Compare commits


No commits in common. "draft" and "master" have entirely different histories.

7 changed files with 0 additions and 475 deletions

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@ -6,12 +6,6 @@ When storing simple files directly on the file-system is enough.
This project is a work in progress. This project is a work in progress.
# Constraints (WIP)
- parallelism: run dodb on several threads (solved by a locking system)
- fs data integrity: in case of a crash, dodb won't corrupt data on disk (solved by a temp file on the same filesystem, then a simple mv)
# Crystal version # Crystal version
Follow [this link for the Crystal version of DODB][dodbcr]. Follow [this link for the Crystal version of DODB][dodbcr].

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- Warning when indexes overlap (data add or update)
- Data integrity on update (create temporary file with new data, rename old data file, move temporary file, remove old data file)
- Handle errors (such as permissions) in an explicit way
- Grooming (create a consistent and convenient API, comments)
- Improve data search
- Check for TODOs
- Check types.
- Switch to CBOR format.
- Verify uniqueness before adding data.
- Allow indexes to be NIL.

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
(defsystem "dodb"
:version "0.1.0"
:author "Philippe PITTOLI"
:license "ISC"
:depends-on ("osicat")
:components ((:module "src"
((:file "util")
(:file "main"))))
:description "When storing simple files directly on the file-system is enough."
:in-order-to ((test-op (test-op "dodb/tests"))))
(defsystem "dodb/tests"
:author "Philippe PITTOLI"
:license "ISC"
:depends-on ("dodb"
:components ((:module "tests"
((:file "main"))))
:description "Test system for dodb"
:perform (test-op (op c) (symbol-call :rove :run c)))

