
156 lines
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-- | `IPAddress` is a parser for internet protocol addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6).
module GenericParser.IPAddress where
import Prelude (Ordering(..), compare, (==), (<>), (<), (+), (-), between, bind, pure, ($), (<<<), (>), show, map, unit)
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.String.CodeUnits as CU
import GenericParser.Parser (Parser(..)
, failureError
, current_position
, string
, read_input, many1, lookahead
, char)
import GenericParser.BaseFunctions (repeat)
import GenericParser.SomeParsers (nat)
import GenericParser.RFC5234 (hexdig)
data IPv6Error
= IP6TooManyHexaDecimalCharacters
| IP6NotEnoughChunks
| IP6TooManyChunks
| IP6IrrelevantShortRepresentation
| IP6InvalidRange
-- | `ipv6_chunk` parses just a group of hexadecimal characters.
-- | Return an error (IP6TooManyHexaDecimalCharacters) in case the group has more than 4 characters.
ipv6_chunk :: Parser IPv6Error String
ipv6_chunk = do pos <- current_position
hexachars <- many1 hexdig
if A.length hexachars > 4
then Parser \_ -> failureError pos (Just IP6TooManyHexaDecimalCharacters)
else pure $ CU.fromCharArray hexachars
-- | `ipv6_chunk'` is `ipv6_chunk` with a following ':' character.
-- | This last character is dropped and the result of `ipv6_chunk` is propagated.
ipv6_chunk' :: Parser IPv6Error String
ipv6_chunk' = do chunk <- ipv6_chunk
_ <- char ':'
pure chunk
-- | `ipv6_chunk''` is `ipv6_chunk` with a prefix ':' character.
ipv6_chunk'' :: Parser IPv6Error String
ipv6_chunk'' = do _ <- char ':'
-- | `ipv6_full''` parses a representation without shortcuts ("::").
ipv6_full :: Parser IPv6Error String
ipv6_full = do chunks <- many1 ipv6_chunk'
pos <- current_position
lastchunk <- ipv6_chunk
case compare (A.length chunks) 7 of
LT -> Parser \_ -> failureError pos (Just IP6NotEnoughChunks)
EQ -> pure $ A.fold (A.intersperse ":" (chunks <> [lastchunk]))
GT -> Parser \_ -> failureError pos (Just IP6TooManyChunks)
-- | `ipv6_shortened` parses a shortened representation of an IPv6 address.
ipv6_shortened :: Parser IPv6Error String
ipv6_shortened =
do chunks_part1 <- A.many ipv6_chunk'
_ <- if A.length chunks_part1 == 0
then do _ <- lookahead (string "::")
char ':'
else do lookahead (char ':')
pos <- current_position
chunks_part2 <- A.many ipv6_chunk''
_ <- if A.length chunks_part2 == 0
then do _ <- char ':'
pure unit
else pure unit
let nb_zero_filling = 8 - (A.length chunks_part1 + A.length chunks_part2)
filling = repeat nb_zero_filling "0000"
if nb_zero_filling < 1
then Parser \_ -> failureError pos (Just IP6IrrelevantShortRepresentation)
else pure $ A.fold (A.intersperse ":" $ A.concat [chunks_part1, filling, chunks_part2])
-- | TODO: accept IPv6 addresses between brackets ([ipv6]).
ipv6 :: Parser IPv6Error String
ipv6 = ipv6_shortened <|> ipv6_full
-- | `ipv6_range` parses an ipv6 range, such as "2001::1/56".
-- | If the parsing succeed, the whole string is returned.
ipv6_range :: Parser IPv6Error String
ipv6_range =
read_input do _ <- ipv6
_ <- char '/'
pos <- current_position
n <- nat
if between 0 128 n
then pure ""
else Parser \_ -> failureError pos (Just IP6InvalidRange)
data IPv4Error
= IP4NumberTooBig Int
| IP4IrrelevantShortRepresentation
| IP4InvalidRange
-- | `ipv4_byte` a parser for 0 to 255 natural integers, which is part of the representation of an IPv4 address.
ipv4_byte :: Parser IPv4Error Int
ipv4_byte = do pos <- current_position
number <- nat
if number > 255
then Parser \_ -> failureError pos ((Just <<< IP4NumberTooBig) number)
else pure number
-- | `ipv4_byte'` is `ipv4_byte` with a leading '.'.
ipv4_byte' :: Parser IPv4Error Int
ipv4_byte' = do number <- ipv4_byte
_ <- char '.'
pure number
-- | `ipv4_byte''` is `ipv4_byte` with a prefix '.'.
ipv4_byte'' :: Parser IPv4Error Int
ipv4_byte'' = do _ <- char '.'
ipv4_generic4bytes :: Parser IPv4Error String
ipv4_generic4bytes =
do b1 <- ipv4_byte'
b2 <- ipv4_byte'
b3 <- ipv4_byte'
b4 <- ipv4_byte
pure $ A.fold (A.intersperse "." $ map show [b1,b2,b3,b4])
-- | `ipv4_shortened` parses a short representation of an IPv4 address, such as '127..1'.
ipv4_shortened :: Parser IPv4Error String
ipv4_shortened =
do chunks_part1 <- many1 ipv4_byte'
_ <- lookahead (char '.')
pos <- current_position
chunks_part2 <- many1 ipv4_byte''
let part1 = A.fold (A.intersperse "." (map show chunks_part1))
part2 = A.fold (A.intersperse "." (map show chunks_part2))
nb_zero_filling = 4 - (A.length chunks_part1 + A.length chunks_part2)
filling = A.fold (A.intersperse "." $ repeat nb_zero_filling "0")
if nb_zero_filling < 1
then Parser \_ -> failureError pos (Just IP4IrrelevantShortRepresentation)
else pure $ A.fold (A.intersperse "." [part1, filling, part2])
ipv4 :: Parser IPv4Error String
ipv4 = ipv4_shortened <|> ipv4_generic4bytes
-- | `ipv4_range` parses an ipv4 range, such as "".
-- | If the parsing succeed, the whole string is returned.
ipv4_range :: Parser IPv4Error String
ipv4_range =
read_input do _ <- ipv4
_ <- char '/'
pos <- current_position
n <- nat
if between 0 32 n
then pure ""
else Parser \_ -> failureError pos (Just IP4InvalidRange)