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require "option_parser"
require "ipc"
require "socket"
require "./colors"
require "json"
require "socket"
require "http/server"
require "base64"
require "digest"
require "./utils"
# All modifications to standard libraries go there.
require "./lib_modifications.cr"
class CLI
# service instance parameters
# they can be changed via the cli
class_property service_name : String = "websocket"
class_property host : String = ""
class_property port_to_listen : UInt16 = 1234
class_property timer_delay : Int32 = 30_000 # 30 seconds
class_property verbosity : Int32 = 1
OptionParser.parse do |parser|
parser.on "-l host", "--l host", "IP address to listen on." do |h|
CLI.host = h
parser.on "-p port", "--port port", "Port to listen on." do |port|
CLI.port_to_listen = port.to_u16
parser.on "-s service-name", "--service-name service-name", "Service name." do |name|
CLI.service_name = name
parser.on "-t timer-delay", "--timer-delay timer-delay", "Timer delay (in seconds)" do |t|
CLI.timer_delay = t.to_i32 * 1000 # stored in ms
parser.on "-v verbosity-level", "--verbosity level", "Verbosity." do |opt|
CLI.verbosity = opt.to_i
parser.on "-h", "--help", "Show this help" do
puts parser
exit 0
def sending_ping_messages
puts "sending ping messages"
# def sending_ping_messages(context : InstanceStorage)
# context.fd_to_websocket.each do |fd, ws|
# begin
# ws.ping "hello from #{fd}"
# rescue e
# puts "#{CRED}Exception: #{e}#{CRESET}, already closed client #{fd}"
# begin
# context.remove_fd fd
# rescue e
# puts "#{CRED}Cannot remove #{fd} from clients: #{e}#{CRESET}"
# end
# end
# end
# end
# def closing_client (fdclient : Int, context : InstanceStorage)
# context.remove_fd fdclient
# end
def ws_http_upgrade(client)
request = HTTP::Request.from_io client
if request.nil?
if request.is_a? HTTP::Status && request == HTTP::Status::BAD_REQUEST
if request.is_a? HTTP::Status
raise "Not bad request but still pretty bad: #{request.to_s}"
# FIXME: check they actually wanted to upgrade to websocket
key = request.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"]
response_key = Digest::SHA1.base64digest key + "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
# puts response_key
# HTTP inside bru
headers_header = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols"
headers = HTTP::Headers {
"Upgrade" => "websocket",
"Connection" => "Upgrade",
"Sec-WebSocket-Accept" => response_key
headers = headers.map { |key, value| "#{key}: #{value[0]}\r\n" }.join
# requested service, fd
req_service = request.path.lchop
if req_service.empty?
puts "closing the client"
return req_service
def other_function(client, req_service, context : InstanceStorage)
# The client may ask to transcript JSON-based messages into IPC messages.
# To that end, the client may send the name of the service it wants to reach with the prefix ".JSON".
if req_service.ends_with? ".JSON"
context.is_json[client.fd] = true
req_service = req_service.gsub /.JSON$/, ""
context.is_json[client.fd] = false
websocket_connection_procedure req_service, client.fd, context
# TODO: if trackerd, send the IP address of the client
if req_service == "tracker"
puts "tracker - sending the IP address"
puts "connection from #{client.remote_address}"
sfd = context.switchtable[client.fd]
# message = IPC::Message.from_json(JSON).to_packet
# => JSON has to include these attributes: mtype, utype, payload
# message = IPC::Message.new mtype, utype, payload
remote_address = client.remote_address.address
message = IPC::Message.new 1, 1.to_u8, "{\"ipaddress\": \"#{remote_address}\"}"
serv = WrappedTCPFileDescriptor.new(fd: sfd, family: Socket::Family::INET)
serv.send message.to_packet
# puts "#{headers_header}\n#{headers.to_s}\r\n"
client.send "#{headers_header}\n#{headers.to_s}\r\n"
wsclient = WebSocket.new client
wsclient.on_pong do |m|
puts "pong #{m}"
context.is_client[client.fd] = true
# listen to the client's file descriptor
context.service << client.fd
# puts "#{CBLUE}new client: #{client.fd}#{CRESET}"
# registering the client into storing structures to avoid being garbage collected
context.fd_to_tcpsocket[client.fd] = client
context.fd_to_websocket[client.fd] = wsclient
# def websocket_switching_procedure (activefd : Int, context : InstanceStorage)
# begin
# if context.is_client[activefd]
# # The client is a WebSocket on top of a TCP connection
# client = context.fd_to_tcpsocket[activefd]
# wsclient = context.fd_to_websocket[activefd]
# loop do
# begin
# message = wsclient.run_once
# rescue e
# puts "#{CRED}Exception (receiving a message)#{CRESET} #{e}"
# context.remove_fd activefd
# return
# end
# # Checking the internals of WebSocket, then the contained IO within, to know if there is still something to read in the socket.
