Context.service = Context.service_name Context.service.not_nil!.loop do |event| case event when IPC::Event::Timer puts "#{CORANGE}IPC::Event::Timer#{CRESET}" when IPC::Event::Connection puts "#{CBLUE}IPC::Event::Connection: #{event.connection.fd}#{CRESET}" when IPC::Event::Disconnection puts "#{CBLUE}IPC::Event::Disconnection: #{event.connection.fd}#{CRESET}"! do |fd, uid| fd != event.connection.fd end when IPC::Event::ExtraSocket puts "#{CRED}IPC::Event::ExtraSocket: should not happen in this service#{CRESET}" when IPC::Event::Switch puts "#{CRED}IPC::Event::Switch: should not happen in this service#{CRESET}" # IPC::Event::Message has to be the last entry # because ExtraSocket and Switch inherit from Message class when IPC::Event::Message puts "#{CBLUE}IPC::Event::Message#{CRESET}: #{event.connection.fd}" # The first message sent to the server has to be the AuthenticationMessage. # Users sent their token (JWT) to authenticate themselves. # The token contains the user id, its login and a few other parameters. # (see the authd documentation). # TODO: for now, the token is replaced by a hardcoded one, for debugging mtype = event.message.type.to_i32 # First, the user has to be authenticated unless we are receiving its first message userid = Context.connected_users[event.connection.fd]? # if the user is not yet connected but does not try to perform authentication if ! userid && mtype != FileStorage::MessageType::Authentication # TODO: replace this with an Error message? mid = "no message id" response = mid, "Not OK", "Action on non connected user" do_response event, response end case mtype when .authentication? puts "Receiving an authentication message" # 1. test if the client is already authenticated if userid user = Context.users_status[userid] raise "Authentication message while the user was already connected: this should not happen" else puts "User is not currently connected" hdl_authentication event end when .upload_request? puts "Upload request" request = FileStorage::UploadRequest.from_json( event.message.payload ) response = hdl_upload request, Context.users_status[userid], event do_response event, response when .download_request? puts "Download request" request = FileStorage::DownloadRequest.from_json( event.message.payload ) response = hdl_download request, Context.users_status[userid], event do_response event, response when .response? puts "Response message" raise "not implemented yet" when .responses? puts "Responses message" raise "not implemented yet" when .error? puts "Error message" raise "not implemented yet" when .transfer? # throw an error if the user isn't recorded unless user = Context.users_status[userid]? raise "The user isn't recorded in the users_status structure" end transfer = FileStorage::Transfer.from_json( event.message.payload ) response = hdl_transfer transfer, Context.users_status[userid], event do_response event, response end else raise "Event type not supported." end rescue e puts "A problem occured : #{e.message}" end def do_response(event : IPC::Event::Message, response : FileStorage::Message) case response when FileStorage::Response event.connection.send FileStorage::MessageType::Response.to_u8, response.to_json when FileStorage::Responses event.connection.send FileStorage::MessageType::Responses.to_u8, response.to_json when FileStorage::Error event.connection.send FileStorage::MessageType::Error.to_u8, response.to_json else puts "response should not happen: #{response}" pp! response end end