# TODO: on modification, the description isn't updated on the client h = require 'maquette' .h Modal = require './modal.ls' {field, input, textarea, label, control, select} = require './bulma.ls' # FIXME: This be a copy-pasta. Somebody gotta touch this spaghetti. const PERMISSION_LEVELS = ["admin", "edit", "read"] colors = [ "white" "black" "light" "dark" "primary" "info" "link" "success" "warning" "danger" "black-bis" "black-ter" "grey-darker" "grey-dark" "grey" "grey-light" "grey-lighter" "white-ter" "white-bis" ] column-form-selection = (self, column) -> h \option { value: column.id selected: self.extra_properties && self.extra_properties.column == column.id } [ column.title ] color-to-form-selection = (self, color, current-color) -> h \option { value: color selected: current-color && current-color == color } [ color ] user-form-selection = (users-cache, uid, is-selected) -> h \option { selected: is-selected value: uid.to-string! } [ if user = users-cache.get-user uid (user.profile?.full_name) || user.login else uid.to-string! ] TaskCreationModal = (project, todod-ws, task, users-cache) -> task ||= {} # copy not to override anything on cancel self = { title: task.title || "" description: task.description || "" assigned_to: task.assigned_to extra_properties: column: "" background-color: "" } # copy extra properties # currently: column + background-color + assignee + expected duration time for k,v of task.extra_properties self.extra_properties[k] = v modal = Modal { +visible content-render: (self) -> h \div.form [ # # TITLE # field [ label "Task title" input { value: self.title oninput: (e) -> self.title := e.target.value } ] field [ label "Task description" # # DESCRIPTION # textarea { value: self.description oninput: (e) -> self.description := e.target.value } ] field [ label "Column" control [ select \.is-fullwidth { onchange: (e) -> self.extra_properties.column := e.target.value } project.extra_properties.columns.map (column) -> column-form-selection self, column ] ] # # USER MANAGEMENT # h \hr [] field [ label "Assigned user" control { key: "assign-someone-to-task" } [ select \.is-fullwidth { onchange: (e) -> if uid = parse-int e.target.value self.assigned_to := uid else self.assigned_to := void } [ h \option { default: true value: "" } [ "(unassigned)" ] for permission in PERMISSION_LEVELS [ for uid in project.permissions[permission] user-form-selection users-cache, uid, (self.assigned_to == uid) ] ] ] ] # # BACKGROUND COLOR # field [ label "Card background color" control [ select \.is-fullwidth { onchange: (e) -> self.extra_properties.background-color := e.target.value } colors.map (color) -> color-to-form-selection self, color, self.extra_properties.background-color ] ] ] on-validation: -> tmp = delete self.tmp if task.id todod-ws.edit-task task.id, self else todod-ws.add-task project.id, self.title, self self.tmp = tmp }, self self.render = -> modal.render! self module.exports = TaskCreationModal