# still_something_to_read = ! wsclient.ws.io.empty?
# if wsclient.closed?
# # puts "#{CBLUE}client is closed#{CRESET}"
# context.remove_fd client.fd
# return
# end
# if message.nil?
# puts "#{CRED}message is nil#{CRESET}"
# context.remove_fd client.fd
# return
# end
# case message
# when WebSocket::Error
# puts "#{CRED}An error occured#{CRESET}"
# context.remove_fd client.fd
# return
# when WebSocket::Ping
# # puts "#{CBLUE}Received a ping message#{CRESET}"
# next if still_something_to_read
# break
# when WebSocket::Pong
# # puts "#{CBLUE}Received a pong message#{CRESET}"
# next if still_something_to_read
# break
# when WebSocket::Close
# # puts "#{CBLUE}Received a close message#{CRESET}"
# context.remove_fd client.fd
# return
# when WebSocket::NotFinal
# # puts "#{CBLUE}Received only part of a message#{CRESET}"
# next if still_something_to_read
# break
# when Bytes
# # TODO: when receiving a binary message
# # we should test the format and maybe its content
# # puts "#{CBLUE}Received a binary message#{CRESET}"
# end
# if context.is_json[activefd] && message.is_a?(String)
# message = IPC::Message.from_json(message).to_packet
# end
# # client => service
# fdservice = context.switchtable[activefd]
# # XXX: this is not a TCP fd, but since behind the scene this is compatible, I'm hacking a bit
# # Also, I changed the "finalize" method of the TCPFileDescriptor class not to close the socket
# # when the object is GC.
# serv = WrappedTCPFileDescriptor.new(fd: fdservice, family: Socket::Family::INET)
# #serv = context.fd_to_ipcconnection[fdservice]
# serv.send message
# break unless still_something_to_read
# end # loop over the remaining messages to read on the websocket
# else
# # service => client
# fdclient = context.switchtable[activefd]
# wsclient = context.fd_to_websocket[fdclient]
# serv = context.fd_to_ipcconnection[activefd]
# message = serv.read
# if context.is_json[fdclient]
# buf = message.to_json
# else
# buf = message.to_packet
# end
# wsclient.send buf
# end
# rescue e
# puts "#{CRED}Exception during message transfer:#{CRESET} #{e}"
# if context.is_client[activefd]
# closing_client activefd, context
# else
# clientfd = context.switchtable[activefd]
# closing_client clientfd, context
# end
# end
# end
# # first message from the client: requested service name
# # 1. connection to the service
# # 2. listening on the service fd
# # 3. bounding both file descriptors (through switchtable hash)
# # 4. indicating that the client is connected (in is_client)
# def websocket_connection_procedure (requested_service : String, clientfd : Int32, context : InstanceStorage)
# begin
# # 2. establishing a connection to the service
# newservice = IPC::Connection.new requested_service
# context.fd_to_ipcconnection[newservice.fd] = newservice
# # 3. listening on the client fd and the service fd
# context.service << newservice.fd
# # cannot perform automatic switching due to websockets headers
# # future version of the libipc lib should include some workaround, probably
# # service.switch.add fdclient, newservice.fd
# # 4. bounding the client and the service fd
# context.switchtable[clientfd] = newservice.fd
# context.switchtable[newservice.fd] = clientfd
# # 5. the client is then connected, send it a message
# context.is_client[clientfd] = true
# context.is_client[newservice.fd] = false
# rescue e
# puts "#{CRED}Exception during connection to the service:#{CRESET} #{e}"
# context.remove_fd clientfd
# end
# end
def handle_new_clients(service, server)
