package configuration; use YAML::XS; use URI; use fileutil ':all'; use Exporter 'import'; # what we want to export eventually our @EXPORT_OK = qw/ get_cfg is_reserved get_zonedir_from_cfg get_dnsslavekey_from_cfg get_v4_from_name get_v6_from_name get_v4_from_cfg get_v6_from_cfg get_host_from_cfg get_user_from_cfg get_port_from_cfg /; # bundle of exports (tags) our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [qw/ get_cfg is_reserved get_zonedir_from_cfg get_dnsslavekey_from_cfg get_v4_from_name get_v6_from_name get_v4_from_cfg get_v6_from_cfg get_host_from_cfg get_user_from_cfg get_port_from_cfg /] ); sub is_conf_file { my $f = shift; unless(-f $f) { die "$f : not a file"; } unless(-r $f) { die "$f : not readable"; } unless(-T $f) { die "$f : not plain text"; } } sub get_cfg { my ($cfgdir) = @_; $cfgdir //= './conf/'; my $f = "$cfgdir/config.yml"; is_conf_file $f; YAML::XS::LoadFile($f) } sub is_reserved { my ($domain) = @_; my $filename = 'conf/'; is_conf_file $filename; my $data = read_file $filename; $data =~ /^$domain$/m; } # TODO : tests sub get_v6_from_name { my $name = shift; my $val = qx/host -t AAAA $name | grep -oE '[^[:space:]]+\$'/; chomp $val; #die q{There is no available v6. TODO.} if($val =~ 'NXDOMAIN'); return undef if($val =~ 'NXDOMAIN'); $val } sub get_v4_from_name { my $name = shift; my $val = qx/host -t A $name | grep -oE '[^[:space:]]+\$'/; chomp $val; die q{There is no available v4. TODO.} if($val =~ 'NXDOMAIN'); $val } sub get_v6_from_cfg { my $cfg = shift; $$cfg{domain}{v6} // get_v6_from_name($$cfg{domain}{name}) } sub get_v4_from_cfg { my $cfg = shift; $$cfg{domain}{v4} // get_v4_from_name($$cfg{domain}{name}) } sub get_zonedir_from_cfg { my $cfg = shift; unless($$cfg{zonedir}) { die 'For now, the only way to get the zone path is to setup zonedir ' . 'in the primaryserver configuration in config.yml.'; } URI->new($$cfg{zonedir})->path; } sub get_host_from_cfg { my $cfg = shift; if($$cfg{zonedir}) { my $u = URI->new($$cfg{zonedir}); return $u->host; } elsif($$cfg{domain}{name}) { return $$cfg{domain}{name}; } die "Impossible to get the host from the configuration." } sub get_dnsslavekey_from_cfg { my $cfg = shift; if($$cfg{dnsslavekey}) { return $$cfg{dnsslavekey}; } die "Impossible to get the dns slave key from the configuration." } sub get_user_from_cfg { my $cfg = shift; if($$cfg{zonedir}) { my $u = URI->new($$cfg{zonedir}); return $u->user; } elsif($$cfg{domain}{user}) { return $$cfg{domain}{user}; } die "Impossible to get the user from the configuration." } sub get_port_from_cfg { my $cfg = shift; if($$cfg{zonedir}) { my $u = URI->new($$cfg{zonedir}); return $u->port; } elsif($$cfg{domain}{port}) { return $$cfg{domain}{port}; } die "Impossible to get the port from the configuration." } 1;