View File

@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 3)))
(defpackage :dodb
(:use :common-lisp :util :osicat)
:db/new ; new database
:db/new-index ; symlinks based on an unique ID
:db/new-partition ; symlinks based on a shared ID
:db/add ; add a new value in the DB
:db/update ; update a value in the DB
:db/del ; del a value from the DB
:db/get-by-index ;
:db/get-by-partition ;
:db/drop-everything ;
:db-data ;
(in-package dodb)
(declaim (ftype (function (pathname) integer) filename->integer))
(declaim (inline filename->integer))
(defun filename->integer (filename)
(declare (type pathname filename))
(parse-integer (pathname-name filename))) ; pathname-name returns the basename
(declaim (ftype (function (string) string) to-upper-case))
(declaim (inline to-upper-case))
(defun to-upper-case (some-string)
(declare (type string some-string))
(format nil "~@:(~a~)" some-string))
; Example: 18 -> 000000000000018
(declaim (ftype (function (integer) string) number->filename))
(declaim (inline number->filename))
(defun number->filename (number)
(declare (type integer number))
(format nil "~15,'0D" number))
(declaim (ftype (function (character) boolean) is-forbidden-character-p))
(declaim (inline is-forbidden-character-p))
(defun is-forbidden-character-p (some-char)
(declare (type character some-char))
(member some-char (list #\/ #\\)))
(declaim (ftype (function (string) string) protect-file-system))
(declaim (inline protect-file-system))
(defun protect-file-system (value)
(declare (type string value))
(substitute-if #\_ #'is-forbidden-character-p value))
(declaim (ftype (function (atom) string) value->safe-string))
(defun value->safe-string (value)
(protect-file-system (typecase value
(string value)
(symbol (symbol-name value))
(t (format nil "~A" value)))))
; index = 1-1
; partition = 1-n
(defstruct db
path ; Path
(indexes (make-hash-table)) ; {String => #'FUNCTION-NAME}
(partitions (make-hash-table)) ; {String => #'FUNCTION-NAME}
(current-index 0) ; Int
(data (make-hash-table))) ; {Int -> struct}
; db/new ensures directory '<path>/data/' exist,
; then loads values from existing files, if any, and puts them into db-data.
(declaim (ftype (function (string) db) db/new))
(defun db/new (path)
(declare (type string path))
(let ((data (make-hash-table))
(data-dir-path (concatenate 'string path "/data/"))
(current-index 0))
(ensure-directories-exist data-dir-path)
(loop for filename in (osicat:list-directory data-dir-path)
do (let ((id (filename->integer filename))
(value (util:read-object-from-file filename)))
(if (> id current-index)
(setf current-index id))
(setf (gethash id data) value)))
:path path
:data data
:current-index current-index)))
; Example: returns "./storage/cars/indexes/by_name/".
(declaim (ftype (function (string string) string) db/index/get-directory-path))
(declaim (inline db/index/get-directory-pathispatch))
(defun db/index/get-directory-path (dbpath index-name)
(declare (type string dbpath index-name))
(concatenate 'string dbpath "/indexes/by_" index-name "/"))
; Example: returns "./storage/cars/partitions/by_color/Red/".
(declaim (ftype (function (string string string) string) db/partition/get-directory-path))
(defun db/partition/get-directory-path (dbpath name object-attribute)
(declare (type string dbpath name object-attribute))
(concatenate 'string dbpath "/partitions/by_" name "/" object-attribute "/"))
; Example: "./storage/cars/" "name" #'vehicle-name object -> "./storage/cars/indexes/by_name/Corvet".
(declaim (ftype (function (string string function atom) string) db/index/get-symlink-path))
(defun db/index/get-symlink-path (dbpath index-name fsymbol object)
(declare (type string dbpath index-name))
(declare (type function fsymbol))
(let* ((value (funcall fsymbol object))
(symlink-basename (value->safe-string value)))
(concatenate 'string
(db/index/get-directory-path dbpath index-name)
; Example: "./storage/cars/" "name" #'vehicle-name object "0000000015"
; -> (osicat:make-link "./storage/cars/indexes/by_name/Corvet"
; :target "../../data/0000000015"
; :hard nil)
(declaim (ftype (function (string string function atom string) null) db/index/new))
(defun db/index/new (dbpath index-name fsymbol object file-name)
(declare (type string dbpath index-name file-name))
(declare (type function fsymbol))
(let ((symlink-path (db/index/get-symlink-path dbpath index-name fsymbol object)))
(declare (type string symlink-path))
; works even when the database directory is moved
(osicat:make-link symlink-path
:target (concatenate 'string "../../data/" file-name)
:hard nil))
(values nil))
(declaim (ftype (function (string string function atom) null) db/index/del))
(defun db/index/del (dbpath index-name fsymbol object)
(declare (type string dbpath index-name))
(declare (type function fsymbol))
(delete-file (db/index/get-symlink-path dbpath index-name fsymbol object))
(values nil))
; Example: "./storage/cars/" "color" #'vehicle-color object "0000000015".
; -> "./storage/cars/partitions/by_color/Red/0000000015".
(declaim (ftype (function (string string function atom string) string) db/partition/get-symlink-path))
(defun db/partition/get-symlink-path (dbpath partition-name fsymbol object file-name)
(declare (type string dbpath partition-name file-name))
(declare (type function fsymbol))
(let* ((object-attribute (funcall fsymbol object))
(safe-value (value->safe-string object-attribute))
; example: "./storage/cars/partitions/by_color/Red/"
(dirpath (db/partition/get-directory-path dbpath partition-name safe-value)))
(concatenate 'string dirpath file-name)))
; Example: "./storage/cars/" "color" #'vehicle-color object "0000000015"
; -> (osicat:make-link "./storage/cars/partitions/by_color/Red/0000000015"
; :target "../../../data/0000000015"
; :hard nil)
(declaim (ftype (function (string string function atom string) null) db/partition/new))
(defun db/partition/new (dbpath partition-name fsymbol object file-name)
(declare (type string dbpath partition-name file-name))
(declare (type function fsymbol))
(let ((symlink-path
(db/partition/get-symlink-path dbpath partition-name fsymbol object file-name)))
(ensure-directories-exist symlink-path)
; works even when the database directory is moved
(osicat:make-link symlink-path
:target (concatenate 'string "../../../data/" file-name)
:hard nil))
(values nil))
(declaim (ftype (function (string string function atom string) null) db/partition/del))
(defun db/partition/del (dbpath partition-name fsymbol object file-basename)
(declare (type string dbpath partition-name file-basename))
(declare (type function fsymbol))
(delete-file (db/partition/get-symlink-path dbpath partition-name fsymbol object file-basename))
(values nil))
(declaim (ftype (function (db string function) null) db/new-index))
(defun db/new-index (database index-name fsymbol)
(declare (type db database))
(declare (type string index-name))
