Enhance pwhash_selector example and add table output [skip ci]

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Didactic Drunk 2019-06-27 09:34:23 -07:00
parent 8da7fb47ec
commit 2c3ddf6f0d
2 changed files with 65 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -141,6 +141,23 @@ pwhash.verify hash, pass
Use `examples/pwhash_selector.cr` to help choose ops/mem limits.
Example output:
Ops limit →
| | 1 | 4 | 16 | 64 | 256 | 1024 | 4096 | 16384 | 65536 | 262144 | 1048576 |
| -------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- |
| 8K | | | | | | | | | | 0.542s | 2.114s |
| 32K | | | | | | | | | 0.513s | 2.069s |
| 128K | | | | | | | | 0.530s | 2.121s |
| 512K | | | | | | | 0.566s | 2.237s |
| 2048K | | | | | | 0.567s | 2.290s |
| 8192K | | | | | 0.670s | 2.542s |
| 32768K | | | | 0.684s | 2.777s |
| 131072K | | | 0.805s | 3.106s |
| 524288K | 0.504s | 1.135s | 3.661s |
| 2097152K | 2.119s |
| Memory |
## Contributing
1. Fork it ( https://github.com/didactic-drunk/cox/fork )

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
require "../src/cox"
require "tallboy"
if ARGV.empty?
puts "Help select Pwhash ops/mem limits for your application."
@ -18,31 +19,67 @@ mem_limit = (ARGV.shift?.try &.to_i || (Cox::Pwhash::MEMLIMIT_MAX)).to_u64
pwhash = Cox::Pwhash.new
pass = "1234"
#data = Array(Array({UInt64, UInt64, Float64})).new
header = [" "]
data = [header]
def bytes_str(b)
suffix = if b >= 1024*1024
b /= (1024*1024)
elsif b >= 1024
b = b / 1024
"%5d#{suffix}" % b
pwhash.memlimit = Cox::Pwhash::MEMLIMIT_MIN
loop do
pwhash.opslimit = Cox::Pwhash::OPSLIMIT_MIN
row = ["%5dK" % (pwhash.memlimit / 1024)]
data << row
loop do
# p pwhash
t = Time.measure { pwhash.store pass }.to_f
s = String.build do |sb|
sb << "mem_limit "
sb << "%7d" % (pwhash.memlimit / 1024)
sb << "K ops_limit "
sb << "%7d" % pwhash.opslimit
sb << " "
sb << "%8.4fs" % t
ostr = "%7d" % pwhash.opslimit
header << ostr if data.size == 2
if t >= time_min
mstr = bytes_str pwhash.memlimit
# mstr = "%5dK" % (pwhash.memlimit / 1024)
tstr = "%6.3fs" % t
row << tstr
s = String.build do |sb|
sb << "mem_limit "
sb << mstr
sb << " ops_limit "
sb << ostr
sb << " "
sb << tstr
puts s
row << " "
puts s if t >= time_min
break if t >= time_limit
pwhash.opslimit *= 2
pwhash.opslimit *= 4
row << "" # puts | on the end
puts ""
break if pwhash.memlimit >= mem_limit
break if pwhash.opslimit == Cox::Pwhash::OPSLIMIT_MIN # Couldn't get past 1 iteration before going over time.
pwhash.memlimit *= 2
pwhash.memlimit *= 4
#header << "Ops limit"
data << ["Memory"]
# TODO: table format
# Quick n dirty sparse table.
puts "Ops Limit --->"
data.each do |row|
puts row.join(" | ")