77 lines
1.9 KiB
77 lines
1.9 KiB
h = require 'maquette' .h
nmd = require "nano-markdown"
TaskCreationModal = require './task-creation-modal.ls'
TaskRemovalModal = require './task-removal-modal.ls'
maquette-css-transitions = require "maquette-css-transitions"
{create-exit-css-transition, create-enter-css-transition} = maquette-css-transitions
{media, title} = require "./bulma.ls"
{icon} = require "./font-awesome.ls"
Task = (self, project, todod-ws, users-cache) ->
modal = void
self.render = (args) ->
args or= {}
background-color = "grey"
if self.extra_properties && self.extra_properties.background-color
background-color = self.extra_properties.background-color
h "div.card.is-#{background-color}" {
classes: {
"is-selected": args.is-selected
key: self.id
onclick: (e) ->
if args.onclick
} [
h \div.card-content [
media {
content: [
title 5 self.title
if uid = self.assigned_to
users-cache.render-user uid
right: [
h \a.has-text-grey.is-pulled-right {
onclick: ->
modal := TaskCreationModal project, todod-ws, self, users-cache
} [
icon \cog.visible-on-hover
h \br
h \a.has-text-danger.is-pulled-right {
onclick: ->
modal := TaskRemovalModal project.id, todod-ws, self
} [
icon \skull-crossbones.visible-on-hover
if args.is-selected && self.description.length > 0
h \div.content {
key: "task-description-#{self.id}"
enter-animation: create-enter-css-transition \fade-in
exit-animation: create-exit-css-transition \fade-out
} [
# FIXME: It may be more efficient to keep the cached markdown.
h \div.description {
after-create: (dom) ->
dom.innerHTML = nmd self.description
if modal
module.exports = Task