No description
Find a file
2021-04-06 16:09:15 +02:00 Comments. 2021-04-06 16:09:15 +02:00 README: removed iconv references, update envvars, update requirements (awk, xxd). 2021-04-06 05:28:16 +02:00

Required applications

  • ffmpeg
  • xxd (with '-r' and '-p' options)
  • awk

Usage rip audio-file time-file

audio-file can be in any format understood by ffmpeg

In the time-file:

0:00 First song
2:20 Second song
3:18 Awesome song

Environment variables

  • SIMULATION: if non empty do not invoke ffmpeg
  • FORMAT [mp3,ogg,opus,…]: for the song file format
  • NONUMBER: if equals 1, do not write song number
  • SEPARATOR: (default: ' - '), write song number, with this separator example with SEPARATOR='_': song names will be 01_song.opus 02_song.opus…
  • VERBOSITY [0-3] (default: 1)
    verbosity 0: no output exept errors from ffmpeg
    verbosity 1: simple indications on the current track being extracted
    verbosity 2: print actual ffmpeg commands the script currently runs


Run without arguments.