Better code for IPv4.

This commit is contained in:
Philippe Pittoli 2024-01-24 03:54:16 +01:00
parent c060ffb3cc
commit 9b82246d75
5 changed files with 69 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ module GenericParser
, module GenericParser.DomainParser
) where
import GenericParser.DomainParser.Common (DomainError(..), eof, ldh_str, let_dig, let_dig_hyp, max_domain_length, max_label_length, Size)
import GenericParser.DomainParser.Common (DomainError(..), ldh_str, let_dig, let_dig_hyp, max_domain_length, max_label_length, Size)
import GenericParser.DomainParser (domain, label, subdomain, sub_eof)
import GenericParser.Parser (alphanum, char, current_position, digit, Error, failure, failureError, ident, identifier, Input, int, integer, item, letter, lower, many1, nat, natural, parse, Parser(..), Position, PositionString, Result, sat, space, string, success, symbol, token, try, tryMaybe, upper, Value)
import GenericParser.Parser (alphanum, char, current_input, current_position, digit, eof, Error, failure, failureError, ident, identifier, Input, int, integer, item, letter, lower, many1, nat, natural, parse, parse_last_char, Parser(..), Position, PositionString, Result, sat, space, string, success, symbol, token, try, tryMaybe, upper, Value)

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@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ import GenericParser.DomainParser.Common (DomainError(..), eof, ldh_str, let_dig
import GenericParser.Parser (Parser(..)
, failureError
, current_position
, char, letter, parse, string
, char, letter, string
, parse_last_char
, tryMaybe)
-- | From RFC 1035: <label> ::= <letter> [ [ <ldh-str> ] <let-dig> ]
@ -39,18 +40,6 @@ label = do
else if (S.length labelstr > 1 && not (parse_last_char labelstr let_dig))
then Parser \_ -> failureError (lastpos - 1) (Just InvalidCharacter)
else pure labelstr
-- Get the last character of a String.
last_char :: String -> Maybe Char
last_char = A.last <<< CU.toCharArray
-- Parse the last character of a String.
parse_last_char :: forall e. String -> Parser e Char -> Boolean
parse_last_char s p = case last_char s of
Nothing -> false
Just c -> case parse p { string: CU.singleton c, position: 0 } of
Left _ -> false
_ -> true
-- | From RFC 1035: <subdomain> ::= <label> | <subdomain> "." <label>
-- | For implementation details, this accepts a final dot "." as a suffix.

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- | `IPAddress` is a parser for internet protocol addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6).
module GenericParser.IPAddress where
import Prelude (Ordering(..), compare, (+), (-), bind, pure, ($), (<<<), (>), show, map)
import Prelude (Ordering(..), compare, (<), (+), (-), bind, pure, ($), (<<<), (>), show, map)
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
-- import Control.Lazy (defer)
@ -60,16 +60,15 @@ ipv6_shortened =
filling = A.fold (A.intersperse ":" $ repeat nb_zero_filling "0000")
pure $ A.fold (A.intersperse ":" [part1, filling, part2])
-- | TODO: verify the number of chunks (groups of hexadecimal characters).
-- |
-- | TODO: accept IPv6 addresses between brackets ([ipv6]).
ipv6 :: Parser IPv6Error String
ipv6 = ipv6_shortened <|> ipv6_full
data IPv4Error
= NumberTooBig Int
| IPv4UselessUseOfDoubleDots
-- | `ipv4_byte` a parser for 0 to 255 natural integers, which is part of the representation of an IPv4 address.
ipv4_byte :: Parser IPv4Error Int
ipv4_byte = do pos <- current_position
number <- nat
@ -77,16 +76,39 @@ ipv4_byte = do pos <- current_position
then Parser \_ -> failureError pos ((Just <<< NumberTooBig) number)
else pure number
-- | `ipv4_byte'` is `ipv4_byte` with a leading '.'.
ipv4_byte' :: Parser IPv4Error Int
ipv4_byte' = do number <- ipv4_byte
_ <- char '.'
pure number
-- | `ipv4_byte''` is `ipv4_byte` with an optional leading '.'.
ipv4_byte'' :: Parser IPv4Error Int
ipv4_byte'' = do number <- ipv4_byte
_ <- tryMaybe $ char '.'
pure number
ipv4_generic4bytes :: Parser IPv4Error String
ipv4_generic4bytes =
do b1 <- ipv4_byte
_ <- char '.'
b2 <- ipv4_byte
_ <- char '.'
b3 <- ipv4_byte
_ <- char '.'
do b1 <- ipv4_byte'
b2 <- ipv4_byte'
b3 <- ipv4_byte'
b4 <- ipv4_byte
pure $ A.fold (A.intersperse "." $ map show [b1,b2,b3,b4])
ipv4_shortened :: Parser IPv4Error String
ipv4_shortened =
do chunks_part1 <- many1 ipv4_byte'
pos <- current_position
_ <- char '.'
chunks_part2 <- many1 ipv4_byte''
let part1 = A.fold (A.intersperse "." (map show chunks_part1))
part2 = A.fold (A.intersperse "." (map show chunks_part2))
nb_zero_filling = 4 - (A.length chunks_part1 + A.length chunks_part2)
filling = A.fold (A.intersperse "." $ repeat nb_zero_filling "0")
if nb_zero_filling < 1
then Parser \_ -> failureError pos (Just IPv4UselessUseOfDoubleDots)
else pure $ A.fold (A.intersperse "." [part1, filling, part2])
ipv4 :: Parser IPv4Error String
ipv4 = ipv4_generic4bytes
ipv4 = ipv4_shortened <|> ipv4_generic4bytes