(declare (type function fsymbol))
(let ((dbpath (db-path database))
(index-name (value->safe-string index-name)))
; create a directory for the indexes
(concatenate 'string dbpath "/indexes/by_" index-name "/"))
; add this new index to the list
(setf (gethash index-name (db-indexes database)) fsymbol)
; generate index for all DB elements
(maphash #'(lambda (number object)
(handler-case (db/index/new dbpath index-name fsymbol object (number->filename number))
(format t "dodb:db/new-index: symlink already exists, ignoring.~&"))))
(db-data database)))
(values nil))
(declaim (ftype (function (string string function atom string atom) null) db/partition/update))
(defun db/partition/update (dbpath partition-name fsymbol object file-name old-object)
(declare (type string dbpath partition-name file-name))
(declare (type function fsymbol))
(let ((new-value (funcall fsymbol object))
(old-value (funcall fsymbol old-object)))
(if (not (equal new-value old-value))
; delete old partition
(db/partition/del dbpath partition-name fsymbol old-object file-name)
; create new partition
(db/partition/new dbpath partition-name fsymbol object file-name)))))
(declaim (ftype (function (db string function) null) db/new-partition))
(defun db/new-partition (database partition-name fsymbol)
(declare (type db database))
(declare (type string partition-name))
(declare (type function fsymbol))
(let ((dbpath (db-path database))
(partition-name (value->safe-string partition-name)))
; create a directory for the partitions
(concatenate 'string dbpath "/partitions/by_" partition-name "/"))
; add this new partition to the list
(setf (gethash partition-name (db-partitions database)) fsymbol)
; generate partition for all DB elements
(maphash #'(lambda (number object)
(handler-case (db/partition/new dbpath partition-name fsymbol object (number->filename number))
(format t "dodb:db/new-partition: symlink already exists, ignoring.~&"))))
(db-data database)))
(values nil))
; Example: "./storage/cars/data/000000000000018".
(declaim (ftype (function (string string) string) get-filepath))
(defun get-filepath (dbpath file-name)
(declare (type string dbpath file-name))
(concatenate 'string dbpath "/data/" file-name))
(declaim (ftype (function (db atom) integer) db/add))
(defun db/add (database object)
(declare (type db database))
(incf (db-current-index database))
(let* ((file-basename (number->filename (db-current-index database)))
(dbpath (db-path database))
(tmp-file-basename (concatenate 'string file-basename "_tmp"))
(tmp-file-path (get-filepath dbpath tmp-file-basename)))
; write object to temporary file
(util:write-object-to-file object tmp-file-path)
; rename the temporary file
(rename-file tmp-file-path file-basename)
; generate indexes
(maphash #'(lambda (index-name fsymbol)
(db/index/new dbpath index-name fsymbol object file-basename))
(db-indexes database))
; generate partitions
(maphash #'(lambda (partition-name fsymbol)
(db/partition/new dbpath partition-name fsymbol object file-basename))
(db-partitions database)))
; store new in-memory data
;[database.current-index] = object
(setf (gethash (db-current-index database) (db-data database)) object)
(db-current-index database))
(declaim (ftype (function (db integer) null) db/del))
(defun db/del (database object-index)
(declare (type db database))
(declare (type integer object-index))
(let ((file-basename (number->filename object-index))
(dbpath (db-path database))
(object (gethash object-index (db-data database))))
; remove data file
(delete-file (get-filepath dbpath file-basename))
; handle indexes
(maphash #'(lambda (index-name fsymbol)
(db/index/del dbpath index-name fsymbol object))
(db-indexes database))
; handle partitions
(maphash #'(lambda (partition-name fsymbol)
(db/partition/del dbpath partition-name fsymbol object file-basename))
(db-partitions database))
; remove in-memory data
(remhash object-index (db-data database)))
(values nil))
; Search for the data from the FS.
(declaim (ftype (function (db string atom) integer) db/get-by-index))
(defun db/get-by-index (database index-name attribute-value)
(declare (type db database))
(declare (type string index-name))
(let ((value (value->safe-string attribute-value)))
(concatenate 'string
(db/index/get-directory-path (db-path database) index-name) "/" value)))))
; Search for the data from the FS.
(declaim (ftype (function (db string atom) cons) db/get-by-partition))
(defun db/get-by-partition (database name attribute-value)
(declare (type db database))
(declare (type string name))
(let ((value (value->safe-string attribute-value))
(dbpath (db-path database)))
(loop for filename in (osicat:list-directory (db/partition/get-directory-path dbpath name value))
collect (filename->integer filename))))
(declaim (ftype (function (string string function atom string atom) null) db/index/update))
(defun db/index/update (dbpath index-name fsymbol object file-name old-object)
(declare (type string dbpath index-name file-name))
(declare (type function fsymbol))
(let ((new-value (funcall fsymbol object))
(old-value (funcall fsymbol old-object))
(symlink-path (db/index/get-symlink-path dbpath index-name fsymbol object)))
(if (not (equal new-value old-value))
; display a message in case the new index is already used by another object
(if (probe-file symlink-path)
(format t "dodb:db/index/update: the value ~a is already used by another object.~&" new-value)
; delete old index
(db/index/del dbpath index-name fsymbol old-object)
; create new index
(db/index/new dbpath index-name fsymbol object file-name))))))
; TODO: check database integrity (redundancy)
; TODO: locking
(declaim (ftype (function (db integer) null) db/update))
(defun db/update (database object-index)
(declare (type db database))
(declare (type integer object-index))
(let* ((object (gethash object-index (db-data database)))
(dbpath (db-path database))
(file-basename (number->filename object-index))
(file-path (get-filepath dbpath file-basename))
(old-object (util:read-object-from-file file-path))
(tmp-file-basename (concatenate 'string file-basename "_tmp"))
(tmp-file-path (get-filepath dbpath tmp-file-basename)))
; write object to temporary file
(util:write-object-to-file object tmp-file-path)
(delete-file file-path)
; rename the temporary file
(rename-file tmp-file-path file-basename)
; handle indexes
(maphash #'(lambda (index-name fsymbol)
(db/index/update dbpath index-name fsymbol object file-basename old-object))
(db-indexes database))
; handle partitions
(maphash #'(lambda (partition-name fsymbol)
(db/partition/update dbpath partition-name fsymbol object file-basename old-object))
(db-partitions database)))
(values nil))
(declaim (ftype (function (db) null) db/drop-everything))
(defun db/drop-everything (database)
(declare (type db database))
(osicat:delete-directory-and-files (db-path database))
(clrhash (db-data database))
(values nil))

