
317 lines
10 KiB

-- | `App.DomainListInterface` is a simple component with the list of own domains
-- | and a form to add a new domain.
-- |
-- | This interface allows to:
-- | - display the list of own domains
-- | - show and select accepted domains (TLDs)
-- | - create new domains
-- | - delete a domain
-- | - ask for confirmation
-- | - switch to the interface to show and modify the content of a Zone
-- | - TODO: validate the domain before sending a message to `dnsmanagerd`
module App.Page.DomainList where
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, map, otherwise, pure, ($), (/=), (<<<), (<>), (>))
import Data.Array as A
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.String (toLower)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.String.Utils (endsWith)
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HHE
import Web.Event.Event as Event
import Web.Event.Event (Event)
import Bulma as Bulma
import App.DisplayErrors (error_to_paragraph_label)
import App.Validation.Label as Validation
import App.Type.LogMessage
import App.Message.DNSManagerDaemon as DNSManager
-- | `App.DomainListInterface` can send messages through websocket interface
-- | connected to dnsmanagerd. See `App.WS`.
-- |
-- | Also, this component can log messages and ask its parent (`App.Container`) to
-- | reconnect the websocket to `dnsmanagerd`.
-- |
-- | Finally, the component can ask its state to its parent.
-- | The reason is quite simple.
-- | The component can be deleted, meaning that it loses its state.
-- | Instead of asking `dnsmanagerd` the list of available domains and the list of owned domains
-- | each time the component is instanciated, the parent stores the component's state when the
-- | component is removed. This way, the data is conserved.
data Output
= MessageToSend ArrayBuffer
| Log LogMessage
| ChangePageZoneInterface String
| AskState
| StoreState State
-- | `App.DomainListInterface` can receive messages from `dnsmanagerd`.
-- |
-- | The component is also informed when the connection is lost or up again.
-- |
-- | Finally, its entire state can be provided by its parent.
-- | See the explanation for the `Output` data type.
data Query a
= MessageReceived DNSManager.AnswerMessage a
| ConnectionIsDown a
| ConnectionIsUp a
| ProvideState (Maybe State) a
type Slot = H.Slot Query Output
-- | `App.DomainListInterface` has no input.
type Input = Unit
-- | `App.DomainListInterface` has a single form to add a new domain.
-- | Only two possible inputs: the (sub)domain name and the selection of the TLD.
data NewDomainFormAction
= INP_newdomain String
| UpdateSelectedDomain String
-- | Possible component's actions are:
-- | - update the accepted domains (examples: netlib.re, codelib.re and example.com)
-- | - update the list of own domains
-- | - handle user inputs
-- | - add a new domain
-- | - remove a domain
-- | - TODO: show the zone content (in another component)
data Action
= UpdateAcceptedDomains (Array String)
| UpdateMyDomains (Array String)
| HandleNewDomainInput NewDomainFormAction
| NewDomainAttempt Event
| RemoveDomain String
| EnterDomain String
| DeleteDomainModal String
| CancelModal
| Initialize
| Finalize
-- | The form only has two elements:
-- | the subdomain name input and the selected TLD.
type NewDomainFormState
= { new_domain :: String
, _errors :: Array Validation.Error
, selected_domain :: String
-- | The entire component's state contains the form, accepted domains,
-- | the list of own domains and a boolean to know if the connection is up.
type State =
{ newDomainForm :: NewDomainFormState
, accepted_domains :: Array String
, my_domains :: Array String
, wsUp :: Boolean
, active_modal :: Maybe String
component :: forall m. MonadAff m => H.Component Query Input Output m
component =
{ initialState
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ initialize = Just Initialize
, handleAction = handleAction
, handleQuery = handleQuery
, finalize = Just Finalize
-- | Default available domain: netlib.re.
default_domain :: String
default_domain = "netlib.re"
initialState :: Input -> State
initialState _ =
{ newDomainForm: { new_domain: ""
, _errors: []
, selected_domain: default_domain
, accepted_domains: [ default_domain ]
, my_domains: [ ]
, wsUp: true
, active_modal: Nothing
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render { accepted_domains, my_domains, newDomainForm, wsUp, active_modal }
= Bulma.section_small
[ case wsUp of
false -> Bulma.p "You are disconnected."
true -> case active_modal of
Nothing -> Bulma.columns_
[ Bulma.column_ [ Bulma.h3 "New domain", render_add_domain_form]
, Bulma.column_ [ Bulma.h3 "My domains"
, if A.length my_domains > 0
then HH.ul_ $ map (\domain -> HH.li_ (domain_buttons domain)) $ A.sort my_domains
else Bulma.p "No domain yet."
