module App.Type.DKIM where import Prelude import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic) import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow) import App.Type.GenericSerialization (generic_serialization) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.Codec.Argonaut (JsonCodec) import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Record as CAR type PublicKey = String type DKIM = { v :: Maybe Version -- v= "DKIM1", entirely optional (for now, even ignored). , k :: Maybe SignatureAlgorithm -- k= Key type (optional, default is "rsa"). , h :: Maybe HashingAlgorithm -- h= hash algorigthm (optional, "sha1" or "sha256" from RFC6376) , p :: PublicKey -- p= Public-key data (base64; REQUIRED). -- The syntax and semantics of this tag value before being -- encoded in base64 are defined by the "k=" tag. , n :: Maybe String -- n= Notes that might be of interest to a human (optional) } codec :: JsonCodec DKIM codec = CA.object "DKIM" (CAR.record { v: CAR.optional codecVersion , k: CAR.optional codecSignatureAlgorithm , h: CAR.optional codecHashingAlgorithm , p: CA.string , n: CAR.optional CA.string }) emptyDKIMRR :: DKIM emptyDKIMRR = { v: Nothing, k: Just RSA, h: Just SHA256, p: "", n: Nothing } -- RFC6376 section -- All DKIM keys are stored in a subdomain named "_domainkey". Given a -- DKIM-Signature field with a "d=" tag of "" and an "s=" tag -- of "", the DNS query will be for -- "". data HashingAlgorithm = {- SHA1 | -} SHA256 hash_algos = [ {- "sha1", -} SHA256] :: Array HashingAlgorithm derive instance genericHashingAlgorithm :: Generic HashingAlgorithm _ instance showHashingAlgorithm :: Show HashingAlgorithm where show = genericShow -- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `HashingAlgorithm`. codecHashingAlgorithm :: CA.JsonCodec HashingAlgorithm codecHashingAlgorithm = CA.prismaticCodec "HashingAlgorithm" str_to_hashing_algorithm generic_serialization CA.string str_to_hashing_algorithm :: String -> Maybe HashingAlgorithm str_to_hashing_algorithm = case _ of -- "sha1" -> Just SHA1 "sha256" -> Just SHA256 _ -> Nothing data SignatureAlgorithm = RSA | ED25519 sign_algos = [RSA, ED25519] :: Array SignatureAlgorithm derive instance genericSignatureAlgorithm :: Generic SignatureAlgorithm _ instance showSignatureAlgorithm :: Show SignatureAlgorithm where show = genericShow -- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `SignatureAlgorithm`. codecSignatureAlgorithm :: CA.JsonCodec SignatureAlgorithm codecSignatureAlgorithm = CA.prismaticCodec "SignatureAlgorithm" str_to_signature_algorithm generic_serialization CA.string str_to_signature_algorithm :: String -> Maybe SignatureAlgorithm str_to_signature_algorithm = case _ of "rsa" -> Just RSA "ed25519" -> Just ED25519 _ -> Nothing data Version = DKIM1 derive instance genericVersion :: Generic Version _ instance showVersion :: Show Version where show = genericShow -- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `Version`. codecVersion :: CA.JsonCodec Version codecVersion = CA.prismaticCodec "Version" str_to_version generic_serialization CA.string str_to_version :: String -> Maybe Version str_to_version = case _ of "dkim1" -> Just DKIM1 _ -> Nothing