#/bin/sh BINDIR=../pegasus/bin/ tokenfile=$1 TMPERRORFILE="/tmp/TMPERRORFILE$$" on_error() { if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then err=$1 echo $err cat ${TMPERRORFILE} rm ${TMPERRORFILE} exit 1 fi val=`wc -l ${TMPERRORFILE} | cut -d ' ' -f 1` if [ ${val} -ne 0 ]; then echo $err cat ${TMPERRORFILE} rm ${TMPERRORFILE} exit 1 fi } if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo "usage $0 token-and-rules-file" exit 1 fi echo "pegasus reading the grammar" ${BINDIR}/pegasus < "${tokenfile}" > "${tokenfile}.json" 2>${TMPERRORFILE} on_error "cannot read the grammar" echo "pegasus creating a dot file" ${BINDIR}/pegasus-dot < "${tokenfile}.json" > "${tokenfile}.dot" # echo VAL RET $? on_error "cannot create the dot file" echo "pegasus trying an example on the generated parser" cat "${tokenfile}.example" | ${BINDIR}/pegasus-sim -i "${tokenfile}.json" # echo VAL RET $? on_error "cannot parse the example"