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Int as Int
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.String as S
import Data.String.CodeUnits (toCharArray, fromCharArray)
import Data.String.CodeUnits (toCharArray, fromCharArray, singleton)
import GenericParser.BaseFunctions (concat, isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isDigit, isLower, isSpace, isUpper)
@ -27,9 +27,21 @@ newtype Parser e v = Parser (Input -> Result e v)
parse :: forall e v. Parser e v -> (Input -> Result e v)
parse (Parser p) = p
-- | `current_position` provides the current position in the input.
-- | This is used notably before actual parsing and to provide the
-- | starting position where parsing failed, not just the last character position.
-- |
-- | This function cannot fail since no parsing is performed.
current_position :: forall e. Parser e Position
current_position = Parser \input -> success input input.position
-- | `current_input` provides the current state of the input.
-- | This is used notably to look ahead.
-- |
-- | This function cannot fail since no parsing is performed.
current_input :: forall e. Parser e Input
current_input = Parser \input -> success input input
-- | Fail with a specified error.
-- | When a parsing has a specified error, no alternative will be tried and the error is reported.
failureError :: forall e v. Position -> Maybe e -> Result e v
@ -199,3 +211,16 @@ many1 :: forall e v. Parser e v -> Parser e (Array v)
many1 p = do first <- p
rest <- A.many p
pure $ A.cons first rest
-- | Parse the last character of a String.
-- | Return false in case the string is empty.
parse_last_char :: forall e. String -> Parser e Char -> Boolean
parse_last_char s p = case last_char s of
Nothing -> false
Just c -> case parse p { string: singleton c, position: 0 } of
Left _ -> false
_ -> true
-- Get the last character of a String.
last_char :: String -> Maybe Char
last_char = A.last <<< toCharArray

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@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ test_ipv6 ipv6string = do
showerror_ipv4 :: IP.IPv4Error -> String
showerror_ipv4 (NumberTooBig x) = "value '" <> show x <> "' is > 255"
showerror_ipv4 IPv4UselessUseOfDoubleDots = "useless double dots"
test_ipv4 :: String -> Effect Unit
test_ipv4 ipv4string = do
@ -98,12 +99,17 @@ main = do
test_series "ModernDomains.domain" ModernDomains.domain id showerror domains
log ""
test_ipv4 "10..1"
test_ipv4 "1..2"
test_ipv4 ""
test_ipv4 "192.168..1"
test_ipv4 "1..2.3.4"
test_ipv4 ""
test_ipv4 "100.200.300.400"
log ""
test_ipv6 "2001:0"
test_ipv6 "2001::0"
test_ipv6 "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334:30:1035:3"
test_ipv6 "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"
test_ipv6 "2001:0db8::8a2e:0370:7334"