FFOPTS and default behavior doesn't re-encode.

This commit is contained in:
Karchnu 2022-01-26 20:44:45 +01:00
parent 1bb2b97760
commit 13dd38ed56
2 changed files with 86 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -32,22 +32,58 @@ The *time-file* must have this format:
# Environment variables
The behavior of the script can be changed by several environment variables.
* **SIMULATION** [empty or not]\
do not invoke ffmpeg
* **NONUMBER** [empty or 1]\
do not write song numbers
* **FORMAT** [mp3,ogg,opus,…]\
see the ffmpeg documentation for the output formats available
* **SEPARATOR** [separator] (default: ' - ')\
* **FFOPTS** [any ffmpeg options] *(default: '-c:a copy')*\
ffmpeg options, can be used to change audio quality\
can be **required** to change in case input and output file formats differ\
see the ffmpeg documentation for available parameters
* **NONUMBER** [empty or 1]\
do not write song numbers
* **SEPARATOR** [separator] *(default: ' - ')*\
separator between number and name\
example with SEPARATOR='_': 01_intro.opus 02_blah.opus…
* **HEADERS** [empty or 1]\
print environment parameters (verbosity, simulation, etc.)
* **VERBOSITY** [0-3] (default: 1)\
* **VERBOSITY** [0-3] *(default: 1)*\
0: no output except errors from ffmpeg\
1: simple indications on the current track being extracted\
2: print actual ffmpeg commands the script currently runs
# Different input and output file formats
In case you want to change the file format, let's say from `flac` to `opus`, you need to override the default ffmpeg options provided by `get-tracks.sh`.
This is done through the `FFOPTS` environment variable, **which needs to NOT be empty** in order to replace the default `get-tracks.sh` behavior (which is `-c:a copy`).
By default, `ffmpeg` performs re-encoding by itself.
FORMAT=opus FFOPTS=" " get-tracks.sh cd.flac cd.txt
### Warning: sometimes you don't even need to
You may encounter files in some format like `webm` and you want to convert the output files in `opus`.
But, inside the `webm` format, you **may** have `opus`-encoded audio.
In these cases, no re-encoding is necessary, and you can do something like:
FORMAT=opus get-tracks.sh cd.webm cd.txt
You'll have a warning mentionning FFOPTS (based on different formats).
But the generated audio files won't have any quality loss.
This happens sometimes with the `youtube-dl` utility.
In case there are actual `ffmpeg` errors, and you don't have output audio files, then the contained audio hadn't the right format.
You'll have to re-encode.
# More
Run `get-track.sh` without arguments.
You can get some help by running `get-track.sh` without arguments.

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@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ run_ffmpeg(){
echo "extracting '$final_title'"
echo "verbosity is not set properly" >&2
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ run_ffmpeg(){
if [ "$SIMULATION" = "" ]; then
@ -195,17 +195,17 @@ Format for <song-list>:
1:30 Second track
Environment variables:
- SIMULATION [empty or not]
do not invoke ffmpeg
- NONUMBER [empty or 1]
do not write song numbers
- FORMAT [mp3,ogg,opus,…]
see the ffmpeg documentation
- SIMULATION [empty or not] do not invoke ffmpeg
- FORMAT [mp3,ogg,opus,…] see ffmpeg documentation
- FFOPTS (default: '-c:a copy') see ffmpeg documentation
- NONUMBER [empty or 1] do not write song numbers
- SEPARATOR [separator] (default: ' - ')
separator between number and name
example with SEPARATOR='_': 01_intro.opus 02_blah.opus…
- HEADERS [empty or 1]
print environment parameters (verbosity, simulation, etc.)
- HEADERS [empty or 1] print env params (verbosity, quality, etc.)
- VERBOSITY [0-3] (default: 1)
0: no output except errors from ffmpeg
1: simple indications on the current track being extracted
@ -219,13 +219,36 @@ header(){
echo "WARNING: $*"
# Default output format is based on the extension of the input audio file.
if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
DEFAULT_FORMAT="$(echo $1 | awk -F . '{print $NF}')"
header "no default FORMAT selected"
if [ "$FORMAT" = "" ]; then
header "default FORMAT: opus"
header "default FORMAT: ${FORMAT}"
header "FORMAT: $FORMAT"
# For unexperienced users, print a warning when input and output formats differ.
# In case FFOPTS is set, encoding is expected to be handled, drop the warning.
# Example (remove the get-tracks.sh default behavior, perform re-encoding):
# FFOPTS=" "
if [ "$FFOPTS" = "" ] && [ "$FORMAT" != "$DEFAULT_FORMAT" ]; then
warning "input and output formats seem to differ"
warning "1. re-encoding may be required (through the FFOPTS envvar)"
warning "2. FFOPTS represents ffmpeg options, directly given to ffmpeg"
warning ' (default: "-c:a copy" = copy without re-encoding)'
warning ' You can put FFOPTS=" " if you want to perform re-encoding.'
if [ "$VERBOSITY" = "" ]; then
header "default VERBOSITY: 1"
@ -249,13 +272,20 @@ else
if [ "$FFOPTS" != "" ]; then
header "FFOPTS envvar is set: ${FFOPTS}."
FFOPTS="-c:a copy"
header "default FFOPTS: ${FFOPTS}"
if [ "$SIMULATION" != "" ]; then
header "SIMULATION envvar is set: this is a simulation."
case $# in
0) usage; exit 0;;
1) get_timestamps < "$1" ;;
2) extraction "$1" "$2" ;;
*) usage 1>&2 ; exit 1 ;;
1) get_timestamps < "$1";;
2) extraction "$1" "$2";;
*) usage 1>&2; exit 1;;