task edition ok
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ main.js: main.bundle.js
$(Q)npx babel --minified main.bundle.js -o main.js
$(Q)npx babel --minified main.bundle.js -o main.js
main.bundle.js: client/index.ls client/authd.ls client/bulma.ls client/modal.ls client/project.ls client/task.ls client/todowebsocket.ls client/validation-modal.ls
main.bundle.js: client/index.ls client/authd.ls client/bulma.ls client/modal.ls client/project.ls client/TaskCreationModal.ls client/task.ls client/todowebsocket.ls client/validation-modal.ls
@echo '[01;32m BUN > [01;37mmain.bundle.js[00m'
@echo '[01;32m BUN > [01;37mmain.bundle.js[00m'
$(Q)npx browserify -t browserify-livescript client/index.ls -o main.bundle.js
$(Q)npx browserify -t browserify-livescript client/index.ls -o main.bundle.js
@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz: distdir
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/bulma.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/bulma.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/modal.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/modal.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/project.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/project.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/TaskCreationModal.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/task.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/task.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/todowebsocket.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/todowebsocket.ls \
@ -135,6 +136,7 @@ $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.xz: distdir
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/bulma.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/bulma.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/modal.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/modal.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/project.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/project.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/TaskCreationModal.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/task.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/task.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/todowebsocket.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/todowebsocket.ls \
@ -150,6 +152,7 @@ $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2: distdir
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/bulma.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/bulma.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/modal.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/modal.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/project.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/project.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/TaskCreationModal.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/task.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/task.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/todowebsocket.ls \
$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/client/todowebsocket.ls \
@ -176,8 +176,9 @@ model.todod-ws.add-event-listener \new-list, (message) ->
model.todod-ws.add-event-listener \tasks, (message) ->
model.todod-ws.add-event-listener \tasks, (message) ->
console.log "RECEIVED TASKS MESSAGE", message
console.log "RECEIVED TASKS MESSAGE", message
model.project-list.find((.id == message.list)).tasks := message.tasks
project = model.project-list.find((.id == message.list))
model.project-list.find((.id == message.list)).tasks-updated!
model.project-list.find((.id == message.list)).tasks := message.tasks.map (e) -> Task e, project, model.todod-ws
console.log "Once done: ", model.project-list.find((.id == message.list)).tasks
model.todod-ws.add-event-listener \list-removed, (message) ->
model.todod-ws.add-event-listener \list-removed, (message) ->
@ -197,7 +198,23 @@ model.todod-ws.add-event-listener \task-created, (message) ->
# console.log task, list
# console.log task, list
if list
if list
list.tasks ++= [ Task task, list, model ]
list.tasks ++= [ Task task, list, model.todod-ws ]
model.todod-ws.add-event-listener \task-updated, (message) ->
console.log "A task has been updated", message
task = message.task
list = model.project-list.find((.id == task.list))
# console.log task, list
if list
list.tasks = list.tasks.map (e) ->
if e.id == task.id
Task task, list, model.todod-ws
render-navbar = ->
render-navbar = ->
@ -3,24 +3,18 @@ h = require 'maquette' .h
bulma = require "./bulma.ls"
bulma = require "./bulma.ls"
Task = require "./task.ls"
Task = require "./task.ls"
Modal = require './modal.ls'
Modal = require './modal.ls'
TaskCreationModal = require './TaskCreationModal.ls'
Project = (self, todod-ws) ->
Project = (self, todod-ws) ->
self.todod-ws = todod-ws
self.todod-ws = todod-ws
self.tasks-objects = self.tasks.map (e) -> Task e, self, {}
self.tasks = []
modal = void
modal = void
self.tasks-updated = ->
self.tasks-objects = self.tasks.map (e) -> Task e, self, {}
self.render-column = (column, first) ->
self.render-column = (column, first) ->
# FIXME: display unregistred tasks in the first column
tasks-to-display = self.tasks.filter (task) ->
tasks-to-display = self.tasks-objects.filter (task) ->
task.extra_properties && task.extra_properties.column && task.extra_properties.column == column.id
task.extra_properties && task.extra_properties.column && task.extra_properties.column == column.id || ((! task.extra_properties || ! task.extra_properties.column) && first)
|| ((! task.extra_properties || ! task.extra_properties.column) && first)
console.log "TASKS", self.tasks
console.log "TASKS-OBJECTS", self.tasks-objects
console.log "TASKS TO DISPLAY", tasks-to-display
h \div.column [
h \div.column [
bulma.title 4 column.title
bulma.title 4 column.title
@ -45,13 +39,7 @@ Project = (self, todod-ws) ->
h \div.navbar-item [
h \div.navbar-item [
h \div.button.is-success.is-outlined {
h \div.button.is-success.is-outlined {
onclick: ->
onclick: ->
modal := Modal {
modal := TaskCreationModal self.id, self.todod-ws
h \p [ "New task lol?" ]
on-validation: ->
self.todod-ws.add-task self.id, "Hello There", {}
} [ "+" ]
} [ "+" ]
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
h = require 'maquette' .h
h = require 'maquette' .h
bulma = require "./bulma.ls"
bulma = require "./bulma.ls"
nmd = require "nano-markdown"
nmd = require "nano-markdown"
TaskCreationModal = require './TaskCreationModal.ls'
# generic functions
# generic functions
@ -30,202 +31,20 @@ get-next = (collection, element) ->
found-element := true
found-element := true
Task = (self, project, model) ->
Task = (self, project, todod-ws) ->
modal = void
self.render = ->
self.render = ->
h \div [ self.title ]
h \div { key: self.id } [
h \div.button {
onclick: ->
modal := TaskCreationModal project.id, todod-ws, self
} [ "Edit" ]
