WIP: RFC5322
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 86 additions and 12 deletions
@ -180,9 +180,26 @@ atext = alphanum
atom :: forall e. Parser e String
atom = CU.fromCharArray <$> do A.many atext
-- | `dot_atom_text`
-- |
-- | dot-atom-text = 1*atext *("." 1*atext)
dot_atom_text :: forall e. Parser e String
dot_atom_text = do xs0 <- many1 atext
xs1 <- A.many $ do _ <- char '.'
xs <- many1 atext
pure $ "." <> CU.fromCharArray xs
let str0 = CU.fromCharArray xs0
str1 = A.fold xs1
pure $ str0 <> str1
-- | dot-atom = [CFWS] dot-atom-text [CFWS]
-- |
-- | dot-atom = [CFWS] dot-atom-text [CFWS]
dot_atom :: forall e. Parser e String
dot_atom = do _ <- tryMaybe cfws
x <- dot_atom_text
_ <- tryMaybe cfws
pure x
-- | `specials`: special characters that do not appear in `atext`.
-- |
@ -207,10 +224,25 @@ specials = char '('
-- addr-spec = local-part "@" domain
-- local-part = dot-atom / quoted-string / obs-local-part
-- domain = dot-atom / domain-literal / obs-domain
-- domain-literal = [CFWS] "[" *([FWS] dtext) [FWS] "]" [CFWS]
-- | `domain`
-- |
-- | domain = dot-atom / domain-literal / obs-domain
domain :: forall e. Parser e String
domain = dot_atom <|> domain_literal <|> obs_domain
-- | `domain_literal`
-- |
-- | domain-literal = [CFWS] "[" *([FWS] dtext) [FWS] "]" [CFWS]
domain_literal :: forall e. Parser e String
domain_literal = do _ <- tryMaybe cfws
_ <- char '['
xs <- A.many do _ <- tryMaybe fws
_ <- tryMaybe fws
_ <- char ']'
_ <- tryMaybe cfws
pure $ A.fold xs
-- | dtext: characters in domains.
-- |
@ -235,11 +267,24 @@ dtext = CU.singleton <$> sat cond <|> obs_dtext
-- _ <- tryMaybe cfws
-- pure $ r <> a
--obs-route = obs-domain-list ":"
--obs-domain-list = *(CFWS / ",") "@" domain
-- *("," [CFWS] ["@" domain])
-- | `obs_route`
-- |
-- | obs-route = obs-domain-list ":"
obs_route :: forall e. Parser e String
obs_route = do l <- obs_domain_list
_ <- char ':'
pure $ l <> ":"
-- | `obs_domain_list`
-- |
-- | obs-domain-list = *(CFWS / ",") "@" domain
-- | *("," [CFWS] ["@" domain])
obs_domain_list :: forall e. Parser e String
obs_domain_list = do _ <- A.many $ cfws <|> do _ <- char ','
pure unit
_ <- char '@'
--obs-mbox-list = *([CFWS] ",") mailbox *("," [mailbox / CFWS])
--obs-addr-list = *([CFWS] ",") address *("," [address / CFWS])
@ -248,7 +293,15 @@ dtext = CU.singleton <$> sat cond <|> obs_dtext
--obs-local-part = word *("." word)
--obs-domain = atom *("." atom)
-- | `obs_domain`
-- |
-- | obs-domain = atom *("." atom)
obs_domain :: forall e. Parser e String
obs_domain = do a <- atom
xs <- A.many $ do _ <- char '.'
x <- atom
pure $ "." <> x
pure $ a <> A.fold xs
-- | `obs_dtext`: obsolete domain text.
-- |
@ -368,9 +421,30 @@ phrase = do ws <- many1 word
pure $ A.fold ws
<|> obs_phrase
--unstructured = (*([FWS] VCHAR) *WSP) / obs-unstruct
-- | `unstructured`
-- |
-- | unstructured = (*([FWS] VCHAR) *WSP) / obs-unstruct
unstructured :: forall e. Parser e String
unstructured = do v <- A.many $ do _ <- fws
_ <- A.many wsp
pure $ CU.fromCharArray v
<|> obs_unstruct
--obs-phrase-list = [phrase / CFWS] *("," [phrase / CFWS])
-- | `obs_phrase_list`: obsolete list of phrases.
-- |
-- | obs-phrase-list = [phrase / CFWS] *("," [phrase / CFWS])
obs_phrase_list :: forall e. Parser e String
obs_phrase_list = do first_phrase <- phrase_or_cfws
xs <- A.many $ do _ <- char ','
pure $ A.fold $ [first_phrase] <> xs
where phrase_or_cfws = do first_phrase <- tryMaybe phrase
case first_phrase of
Nothing -> do _ <- cfws
pure ""
Just x -> pure x
-- | `qtext`: printable US-ASCII characters not including "\" or the quote character.
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