# dnsmanager-website Prototype for a dnsmanager homepage # Blog ## Create a new article Create a new folder in the content/blog/YEAR/ folder. index.md is the English version, with the extension prefixed by the language code for translations. Each post has some TOML metadata attached. This is called a frontmatter, and the available variables are described in the [Zola documentation](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/content/page/#front-matter): ``` +++ title = "My article" date = 2020-03-29 +++ My article! ``` ## Post summaries The post summary is taken from the first part of the article. If you add a `<-- more -->` tag, everything before that will be treated as the post summary. # Translations ## How to add a new language Adding a language is not hard, but it takes a few steps. The example here takes `fr` as language code for french translations, just replace it with your own language. In config.toml: - declare the language in the languages variable: `{code = "fr", rss = true}` - translate the basic template strings in the translations section: ``` [translations.fr] source = "Source de cette page" readmore = "Lire la suite" ``` Now you can translate the Markdown pages in the content folder. The translated page should have the language code before the .md extension, like `index.fr.md`. The homepage is translated from content/_index.md, and some common parts (such as the navigation bar) are located in the content/_common folder. Warning: don't forget to copy the placeholder section file for year-folders in the blog, otherwise no article will appear on your language's blog. You can safely copy content/2020/_index.md to, say, content/2020/_index.fr.md. # TODO - [ ] blog - [x] basic blog - [ ] pagination - [x] summaries - [x] i18n - [x] pages - [x] blogposts - [x] other strings in the templates