require "file_utils" require "cbor" class Hash(K,V) def reverse rev = Array(Tuple(K,V)).new keys = Array(K).new each_key do |k| keys << k end keys.reverse.each do |k| rev << {k, self.[k]} end rev end end class DODB::CachedDataBase(V) < DODB::Storage(V) @indexers = [] of Indexer(V) property data = Hash(Int32, V).new def initialize(@directory_name : String) Dir.mkdir_p data_path Dir.mkdir_p locks_directory begin self.last_index rescue self.last_index = -1 end # TODO: load the database in RAM at start-up DODB::DataBase(V).new(@directory_name).each_with_index do |v, index| puts "loading value #{v} at index #{index}" self[index] = v end end # Getting data from the hash in RAM. def []?(key : Int32) : V? @data[key] rescue e # FIXME: rescues any error the same way. return nil end def [](key : Int32) : V # raise unless ::File.exists? file_path key # read file_path key @data[key] rescue raise end def []=(index : Int32, value : V) old_value = self.[index]? check_collisions! index, value, old_value # Removes any old indices or partitions pointing to a value about # to be replaced. if old_value remove_partitions index, old_value end # Avoids corruption in case the application crashes while writing. file_path(index).tap do |path| ::File.write "#{path}.new", value.to_cbor "#{path}.new", path end write_partitions index, value if index > last_index self.last_index = index end @data[index] = value end ## # Can be useful for making dumps or to restore a database. def each_with_index(reversed : Bool = false, start_offset = 0, end_offset : Int32? = nil) i = -1 # do not trust key to be the right index (reversed ? @data.reverse : @data).each do |index, v| i += 1 next if start_offset > i break unless end_offset.nil? || i <= end_offset yield v, index end end def delete(key : Int32) value = self[key]? return if value.nil? begin ::File.delete file_path key rescue # FIXME: Only intercept “no such file" errors end remove_partitions key, value @data.delete key value end private def remove_data! super @data = Hash(Int32, V).new end end