# TLD # Must contains the first "." tld: - '.netlib.re' - '.autre.tld' - '.codelib.re' tmpdir: file:///media/fast/ # uncomment it if you want to only test the application views #isviewtest: true database: sgbd: mysql # other options : see DBI module name: dnsmanager host: localhost port: 3306 user: dnsmanageruser passwd: "my-not-so-dummy-password" primarydnsserver: app: bind9 dnsslavekey: demokey zonedir: ssh://root@localhost:22/var/named/zones/rndczones/ domain: user: root port: 22 host: web.loc name: web.loc v4: # optional #v6: ::1 # optional secondarydnsserver: - app: nsd cfg: ssh://root@nsdl:22/etc/nsd/nsd.conf zonedir: ssh://root@nsdl:22/etc/nsd/ domain: name: nsdl v4: # optional #v6: ::1 # optional # - app: nsd # cfg: ssh://dnsmanager@host3:2222/etc/nsd3/nsd.conf # domain: # name: third.example.com # v4: # optional # v6: 2001:db8::3 # optional