#!/bin/sh CDIR=`dirname $0` usage() { echo "usage : $0 cmd cmd in : installdep : install packages from your distribution perlmodules : install cpan modules dbinstall : install the database with a password provided by \$PATH dbreinstall : reinstall the database with a password provided by \$PATH all : do the full installation " 2>&1 exit 1 } if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then usage fi # install required applications installdep_f() { sudo apt-get update cat ${CDIR}/dependancies.ubuntu | xargs sudo apt-get install } # install Perl modules perlmodules_f() { cpanm --local-lib=~/perl5 local::lib && eval $(perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5/ -Mlocal::lib) cat ${CDIR}/perlmodules | xargs cpanm } # SQL dbinstall_core_f() { mysql -u root --password="${PASS}" < ${CDIR}/sql/init-create-user.sql mysql -u root --password="${PASS}" < ${CDIR}/sql/init-create-db.sql mysql -u root --password="${PASS}" < ${CDIR}/sql/init-grant-user.sql mysql -u root --password="${PASS}" < ${CDIR}/sql/init-tables.sql } dbinstall_f() { PASS=${PASS-notsodummy} dbinstall_core_f } dbreinstall_f() { PASS=${PASS-notsodummy} mysql -u root --password="${PASS}" < ${CDIR}/sql/remove-db.sql mysql -u root --password="${PASS}" < ${CDIR}/sql/remove-user.sql dbinstall_core_f } case $1 in installdep) installdep_f ;; perlmodules) perlmodules_f ;; dbinstall) dbinstall_f ;; dbreinstall) dbreinstall_f ;; all) installdep_f perlmodules_f dbinstall_f ;; *) usage ;; esac