
75 lines
1.7 KiB

h = require 'maquette' .h
module.exports = {
box: (args, children) ->
h \ args, children
title: (level, args, label) ->
if not label
label = args
args = {}
h "{level}", args, [label]
label: (args, label) ->
if not label
label = args
args = {}
h \label.label args, [label]
input: (args, children) ->
h \input.input args, children
# FIXME: Use only args and add args.label and args.input?
# Or maybe and args.type could be used directly?
field: (args, children) ->
h \div.field args, children
form: (method, url, content) ->
h \form.form {
action: url
method: method
}, content
asking-modal: (model, args, content) ->
console.log "Rendering a modal: ", args, content
is-active = (if model.current-modal == true then \.is-active else "")
h \div.modal + is-active, args, [
h \div.modal-background (args.background || [])
h \div.modal-content {} [
h \hr []
h \div.columns {} [
h \div.column {} [
h \ {
onclick: ->
model.current-modal := false
} [
h \span.icon.has-text-success [ h \i.fas.fa-check-square [] ]
h \div.column {} [
# h \ {
# onclick: ->
# model.current-modal := false
# } [
# h \span.icon.has-text-danger [ h \i.fas.fa-ban [] ]
# ]
h \span.icon.has-text-danger {
onclick: ->
model.current-modal := false
} [ h \i.fas.fa-ban [] ]
h \button.button.modal-close {
aria-label: "close"
onclick: ->
model.current-modal := false
} []