require "../" require "ipc" require "option_parser" require "../" require "../server/" filename = "./" tags = "readme example" chunk_number_to_remove = 1 OptionParser.parse do |parser| parser.on "-f file-to-transfer", "--file to-transfer", "File to transfer (simulation)." do |opt| filename = opt end parser.on "-c chunk_number_to_remove", "--chunk-number chunk_number_to_remove", "Once the upload stard, we remove chunks. This test the removal of one of them in the DB." do |opt| chunk_number_to_remove = opt.to_i end parser.on "-d database-directory", "--db-dir directory", "DB directory" do |opt| Context.file_info_directory = opt Context.db_reconnect end parser.on "-t tags", "--tags tags", "Tags, example: 'fruit bio comestible'" do |opt| tags = opt end parser.unknown_args do |args| pp! args if args.size > 0 end end fileinfo : FileStorage::FileInfo? = nil do |file| fileinfo = file, tags.split(' ') end transfer_info = 1000, fileinfo.not_nil! puts "transfer info of the file #{filename}" puts pp! transfer_info puts puts "store file info then remove a chunk (number #{chunk_number_to_remove})" puts Context.db << transfer_info # remove the chunk once the information is recorded in the db remove_chunk_from_db transfer_info, chunk_number_to_remove Context.db.each do |ti| pp! ti end