# self.render-old = ->
if modal
# author = model.users[self.author]
# if typeof(author) != "object" and author != "request sent"
# model.users[self.author] = "request sent"
# # FIXME: This should go directly to authd.
# model.todod-ws.get-user self.author
# assigned_to = model.users[self.assigned_to]
# if self.assigned_to and typeof(assigned_to) != "object" and assigned_to != "request sent"
# model.users[self.assigned_to] = "request sent"
# # FIXME: This should go directly to authd.
# model.todod-ws.get-user self.assigned_to
# is-selected = model.selected == self.id
# h (\div.card.is- + (self.color || "dark")), {
# key: self.id
# classes: {
# "is-selected": is-selected
# }
# onclick: ->
# model.selected := self.id
# } [
# h \div.card-content [
# h \div.media [
# h \div.media-left [
# h \img.image.is-48x48.avatar {
# alt: "user image"
# src: if typeof(assigned_to) == "object"
# assigned_to.avatar
# else
# "https://bulma.io/images/placeholders/96x96.png"
# }
# ]
# h \div.media-content [
# if model.editing == self.id + ".title"
# h \input.input {
# value: self.title
# onchange: (e) ->
# model.editing := undefined
# model.todod-ws.edit-task project.id, self.id, {
# title: e.target.value
# }
# } [ self.title ]
# else
# h \a [
# bulma.title 4 self.title
# ]
# if typeof(model.users[self.assigned_to]) == "object"
# user = model.users[self.assigned_to]
# h \div.subtitle.is-6 [
# "@" + (user.full_name || user.login)
# ]
# ]
# if ! is-selected && self.description != ""
# h \div.media-right {key: "description-icon"} [
# h \span.icon.is-size-1 [ "🗎" ]
# ]
# if is-selected
# h \div.media-right {key: "edit"} [
# h \a.small {
# onclick: ->
# if model.editing == self.id + ".title"
# model.editing := undefined
# else
# model.editing := self.id + ".title"
# } [
# "Edit"
# ]
# ]
# if is-selected
# h \div.media-right {key: "delete"} [
# h \a.small {
# onclick: ->
# model.editing := self.id + ".delete"
# } [
# "Delete"
# ]
# ]
# ]
# if is-selected
# h \div.content {
# key: self.description
# after-create: (dom) ->
# dom.innerHTML = nmd self.description
# } [
# if model.editing == self.id + ".description"
# h \form.form [
# h \textarea.textarea {
# value: model.editing-data
# oninput: (e) ->
# model.editing-data := e.target.value
# }
# h \div.button.is-fullwidth {
# onclick: ->
# model.todod-ws.edit-task project.id, self.id, {
# description: model.editing-data
# }
# model.editing-data := undefined
# model.editing := undefined
# } [ "Update" ]
# ]
# ]
# if is-selected
# h \span.button.is-small {
# onclick: ->
# model.editing-data := self.description
# model.editing := self.id + ".description"
# } [
# "edit"
# ]
# ]
# if is-selected
# h \div.card-footer {key: "assign"} [
# if model.editing == self.id + ".assigned_to"
# h \div.card-footer-item {
# key: "assign.clicked"
# } [
# h \input.input {
# onchange: (e) ->
# model.editing := undefined
# model.todod-ws.edit-task project.id, self.id, {
# assigned_to: Number e.target.value
# }
# }
# ]
# else
# h \a.card-footer-item {
# key: "assign"
# onclick: ->
# model.editing := self.id + ".assigned_to"
# } [ "Assign" ]
# ]
# if is-selected
# h \div.card-footer {key: "color"} [
# if model.editing == self.id + ".color"
# h \div.card-footer-item {
# key: "color.clicked"
# } [
# h \input.input {
# onchange: (e) ->
# model.editing := undefined
# model.todod-ws.edit-task project.id, self.id, {
# color: e.target.value
# }
# }
# ]
# else
# h \a.card-footer-item {
# key: "assign"
# onclick: ->
# model.editing := self.id + ".color"
# } [ "Change Color" ]
# ]
# if is-selected
# h \div.card-footer {key: "move"} [
# h \a.card-footer-item {
# key: "⇐"
# onclick: ->
# model.todod-ws.edit-task project.id, self.id, {
# column: get-previous project.columns.map((.id)), self.column
# }
# } [ "⇐" ]
# if model.editing == self.id + ".delete"
# h \a.card-footer-item {
# key: "delete"
# } [
# h \div.button.is-danger {
# onclick: ->
# model.todod-ws.delete-task project.id, self.id
# } [ "Delete! For real!" ]
# ]
# h \a.card-footer-item {
# key: "⇒"
# onclick: ->
# model.todod-ws.edit-task project.id, self.id, {
# column: get-next project.columns.map((.id)), self.column
# }
# } [ "⇒" ]
# ]
# ]
@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ module.exports = {
self.send request-types[\add-task], JSON.stringify payload
self.send request-types[\add-task], JSON.stringify payload
self.edit-task = (id, opts) ->
self.edit-task = (task-id, opts) ->
payload = {
payload = {
token: self.token
token: self.token
list: list-id
task: task-id
for key, value of opts
for key, value of opts
Reference in New Issue
Block a user