%check entries are now called %pre-start hooks.

This commit is contained in:
Luka Vandervelden 2019-10-26 14:50:03 +02:00
parent 34a2982ef4
commit 7b02cffb9e
5 changed files with 46 additions and 39 deletions

View File

@ -3,26 +3,26 @@ command: ./gitea -C . -w . -c ./custom/conf/app.ini
directory: ${SERVICE_ROOT} # FIXME: Could this be removed?
consumes: postgresql
name: working directory
# 'command' is run only if this directory doesn't exist
directory: ${SERVICE_ROOT}/custom/conf/
unless-directory: ${SERVICE_ROOT}/custom/conf/
command: mkdir -p ${SERVICE_ROOT}/custom/conf/
name: symlink
# 'command' is run only if this directory doesn't exist
file: ${SERVICE_ROOT}/gitea
unless-file: ${SERVICE_ROOT}/gitea
command: ln -s $(which gitea) ${SERVICE_ROOT}/gitea
name: configuration file
# 'command' is run only if this file doesn't exist
file: ${SERVICE_ROOT}/custom/conf/app.ini
unless-file: ${SERVICE_ROOT}/custom/conf/app.ini
command: gen-config gitea.cfg ${SERVICE_ROOT}/custom/conf/app.ini postgresql=${POSTGRESQL_PROVIDER}
name: gitea database creation
# 'command' is run only if this directory doesn't exist
file: ${SERVICE_ROOT}/db_is_setup
unless-file: ${SERVICE_ROOT}/db_is_setup
command: pg_create_user.sh --pghost=localhost --pgport=$(get-port $POSTGRESQL_PROVIDER) --pgdatadir=$POSTGRESQL_ROOT --pguser=postgres --dbuser=${ENVIRONMENT}_gitea --dbpassfile=${SERVICE_ROOT}/password_main --dbname=${ENVIRONMENT}_gitea_db create_user_and_db && touch ${SERVICE_ROOT}/db_is_setup

View File

@ -6,26 +6,26 @@ environment-variables:
provides: postgresql
name: database directory creation
directory: ${SERVICE_ROOT}
unless-directory: ${SERVICE_ROOT}
command: mkdir -p ${SERVICE_ROOT} && chown postgres:postgres ${SERVICE_ROOT}
name: database creation
file: ${SERVICE_ROOT}/base
unless-file: ${SERVICE_ROOT}/base
command: su - postgres -c "initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 -D '${SERVICE_ROOT}'" && rm ${SERVICE_ROOT}/postgresql.conf
name: database configuration
# once this file is created, there is no need to perform the command
file: ${SERVICE_ROOT}/postgresql.conf
unless-file: ${SERVICE_ROOT}/postgresql.conf
# gen-config inherits its parameters from the environment
command: gen-config postgresql.conf ${SERVICE_ROOT}/postgresql.conf && chown postgres:postgres ${SERVICE_ROOT}/postgresql.conf
name: sockets directory
directory: /tmp/postgresql-${ENVIRONMENT}
unless-directory: /tmp/postgresql-${ENVIRONMENT}
# FIXME: impose permissions
command: mkdir -p /tmp/postgresql-${ENVIRONMENT} && chown postgres:postgres /tmp/postgresql-${ENVIRONMENT}
# FIXME: add postgresql-check-db-dir around here
# FIXME: add postgresql-pre-start-db-dir around here

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class Environment
getter name : String
getter type : Type = Type::Prefix
getter domain_name : String?
getter checks = Array(ServiceDefinition::Checks).new
getter pre_start_hooks = Array(ServiceDefinition::Hook).new
# The place well put services data and configuration.
@root : String?
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ class Environment
def initialize(@name, type = "prefix")
@type = Type.parse type
@checks = Array(ServiceDefinition::Checks).new
@pre_start_hooks = Array(ServiceDefinition::Hook).new
# FIXME: Should this *really* be here?
@checks << ServiceDefinition::Checks.new "Creating data directory",
@pre_start_hooks << ServiceDefinition::Hook.new "Creating data directory",
"mkdir -p /srv/${ENVIRONMENT} && chmod a+rwt /srv/${ENVIRONMENT}",
directory: "/srv/${ENVIRONMENT}"
unless_directory: "/srv/${ENVIRONMENT}"
def initialize(@name, specs : SpecParser)
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class Environment
specs.sections.select(&.name.==("check")).each do |check|
@checks << ServiceDefinition::Checks.new check
@pre_start_hooks << ServiceDefinition::Hook.new check

View File

@ -179,28 +179,32 @@ class Service
def pre_start_hooks
@environment.pre_start_hooks + @reference.pre_start_hooks
def start(pid_dir : String, log_dir : String)
(@environment.checks + @reference.checks).each do |check|
run_check = false
pre_start_hooks.each do |hook|
run_hook = false
check.file.try do |file|
hook.unless_file.try do |file|
file = evaluate file
run_check = true if ! File.exists? file
run_hook = true if ! File.exists? file
check.directory.try do |directory|
hook.unless_directory.try do |directory|
directory = evaluate directory
run_check = true if ! Dir.exists? directory
run_hook = true if ! Dir.exists? directory
unless run_check
unless run_hook
puts " - #{check.name}"
puts " - #{hook.name}"
child = Process.fork do
Process.exec "sh", ["-c", check.command],
Process.exec "sh", ["-c", hook.command],
output: Process::Redirect::Inherit,
error: Process::Redirect::Inherit,
env: build_environment

View File

@ -18,19 +18,21 @@ class ServiceDefinition
def initialize(@token)
struct Checks
struct Hook
getter name : String
getter command : String
getter directory : String?
getter file : String?
getter unless_directory : String?
getter unless_file : String?
def initialize(@name, @command, @file = nil, @directory = nil)
def initialize(@name, @command, @unless_file = nil, @unless_directory = nil)
def initialize(section : SpecParser::Section)
@name = section.content["name"].as_s
@file = section.content["file"]?.try &.as_s
@directory = section.content["directory"]?.try &.as_s
@command = section.content["command"].as_s
@unless_directory = section.content["unless-directory"]?
.try &.as_s
@unless_file = section.content["unless-file"]?.try &.as_s
@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ class ServiceDefinition
getter provides : String?
getter consumes : Array(Consumes)
getter environment_variables : Array(String)
getter checks : Array(Checks)
getter pre_start_hooks : Array(Hook)
getter provides : Array(Provides)
def initialize(@name, specs : SpecParser)
@ -56,8 +58,9 @@ class ServiceDefinition
@user = specs["user"]?.try &.as_s
@provides = specs["provides"]?.try &.as_a_or_s.map { |x| Provides.new x } || Array(Provides).new
@consumes = specs["consumes"]?.try &.as_a_or_s.map { |x| Consumes.new x } || Array(Consumes).new
@checks = sections.select(&.name.== "check").map { |x| Checks.new x } || Array(Checks).new
@environment_variables = specs["environment-variables"]?.try &.as_a_or_s || Array(String).new
@pre_start_hooks = sections.select(&.name.== "pre-start").map { |x| Hook.new x } || Array(Hook).new
def self.load(path)