# dnsmanagerd

`dnsmanagerd` is a DNS management micro-service enabling users to ask for a domain and handle their own DNS zones.
This software is based on [libipc][libipc] and uses [authd][authd] for authentication, authorization and user profile management.
`dnsmanagerd` stores data such as domains (and their owners), zone resource records and various *tokens*.

No SQL, the entire database is stored in plain files, thanks to [the DODB database library][dodb].

The [netlibre service][netlibre] is the first to use `dnsmanagerd` in a real-life deployment.
See [the netlibre's webclient][webclient].

## Build

`dnsmanagerd` is written in Crystal.
You’ll need the following tools to build it: `crystal`, `shards` and `make`.

make install

## Run

$ dnsmanagerd --help

For a more extensive documentation, please read the manual for both [dnsmanagerd][dnsmanagerdmanual] and [dnsmanagerctl][dnsmanagerctlmanual].

See the [configuration example][configuration-example] to avoid long command-line parameters.

Also, some usage examples are available in the makefiles.

## Administration

# Add a domain for a user.
dnsmanagerctl provide-domain login domain

For a comprehensive list of available commands, please read the [dnsmanagerctl manual][dnsmanagerctlmanual].
This command-line-interface application is mainly used for administrative purposes, users should access `dnsmanagerd` through another client instead.
See [the netlibre's webclient][webclient].

### Backup and migration

# Database backup.
tar cfz db.tar.gz ./db-dnsmanagerd

# Database migration.
tar xfz db.tar.gz

Wasn't that hard, isn't it?

## Contributing

Pull requests are welcome.
For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

[libipc]: https://git.baguette.netlib.re/Baguette/libipc
[authd]: https://git.baguette.netlib.re/Baguette/authd
[netlibre]: https://www.netlib.re
[configuration-example]: ./configuration-example.yml
[dnsmanagerdmanual]: ./man/dnsmanagerd.1
[dnsmanagerctlmanual]: ./man/dnsmanagerctl.1
[dodb]: https://git.baguette.netlib.re/Baguette/dodb.cr
[webclient]: https://git.baguette.netlib.re/Baguette/dnsmanager-webclient