Just domain -> Bulma.modal "Deleting a domain"
[warning_message domain] [modal_delete_button domain, modal_cancel_button]
modal_delete_button domain = Bulma.alert_btn "Delete the domain" (RemoveDomain domain)
modal_cancel_button = Bulma.cancel_button CancelModal
warning_message domain
= HH.p [] [ HH.text $ "You are about to delete your domain \""
<> domain
<> "\". Are you sure you want to do this? This is "
, HH.strong_ [ HH.text "irreversible" ]
, HH.text "."
domain_buttons domain
= [ Bulma.alert_btn "delete" (DeleteDomainModal domain)
, Bulma.btn domain (EnterDomain domain)
render_add_domain_form = HH.form
[ HE.onSubmit NewDomainAttempt ]
[ Bulma.new_domain_field
(HandleNewDomainInput <<< INP_newdomain)
[ HHE.onSelectedIndexChange domain_choice ]
(map (\v -> "." <> v) accepted_domains)
, Bulma.btn_validation_ "add a new domain"
, if A.length newDomainForm._errors > 0
then HH.div_ $ map error_to_paragraph_label newDomainForm._errors
else HH.div_ [ ]
domain_choice :: Int -> Action
domain_choice i
= HandleNewDomainInput <<< UpdateSelectedDomain $ maybe default_domain (\x -> x) $ accepted_domains A.!! i
handleAction :: forall m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
Initialize -> do
H.raise $ AskState
Finalize -> do
state <- H.get
H.raise $ StoreState state
CancelModal -> do
H.modify_ _ { active_modal = Nothing }
UpdateAcceptedDomains domains -> do
H.modify_ _ { accepted_domains = domains }
UpdateMyDomains domains -> do
H.modify_ _ { my_domains = domains }
HandleNewDomainInput adduserinp -> do
case adduserinp of
INP_newdomain v -> do
H.modify_ _ { newDomainForm { new_domain = toLower v } }
case v of
"" -> H.modify_ _ { newDomainForm { _errors = [] } }
_ -> case Validation.label v of
Left arr -> H.modify_ _ { newDomainForm { _errors = arr } }
Right _ -> H.modify_ _ { newDomainForm { _errors = [] } }
UpdateSelectedDomain domain -> H.modify_ _ { newDomainForm { selected_domain = domain } }
EnterDomain domain -> do
H.raise $ ChangePageZoneInterface domain
DeleteDomainModal domain -> do
H.modify_ _ { active_modal = Just domain }
RemoveDomain domain -> do
message <- H.liftEffect $ DNSManager.serialize $ DNSManager.MkDeleteDomain { domain: domain }
H.raise $ MessageToSend message
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Remove domain: " <> domain
H.modify_ _ { active_modal = Nothing }
NewDomainAttempt ev -> do
H.liftEffect $ Event.preventDefault ev
{ newDomainForm } <- H.get
let new_domain = build_new_domain newDomainForm.new_domain newDomainForm.selected_domain
case newDomainForm.new_domain, newDomainForm._errors, new_domain of
"", _, _ ->
H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend "You didn't enter the new domain!"
_, [], _ -> do
message <- H.liftEffect
$ DNSManager.serialize
$ DNSManager.MkNewDomain { domain: new_domain }
H.raise $ MessageToSend message
H.raise $ Log $ SystemLog $ "Add a new domain (" <> new_domain <> ")"
handleAction $ HandleNewDomainInput $ INP_newdomain ""
_, _, _ ->
H.raise $ Log $ UnableToSend $ "The new domain name is invalid."
handleQuery :: forall a m. MonadAff m => Query a -> H.HalogenM State Action () Output m (Maybe a)
handleQuery = case _ of
ProvideState maybe_state a -> do
case maybe_state of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just s -> do
H.put s
pure (Just a)
MessageReceived message a -> do
case message of
-- The authentication failed.
(DNSManager.MkAcceptedDomains response) -> do
handleAction $ UpdateAcceptedDomains response.domains
(DNSManager.MkLogged response) -> do
handleAction $ UpdateAcceptedDomains response.accepted_domains
handleAction $ UpdateMyDomains response.my_domains
(DNSManager.MkDomainAdded response) -> do
{ my_domains } <- H.get
handleAction $ UpdateMyDomains (my_domains <> [response.domain])
(DNSManager.MkDomainDeleted response) -> do
{ my_domains } <- H.get
handleAction $ UpdateMyDomains $ A.filter ((/=) response.domain) my_domains
_ -> H.raise $ Log $ ErrorLog $ "Message not handled in DomainListInterface."
pure (Just a)
ConnectionIsDown a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = false }
pure (Just a)
ConnectionIsUp a -> do
H.modify_ _ { wsUp = true }
pure (Just a)
page_reload :: State -> DNSManager.AnswerMessage -> State
page_reload s1 message =
case message of
DNSManager.MkLogged response ->
s1 { accepted_domains = response.accepted_domains
, my_domains = A.sort response.my_domains
_ -> s1
build_new_domain :: String -> String -> String
build_new_domain sub tld
| endsWith "." sub = sub <> tld
| otherwise = sub <> "." <> tld