require "option_parser" require "ipc/json" require "authd" require "colorize" require "baguette-crystal-base" require "../common/colors" # require "../common/" # TODO: if the user is disconnected, we should ask him if it still want to process # for old requests. # # Example: the user is on a web page, the connection is broken for some reason. # The user can still browse the website, change page and discard what # he was doing. Regardless of the result. With or without finishing to # upload or download its files. # TODO: # * Elegantly handling errors. # * Store the file, @root/files/UID for example: ./files/UID. # * Knowing which parts of the files are still to be sent. # * Rights. # * Quotas. require "./" require "./" require "dodb" class IPC::JSON def handle(filestoraged : FileStorage::Service, event : IPC::Event::Events) raise "unknown request" end end module FileStorage class Exception < ::Exception end class AuthorizationException < ::Exception end class NotLoggedException < ::Exception end class AdminAuthorizationException < ::Exception end end class FileStorage::Service < IPC::Server # List of connected users (fd => uid). property connected_users = Hash(Int32, Int32).new # users_status: keep track of the users' status even if they are disconnected, # allowing the application to handle connection problems. property users_status : Hash(Int32, UserData) = Hash(Int32, UserData).new # Actual storage. getter storage : FileStorage::Storage getter logged_users : Hash(Int32, AuthD::User::Public) getter all_connections : Array(Int32) @auth : AuthD::Client @auth_key : String def initialize(storage_directory, @auth_key) # Data and metadata storage directory. @storage = storage_directory @logged_users = Hash(Int32, AuthD::User::Public).new @all_connections = Array(Int32).new @auth = @auth.key = @auth_key super "filestorage" end def get_logged_user(event : IPC::Event::Events) fd = event.fd @logged_users[fd]? end def decode_token(token : String) @auth.decode_token token end def get_user_data(uid : Int32) @storage.user_data_per_user.get uid.to_s rescue e : DODB::MissingEntry entry = uid entry end def get_user_data(user : ::AuthD::User::Public) get_user_data user.uid end def update_user_data(user_data : UserData) @storage.user_data_per_user.update_or_create user_data.uid.to_s, user_data end def handle_request(event : IPC::Event::MessageReceived) request = FileStorage.requests.parse_ipc_json event.message if request.nil? raise "unknown request type" end request_name = /^FileStorage::Request::/, "" "<< #{request_name}" response = "#{}", "generic error" request_id = "#{}" begin response = request.handle self, event rescue e : AuthorizationException Baguette::Log.error "#{request_name} authorization error" response = request_id, "authorization error" rescue e : AdminAuthorizationException Baguette::Log.error "#{request_name} no admin authorization" response = request_id, "admin authorization error" rescue e : NotLoggedException Baguette::Log.error "#{request_name} user not logged" response = request_id, "user not logged" # Do not handle generic exception case: do not provide a response. # rescue e # Generic case # Baguette::Log.error "#{request_name} generic error #{e}" end # If clients sent requests with an “id” field, it is copied # in the responses. Allows identifying responses easily. = send event.fd, response response_name = /^FileStorage::(Response|Errors)::/, "" if response.responds_to?(:reason) Baguette::Log.warning ">> #{response_name} (#{response.reason})" else ">> #{response_name}" end end def run Baguette::Log.title "Starting filestoraged" self.loop do |event| begin case event when IPC::Event::Timer Baguette::Log.debug "IPC::Event::Timer" when IPC::Event::Connection Baguette::Log.debug "IPC::Event::Connection: #{event.fd}" @all_connections << event.fd when IPC::Event::Disconnection Baguette::Log.debug "IPC::Event::Disconnection: #{event.fd}" fd = event.fd @logged_users.delete fd! &.!=(fd)! do |fd, uid| fd != event.fd end when IPC::Event::ExtraSocket Baguette::Log.warning "IPC::Event::ExtraSocket: should not happen in this service" when IPC::Event::Switch Baguette::Log.warning "IPC::Event::Switch: should not happen in this service" # IPC::Event::Message has to be the last entry # because ExtraSocket and Switch inherit from Message class when IPC::Event::MessageReceived Baguette::Log.debug "IPC::Event::Message: #{event.fd}" request_start = Time.utc handle_request event duration = Time.utc - request_start Baguette::Log.debug "request took: #{duration}" when IPC::Event::MessageSent Baguette::Log.debug "IPC::Event::MessageSent: #{event.fd}" else Baguette::Log.warning "unhandled IPC event: #{event.class}" end rescue exception Baguette::Log.error "exception: #{typeof(exception)} - #{exception.message}" end end end def self.from_cli storage_directory = "files/" key = "nico-nico-nii" # Default authd key, as per the specs. :eyes: timer = 30_000 # Default timer: 30 seconds. OptionParser.parse do |parser| parser.banner = "usage: filestoraged [options]" parser.on "-r root-directory", "--root-directory dir", "The root directory for FileStoraged." do |opt| storage_directory = opt end parser.on "-t timer", "--timer timer", "Timer. Default: 30 000 (30 seconds)." do |t| timer = t.to_i end parser.on "-v verbosity", "--verbosity level", "Verbosity level. From 0 to 3. Default: 1" do |v| Baguette::Context.verbosity = v.to_i end parser.on "-h", "--help", "Displays this help and exits." do puts parser exit 0 end # FIXME: Either make this mandatory or print a warning if missing. parser.on "-k file", "--key file", "Reads the authentication key from the provided file." do |file| key = end end service = storage_directory, key service.base_timer = timer service.timer = timer service end end