require "./lib_sodium" require "./wipe" module Sodium class Kdf include Wipe KDF_KEY_SIZE = LibSodium.crypto_kdf_keybytes KDF_CONTEXT_SIZE = LibSodium.crypto_kdf_contextbytes @[Wipe::Var] getter bytes : Bytes delegate to_slice, to: @bytes # Use an existing KDF key. # # WARNING: This class takes ownership of any key material passed to it. # If you don't want this behavior pass a duplicate of the key to initialize(). def initialize(bytes : Bytes) if bytes.bytesize != KDF_KEY_SIZE raise"bytes must be #{KDF_KEY_SIZE}, got #{bytes.bytesize}") end @bytes = bytes end # Generate a new random KDF key. # # WARNING: This class takes ownership of any key material passed to it. # # Make sure to save kdf.bytes before kdf goes out of scope. def initialize @bytes = Random::Secure.random_bytes(KDF_KEY_SIZE) end # Derive a consistent subkey based on `context` and `subkey_id`. # # context and subkey don't need to be secret # * context must be 8 bytes # * subkey_size must be 16..64 bytes as of libsodium 1.0.17 # def derive(context, subkey_id, subkey_size) if context.bytesize != KDF_CONTEXT_SIZE raise"context must be #{KDF_CONTEXT_SIZE}, got #{context.bytesize}") end subkey = subkey_size if (ret = LibSodium.crypto_kdf_derive_from_key(subkey, subkey.bytesize, subkey_id, context, @bytes)) != 0 raise"crypto_kdf_derive_from_key returned #{ret} (subkey size is probably out of range)") end subkey end end end