require "json" require "./src/" require "uuid" # This test basically works if no data is obtained when fetching "broken" # partitions/indices/tags. class Ship JSON.mapping({ id: String, class: String, name: String, tags: Array(String) }) def initialize(@name, @class = @name, @tags = [] of String) @id = UUID.random.to_s end getter name getter id end ships = FS::Hash(String, Ship).new "test-index" by_name = ships.new_index "name", &.name by_class = ships.new_partition "class", &.class by_id = ships.new_index "id", &.id by_tags = ships.new_tags "tags", &.tags ship = "Mutsuki", "Mutsuki", tags: ["kuchikukan"] ships[] = ship begin ship = "Mutsuki", "broken", tags: ["kuchikukan"] ships[] = ship rescue FS::IndexOverload puts "rescue: Adding an entry that would overload an index has been prevented." # Should happen, ignore it. else puts "ERROR: No IndexOverload exception was raised on index overload." end pp! ships.get_index("name").map &.name