require "yaml" require "specparser" class ServiceDefinition struct Consumes getter token : String getter optional : Bool def initialize(@token) @optional = false if @token.match /\?$/ @token = @token.gsub /\?$/, "" @optional = true end end end struct Provides getter token : String def initialize(@token) end end struct Hook getter name : String getter command : String getter unless_directory : String? getter unless_file : String? def initialize(@name, @command, @unless_file = nil, @unless_directory = nil) end def initialize(section : SpecParser::Section) @name = section.content["name"].as_s @command = section.content["command"].as_s @unless_directory = section.content["unless-directory"]? .try &.as_s @unless_file = section.content["unless-file"]?.try &.as_s end end struct PortDefinition getter name : String getter default_value : Int32? def initialize(string : String) match = string.match(/([^?=]*)(=([^?]*))?/).not_nil! @name = match[1] @default_value = match[3]?.try &.to_i end end class_getter all = [] of ServiceDefinition getter name : String getter command : String getter stop_command : String? getter directory : String? getter user : String? getter provides : String? getter consumes : Array(Consumes) getter environment_variables : Array(String) getter pre_start_hooks : Array(Hook) getter provides : Array(Provides) getter port_definitions : Array(PortDefinition) getter requires_domain = false def initialize(@name, specs : SpecParser) sections = specs.sections specs = specs.assignments @command = specs["command"].as_s @stop_command = specs["stop-command"]?.try &.as_s @directory = specs["directory"]?.try &.as_s @user = specs["user"]?.try &.as_s @provides = specs["provides"]?.try & { |x| x } || Array(Provides).new @consumes = specs["consumes"]?.try & { |x| x } || Array(Consumes).new @environment_variables = specs["environment-variables"]?.try &.as_a_or_s || Array(String).new @port_definitions = specs["ports"]?.try & { |x| x } || Array(PortDefinition).new # FIXME: as_b? requires_domain = specs["requires-domain"]?.try &.as_s case requires_domain when nil when "true", "yes" @requires_domain = true when "false", "no" @requires_domain = false else STDERR.puts "warning: definition '#{@name}' has a 'requires-domain' entry with an invalid value" end @pre_start_hooks = Array(Hook).new sections.each do |section| case when "pre-start" @pre_start_hooks << section when "directory" directory = section.options[0]? name = section.content["name"]?.try &.as_s if directory.nil? STDERR.puts "warning: (#{@name}) %directory was not provided a path" next end pre_start_hooks << (name || "directory: #{directory}"), "mkdir -p \"#{directory}\"", unless_directory: directory when "configuration" options = section.options[0].split /[ \t]/ template = options[0]? target = options[1]? name = section.content["name"]?.try &.as_s if template.nil? || target.nil? STDERR.puts "warning: (#{@name}) %configuration received less than 2 options" next end pre_start_hooks << (name || "configuration file: #{template}"), "gen-config \"#{template}\" \"#{target}\"", unless_file: target end end end def self.load(path) Dir.each_child path do |child| if child.match /\.spec$/ name = File.basename(child, ".spec") specs = SpecParser.parse "#{path}/#{child}" @@all << name, specs else next end end end def self.get(name) : ServiceDefinition _def = @@all.find &.name.==(name) if _def.nil? raise "Service '#{name}' does not exist." end _def end def to_s name end end