#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use v5.14; use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64); # the website sending your current IP address our $checkip = "http://t.karchnu.fr/ip.php"; # Domain name of the service provider (like netlib.re) our $nddservice = "netlib.re"; # Your domain our $domain = "test.netlib.re"; # Login and password to connect to the website our $login = "idtest"; our $pass = "mdptest"; # Your entry to change # # here, the entry is www.test.netlib.re # put "@" in $name to change your $type record on $domain directly our $name = 'www'; our $type = 'A'; # could be AAAA our $wget = `which wget`; chomp $wget; die "There is no wget on this computer." unless $wget; sub get_ip { my $typeip = ($type =~ /AAAA/) ? '-6' : '-4'; my $cmd = "wget $typeip -nv -O - $checkip"; say "get IP : $cmd"; for (split "\n", `$cmd`) { /^[0-9.]+$/ || /^[0-9a-f:]+$/ and return $_ } undef } sub update { my $ip = get_ip; die "Can't get your IP address !" unless $ip; say "UPDATE :: domain $name.$domain => IP $ip, type $type"; my $passb64 = encode_base64($pass); chomp $passb64; my $cmd = "$wget -O - "; $cmd .= "https://$nddservice/domain/cliup/$login/$passb64/$domain/$name/$type/$ip"; say "CMD :: $cmd"; `$cmd`; } update;