# TODO: this is a lot of C-like notation, should be changed.
# In the client accept function
# 1. accept TCP/WS connection
client = server.accept
# 2. upgrade HTTP connections and get the service name in the URI path.
req_service = ws_http_upgrade client
puts "requested service: #{req_service}"
unless client.nil?
# 3. connect to the service via ipc_connection_switched
LibIPC.ipc_connection_switched service.pointer, req_service
puts "ipc_connection_switched: OK"
# 4. add client fd in the context, type = switched via ipc_ctx_fd_type
service << client.fd
LibIPC.ipc_ctx_fd_type service.pointer, client.fd, LibIPC::ConnectionType::Switched
puts "ipc_ctx_fd_type: OK"
# 5. add both fd in switched via ipc_switching_add
switchdb = service.context.switchdb
LibIPC.ipc_switching_add pointerof(switchdb),
service.context.pollfd[service.context.size - 1].fd
puts "ipc_switching_add: OK"
proc_cb_in = ->my_cb_in(Int32, Pointer(LibIPC::Message))
proc_cb_out = ->my_cb_out(Int32, Pointer(LibIPC::Message))
# 6. change client callbacks via ipc_switching_callbacks
# only the client callbacks are changed, since the associated server is a simple libipc service
LibIPC.ipc_switching_callbacks service.pointer, client.fd,
puts "ipc_switching_callbacks: OK"
puts "#{CBLUE}new client:#{CRESET} #{client.fd}" unless CLI.verbosity == 0
rescue e
puts "Exception: #{CRED}#{e}#{CRESET}"
unless client.nil?
def my_cb_out(fd : Int32, pm : Pointer(LibIPC::Message))
puts "OUT fd is #{fd}"
return LibIPC::IPCCB::NoError
def my_cb_in(fd : Int32, pm : Pointer(LibIPC::Message))
puts "IN fd is #{fd}"
return LibIPC::IPCCB::NoError
def main
# by default, listen on any IP address
server = TCPServer.new(CLI.host, CLI.port_to_listen)
service = IPC::Server.new CLI.service_name
service << server.fd
# Every few seconds, the service should trigger the timer
# Allowing the sending of Ping messages to clients
service.base_timer = CLI.timer_delay
service.timer = CLI.timer_delay
# context = InstanceStorage.new service
service.loop do |event|
puts "current state of the context:"
case event
when IPC::Event::Timer
if CLI.verbosity > 0
puts "#{CORANGE}IPC::Event::Timer#{CRESET}"
sending_ping_messages # context
when IPC::Event::Connection
if CLI.verbosity > 0
puts "#{CBLUE}IPC::Event::Connection#{CRESET}: #{event.fd}"
when IPC::Event::Disconnection
if CLI.verbosity > 0
puts "#{CBLUE}IPC::Event::Disconnection#{CRESET}: #{event.fd}"
when IPC::Event::ExtraSocket
if CLI.verbosity > 0
puts "#{CBLUE}IPC::Event::ExtraSocket#{CRESET}: #{event.fd}"
if server.fd != event.fd
raise "Error: the only extra socket should be the TCP/WS server"
handle_new_clients(service, server)
when IPC::Event::Switch
if CLI.verbosity > 0
puts "\033[36mIPC::Event::Switch#{CRESET}: from fd #{event.fd}"
raise "Not implemented."
when IPC::Event::MessageSent
if CLI.verbosity > 0
puts "Message sent, for #{event.fd}"
when IPC::Event::MessageReceived
if CLI.verbosity > 0
puts "#{CBLUE}IPC::Event::Message#{CRESET}: #{event.fd}"
raise "Not implemented."