# /etc/packaging.spec configuration file # where to send built packages packages-directory: /usr/local/baguette/pkg/ # where to download sources sources-directory: /usr/local/baguette/src/ # the slot we want for our packages slotting: /usr/baguette # prefixes for `packaging` running environment and child processes # a.k.a. where to search for binaries during the build prefixes: - /usr/baguette/ - / # list of environment variables when building environment: # we may choose another compiler, provide some CFLAGS, etc. - CC: clang - CFLAGS: -Os -Wall # next three parameters have special meaning # to provide parameters to the `./configure` script when building - configure: --disable-nls --without-gettext # to provide parameters to the `make` command - make: # to provide parameters to the final `make install` command - make install: # wanna build for another system? not a problem, just add the back-end (we currently have `apk` and `package`) package-manager: package