service(7) # NAME service - services and applications management # DESCRIPTION The *service*(1) tool manages services. The *rc*(1) script starts the components of the system not handled by *init*(1). *rc* is usually the first application to call *service*. # SERVICE IDS Service ids are the name of a service, that may be prefixed by the name of their environment and a slash ('/'). The default environment for services, if none is provided, is named *root*. # TOKENS Interactions between services is represented by *tokens*. Their names and behavior are arbitrary, and they only serve in establishing conventions between services. # FILES ## /etc/rc/services Directory in which the metadata about instances of services handled by *service*(1) are stored. ## /etc/rc/environments Directory in which the metadata about environments of services handled by *service*(1) are stored. The *root* environment is virtual and does not have a matching entry. ## /usr/weirdos/share/services Directory in which the behavior of services is stored. ## /usr/weirdos/share/templates Directory in which configuration templates to be used by service’s *gen-config* are stored. # SEE ALSO *spec*(5) # AUTHORS Luka Vandervelden