require "file_utils" require "json" require "./" require "./" class DODB::Index(V) < DODB::Indexer(V) property name : String property key_proc : Proc(V, String | NoIndex) | Proc(V, String) getter storage_root : String @storage : DODB::Storage(V) def initialize(@storage, @storage_root, @name, @key_proc) Dir.mkdir_p indexing_directory end def check!(key, value, old_value) index_key = value symlink = file_path_index index_key.to_s # FIXME: Check it’s not pointing to “old_value”, if any, before raising. if ::File.exists? symlink if old_value old_key = old_value return if symlink == file_path_index old_key.to_s end raise "index '#{@name}' is overloaded for key '#{key}'" end end def index(key, value) index_key = value return if index_key.is_a? NoIndex symlink = file_path_index index_key Dir.mkdir_p ::File.dirname symlink # FIXME: Now that this is done in check!, can we remove it? if ::File.exists? symlink raise "symlink already exists: #{symlink}" end ::File.symlink get_data_symlink_index(key), symlink end def deindex(key, value) index_key = value return if index_key.is_a? NoIndex symlink = file_path_index index_key ::File.delete symlink end def get(index : String) : V file_path = file_path_index index raise, index) unless ::File.exists? file_path V.from_json file_path end def get?(index : String) : V? get index rescue MissingEntry nil end # FIXME: Unlock on exception. def safe_get(index : String) : Nil @storage.request_lock @name, index internal_key = get_key(index).to_s @storage.request_lock internal_key yield get index @storage.release_lock internal_key @storage.release_lock @name, index end def safe_get?(index : String, &block : Proc(V | Nil, Nil)) : Nil safe_get index, &block rescue MissingEntry yield nil end def get_key(index : String) : Int32 file_path = file_path_index index raise, index) unless ::File.exists? file_path ::File.readlink(file_path) .sub(/\.json$/, "") .sub(/^.*\//, "") .to_i end def get_with_key(index : String) : Tuple(V, Int32) key = get_key index value = @storage[key] {value, key} end # in case new_value hasn't changed its index def update(new_value : V) index = new_value raise "new value is not indexable" if index.is_a? NoIndex update index, new_value end def update(index : String, new_value : V) _, key = get_with_key index @storage[key] = new_value end def update_or_create(index : String, new_value : V) update index, new_value rescue MissingEntry @storage << new_value end def delete(index : String) key = get_key index @storage.delete key end def indexing_directory : String "#{@storage_root}/indices/by_#{@name}" end # FIXME: Now that it’s being used outside of this class, name it properly. def file_path_index(index_key : String) "#{indexing_directory}/#{index_key}.json" end private def get_data_symlink_index(key : String) "../../data/#{key}.json" end end