# For now, upload and download are sequentials. # In a future version, we will be able to send # arbitrary parts of each file. # Who knows, maybe someday we will be on UDP, too. #class SHA256 # JSON.mapping({ # chunk: Slice(UInt8) # }) #end class FileStorage # 1 MB read buffer, on-disk def self.file_reading_buffer_size 1_000_000 end # 1 KB message data buffer, on-network def self.message_buffer_size 1_000 end # private function def self.data_digest(data : Bytes) iodata = IO::Memory.new data, false buffer = Bytes.new FileStorage.file_reading_buffer_size io = OpenSSL::DigestIO.new(iodata, "SHA256") while io.read(buffer) > 0; end io.digest.hexstring end # private function def self.file_digest(file : File) # 1M read buffer buffer = Bytes.new(1_000_000) io = OpenSSL::DigestIO.new(file, "SHA256") while io.read(buffer) > 0 ; end io.digest.hexstring end end class FileStorage::Exception < ::Exception end class FileStorage::Chunk include JSON::Serializable property n : Int32 # chunk's number property on : Int32 # number of chunks property digest : String # digest of the current chunk def initialize(@n, @on, data) @digest = FileStorage.data_digest data.to_slice end end # A file has a name, a size and tags. class FileStorage::FileInfo include JSON::Serializable property name : String property size : UInt64 property nb_chunks : Int32 property digest : String # list of SHA256, if we are on UDP # chunks: Array(SHA256), property tags : Array(String) def initialize(file : File, tags = nil) @name = File.basename file.path @size = file.size @digest = FileStorage.file_digest file @nb_chunks = (@size / FileStorage.message_buffer_size).ceil.to_i @tags = tags || [] of String end end