require "json" # JSON is currently used for messages over websockets # At some point, this will be replaced by the CBOR format class IPC::Message property fd : Int32 # file descriptor property mtype : UInt8 # libipc message type property utype : UInt8 # libipc user message type property payload : Bytes struct JSONMessage include JSON::Serializable property mtype : UInt8 = 1 # libipc message type property utype : UInt8 # libipc user message type property payload : String def initialize(@utype, @payload, @mtype = 1) end end def self.from_json (str : String) jsonmessage = JSONMessage.from_json str 0, jsonmessage.mtype, jsonmessage.utype, jsonmessage.payload end def to_json,, @mtype).to_json end def initialize(message : Pointer(LibIPC::Message)) if message.null? @mtype = LibIPC::MessageType::Error.to_u8 @fd = 0 @utype = 0 @payload = "".to_unsafe, 0 else m = message.value @fd = m.fd @mtype = m.type @utype = m.user_type @payload = m.payload, m.length end end def initialize(message : LibIPC::Message) initialize pointerof(message) end def initialize(@fd, mtype, @utype, @payload : Bytes) @mtype = mtype.to_u8 end def initialize(fd, mtype, utype, payload : String) initialize(fd, mtype, utype,, payload.bytesize)) end def self.to_packet (user_type : Int, message : String) payload = (6 + message.to_slice.size) # true start payload[0] = 1.to_u8 IO::ByteFormat::NetworkEndian.encode message.to_slice.size, (payload + 1) # second part: user message payload[5] = user_type.to_u8 (payload + 6).copy_from message.to_slice return payload end def to_packet IPC::Message.to_packet @utype, end def copy_to_message_pointer(pm : LibIPC::Message*) LibIPC.ipc_message_copy pm, @fd, @mtype, @utype, @payload, @payload.size end def to_s "(internal) utype #{@mtype}, (user) utype #{@utype}, payload #{ @payload}" end end