require "file_utils" require "json" require "./dodb/*" abstract class DODB::Storage(V) property directory_name : String def initialize(@directory_name : String) end def request_lock(name, subname = nil) r = -1 file_path = get_lock_file_path name, subname file_perms = 0o644 flags = LibC::O_EXCL | LibC::O_CREAT while (r = file_path, flags, file_perms) == -1 sleep 1.milliseconds end LibC.close r end def release_lock(name, subname = nil) File.delete get_lock_file_path name, subname end private def index_file "#{@directory_name}/last-index" end def last_index : Int32 end def last_index=(x : Int32) file =, "w") file << x.to_s file.close x rescue raise "could not update index file" end def stringify_key(key : Int32) # Negative numbers give strange results with Crystal’s printf. if key >= 0 "%010i" % key else key.to_s end end def <<(item : V) request_lock "index" index = last_index + 1 self[index] = item self.last_index = index release_lock "index" index # FIXME: Should we really return the internal key? rescue e release_lock "index" raise e end def each(reversed : Bool = false, start_offset = 0, end_offset : Int32? = nil) each_with_index( reversed: reversed, start_offset: start_offset, end_offset: end_offset ) do |item, index| yield item end end ## # CAUTION: Very slow. Try not to use. def to_a(reversed : Bool = false, start_offset = 0, end_offset : Int32? = nil) array = ::Array(V).new each( reversed: reversed, start_offset: start_offset, end_offset: end_offset ) do |value| array << value end array end ## # CAUTION: Very slow. Try not to use. def to_h(reversed : Bool = false, start_offset = 0, end_offset : Int32? = nil) hash = ::Hash(Int32, V).new each_with_index( reversed: reversed, start_offset: start_offset, end_offset: end_offset ) do |element, index| hash[index] = element end hash end ## # name is the name that will be used on the file system. def new_index(name : String, &block : Proc(V, String)) CachedIndex(V).new(self, @directory_name, name, block).tap do |indexer| @indexers << indexer end end def new_nilable_index(name : String, &block : Proc(V, String | DODB::NoIndex)) CachedIndex(V).new(self, @directory_name, name, block).tap do |indexer| @indexers << indexer end end def new_uncached_index(name : String, &block : Proc(V, String)) Index(V).new(self, @directory_name, name, block).tap do |indexer| @indexers << indexer end end def new_nilable_uncached_index(name : String, &block : Proc(V, String | DODB::NoIndex)) Index(V).new(self, @directory_name, name, block).tap do |indexer| @indexers << indexer end end def get_index(name : String, key) index = @indexers.find &.name.==(name) index.not_nil!.as(DODB::Index).get key end ## # name is the name that will be used on the file system. def new_partition(name : String, &block : Proc(V, String)) CachedPartition(V).new(self, @directory_name, name, block).tap do |table| @indexers << table end end def new_uncached_partition(name : String, &block : Proc(V, String)) Partition(V).new(self, @directory_name, name, block).tap do |table| @indexers << table end end def get_partition(table_name : String, partition_name : String) partition = @indexers.find &.name.==(table_name) partition.not_nil!.as(DODB::Partition).get partition_name end def write_partitions(key : Int32, value : V) @indexers.each &.index(stringify_key(key), value) end def new_tags(name : String, &block : Proc(V, Array(String))) CachedTags(V).new(self, @directory_name, name, block).tap do |tags| @indexers << tags end end def new_uncached_tags(name : String, &block : Proc(V, Array(String))) Tags(V).new(self, @directory_name, name, block).tap do |tags| @indexers << tags end end def get_tags(name, key : String) tag = @indexers.find &.name.==(name) tag.not_nil!.as(DODB::Tags).get name, key end def new_directed_graph(name : String, index : DODB::Index(V), &block : Proc(V, Array(String))) : DirectedGraph(V) DirectedGraph(V).new(self, @directory_name, index, name, block).tap do |table| @indexers << table end end def check_collisions!(key : Int32, value : V, old_value : V?) @indexers.each &.check!(stringify_key(key), value, old_value) end def pop request_lock "index" index = last_index # Some entries may have been removed. We’ll skip over those. # Not the most efficient if a large number of indices are empty. while index >= 0 && self[index]?.nil? index = index - 1 end if index < 0 return nil end poped = self[index] self.delete index last_index = index - 1 release_lock "index" poped end private def data_path "#{@directory_name}/data" end private def file_path(key : Int32) "#{data_path}/%010i" % key end private def locks_directory : String "#{@directory_name}/locks" end private def get_lock_file_path(name : String, subname : String? = nil) if subname "#{locks_directory}/#{name}-#{subname}.lock" # FIXME: Separator that causes less collisions? else "#{locks_directory}/#{name}.lock" end end private def read(file_path : String) V.from_json file_path end private def remove_data! FileUtils.rm_rf data_path Dir.mkdir_p data_path end private def remove_indexing! @indexers.each do |indexer| FileUtils.rm_rf indexer.indexing_directory end end # A very slow operation that removes all indices and then rewrites # them all. # FIXME: Is this really useful in its current form? We should remove the # index directories, not the indices based on our current (and # possiblly different from what’s stored) data. def reindex_everything! old_data = to_h remove_indexing! remove_data! old_data.each do |index, item| self[index] = item end end def remove_indexes(key : Int32, value : V) @indexers.each &.deindex(stringify_key(key), value) end def []?(key : Int32) : V? self[key] rescue MissingEntry # FIXME: Only rescue JSON and “no such file” errors. return nil end abstract def [](key : Int32) abstract def delete(key : Int32) end class DODB::DataBase(V) < DODB::Storage(V) @indexers = [] of Indexer(V) def initialize(@directory_name : String) Dir.mkdir_p data_path Dir.mkdir_p locks_directory begin self.last_index rescue self.last_index = -1 end end def [](key : Int32) : V raise unless ::File.exists? file_path key read file_path key end def []=(index : Int32, value : V) old_value = self.[index]? check_collisions! index, value, old_value # Removes any old indices or partitions pointing to a value about # to be replaced. if old_value remove_indexes index, old_value end # Avoids corruption in case the application crashes while writing. file_path(index).tap do |path| ::File.write "#{path}.new", value.to_json "#{path}.new", path end write_partitions index, value if index > last_index self.last_index = index end end def delete(key : Int32) value = self[key]? return if value.nil? begin ::File.delete file_path key rescue File::NotFoundError end remove_indexes key, value value end private def each_key(reversed = false) start = 0 _end = last_index step = 1 if reversed start = _end _end = 0 step = -1 end key = start while step == 1 ? key <= _end : key >= _end full_path = file_path key if File.exists? full_path yield key, full_path end key = key + step end end ## # CAUTION: Very slow. Try not to use. # Can be useful for making dumps or to restore a database, however. def each_with_index(reversed : Bool = false, start_offset = 0, end_offset : Int32? = nil) dirname = data_path offset = -1 each_key(reversed) do |key, path| offset += 1 if offset < start_offset next end if !end_offset.nil? && offset > end_offset next end begin # FIXME: Only intercept JSON parsing errors. field = read path rescue next end yield field, key end end end require "./"