require "option_parser" require "ipc" require "./colors" require "json" verbosity = 1 service_name = "admind" OptionParser.parse! do |parser| parser.on "-s service_name", "--service-name service_name", "URI" do |optsn| service_name = optsn end parser.on "-v verbosity", "--verbosity verbosity", "Verbosity (0 = nothing is printed, 1 = only events, 2 = events and messages). Default: 1" do |optsn| verbosity = optsn.to_i end parser.on "-h", "--help", "Show this help" do puts parser exit 0 end end class Rectangle JSON.mapping( x: UInt32, y: UInt32 ) def initialize(@x : UInt32, @y : UInt32) end end class WidgetTree JSON.mapping( rectangles: Array(Rectangle) ) def initialize(@rectangles : Array(Rectangle)) end end class Page JSON.mapping( page: String, title: String, tree: WidgetTree ) def initialize(@page, @title, @tree) end end (service_name) do |event| case event when IPC::Event::Timer if verbosity >= 1 puts "#{CORANGE}IPC::Event::Timer#{CRESET}" end when IPC::Event::Connection if verbosity >= 1 puts "#{CBLUE}IPC::Event::Connection#{CRESET}, client: #{event.connection.fd}" end when IPC::Event::Disconnection if verbosity >= 1 puts "#{CBLUE}IPC::Event::Disconnection#{CRESET}, client: #{event.connection.fd}" end when IPC::Event::Message if verbosity >= 1 puts "#{CGREEN}IPC::Event::Message#{CRESET}, client: #{event.connection.fd}" if verbosity == 2 puts "#{CBLUE}message: #{event.message} #{CRESET}" end end # JSON message rectangles = Array(Rectangle).new rectangles << 1, 2 rectangles << 2, 1 rectangles << 3, 1 widgets = page = "admin", "This is the Admin Page", widgets event.connection.send 2, page.to_json else if verbosity >= 1 puts "#{CRED}Exception: message = #{event.message} #{CRESET}" end end end