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
(defpackage :dodb-scenario
(:use :common-lisp :dodb))
(in-package dodb-scenario)
(defstruct vehicle name color (nb-of-lights 4))
(defparameter cars (dodb:db/new "/tmp/storage/cars/"))
(dodb:db/add cars (make-vehicle :name "Corvet" :color "Red"))
(dodb:db/add cars (make-vehicle :name "Ferrari" :color "Red"))
(dodb:db/add cars (make-vehicle :name "Deudeuch" :color "Beige"))
(dodb:db/add cars (make-vehicle :name "BMW" :color "Blue"))
(dodb:db/add cars (make-vehicle :name "Suzuki Wagon" :color "Blue" :nb-of-lights 6))
(dodb:db/new-index cars "name" #'vehicle-name)
(dodb:db/new-partition cars "color" #'vehicle-color)
(dodb:db/new-partition cars "nb-of-lights" #'vehicle-nb-of-lights)
(dodb:db/new-partition cars "\ot//her\\par/tit" #'vehicle-color)
(dodb:db/new-index cars "\ot//her\\i/name/r" #'vehicle-name)
(format t "~&~S~&" cars)
(format t "db/get-by-index ~S~&" (dodb:db/get-by-index cars "name" "Corvet"))
(format t "db/get-by-partition red cars:~&")
(loop for car in (dodb:db/get-by-partition cars "color" "Red")
do (format t "- ~S~&" car))
(let ((suzuki (dodb:db/get-by-index cars "name" "Suzuki Wagon")))
(setf (vehicle-color (gethash suzuki (dodb:db-data cars))) "White")
(dodb:db/update cars suzuki))

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
(defpackage :util
(:use :common-lisp)
(:nicknames :ut)
(:export :write-object-to-file
(in-package util)
(defun read-file (infile)
(with-open-file (instream infile
:direction :input
:if-does-not-exist nil)
(when instream
(let ((string (make-string (file-length instream))))
(read-sequence string instream)
(defun read-object-from-file (infile)
(read-from-string (read-file infile)))
(defun write-object-to-file (object outfile)
(with-open-file (my-file outfile
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(format my-file "~&~S~&" object)))

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
(defpackage dodb/tests/main
(:use :cl
(in-package :dodb/tests/main)
;; NOTE: To run this test file, execute `(asdf:test-system :dodb)' in your Lisp.
(deftest test-target-1
(testing "should (= 1 1) to be true"
(ok (= 1 1))))