $records->[$i]->{type} . ' = ' . $newEntry->{newtype};
$records->[$i]->{name} = $newEntry->{newname};
$records->[$i]->{host} = $newEntry->{newhost};
$records->[$i]->{ttl} = $newEntry->{newttl};
#$records->[$i]->{type} = $newEntry->{newtype};
if( $$newEntry{newtype} eq 'MX' ) {
$records->[$i]->{priority}.' = '.$newEntry->{newpriority};
$records->[$i]->{priority} = $newEntry->{newpriority};
sub get {
my $self = shift;
my $file = $self->get_remote_zf_();
my $dest = $self->get_ztmp_file_();
copycat ($file, $dest);
zonefile->new(domain => $$self{domain}, zonefile => $dest);
copie du template pour créer une nouvelle zone
update du serial
ajout de la zone via dnsapp (rndc, knot)
retourne la zone + le nom de la zone
sub addzone {
my ($self) = @_;
my $tpl = $self->get_ztpl_file_();
my $tmpfile = $self->get_ztmp_file_();
copycat ($tpl, $tmpfile); # get the template
# get the file path
my $f = URI->new($tmpfile);
# sed CHANGEMEORIGIN by the real origin
mod_orig_template ($f->path, $$self{domain});
my $zonefile = zonefile->new(zonefile => $f->path
, domain => $$self{domain});
$zonefile->new_serial(); # update the serial number
# write the new zone tmpfile to disk
write_file $f->path, $zonefile->output();
my $file = $self->get_remote_zf_();
copycat ($tmpfile, $file); # put the final zone on the server
unlink($f->path); # del the temporary file
# add new zone on the primary ns
# add new zone on secondary ns
màj du serial
push reload de la conf
sub update {
my ($self, $zonefile) = @_;
# update the serial number
my $tmpfile = $self->get_ztmp_file_();
# write the new zone tmpfile to disk
write_file $tmpfile, $zonefile->output();
my $file = $self->get_remote_zf_();
copycat ($tmpfile, $file); # put the final zone on the server
unlink($tmpfile); # del the temporary file
udpate via the raw content of the zonefile
sub update_raw {
my ($self, $zonetext) = @_;
my $zonefile;
my $file = $self->get_ztmp_file_();
# write the updated zone file to disk
write_file $file, $zonetext;
eval { $zonefile = zonefile->new(zonefile => $file
, domain => $$self{domain}); };
if( $@ ) {
die 'zone update_raw, zonefile->new error. ' . $@;
sub del {
my ($self) = @_;