# Required applications * soxi * ffmpeg # Usage ```Bash get-tracks.sh rip audio-file time-file ``` `audio-file` can be in any format understood by `soxi` and `ffmpeg` In the `time-file`: ``` 0:00 First song 2:20 Second song 3:18 Awesome song ``` # Environment variables * SIMULATION [0|1]: do not invoke ffmpeg * FORMAT [mp3,ogg,opus,…]: for the song file format * WITH_NUMBER [separator]: if not null, write song number with this separator\ example WITH_NUMBER=_, song names will be *1_song.opus*, *2_song.opus*, (...) * QUIET: if set to any value, ffmpeg commands are not displayed # Limitations This script doesn't work with UTF-8 content. If your file with timings contains UTF-8 characters, apply this: ``` iconv -f utf-8 -t ascii timings-file > timings-file-fixed ``` Then verify the content. # More Run `get-track.sh` without arguments.