Fix URLs.

This commit is contained in:
Philippe Pittoli 2024-12-08 00:35:15 +01:00
parent ce88dad564
commit 724ca89735
3 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ foreign import unsafeSetInnerHTML :: HTMLElement -> RawHTML -> Effect Unit
-- | Current limit is 30 minutes (`max_keepalive` = 60, 60 * 30 seconds = 30 minutes).
max_keepalive = 60 :: Int
wsURLauthd = "wss://" :: String
wsURLdnsmanagerd = "wss://" :: String
wsURLauthd = "wss://" :: String
wsURLdnsmanagerd = "wss://" :: String
data Action
= Initialize
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ render state
HH.div [HP.classes [C.notification, C.is_warning]]
[ Bulma.p """
⚠️​ (FR) le service a été migré d'une ancienne base de code récemment.
Le développement se poursuit mais le service devrait être stable, mise à part quelques redémarrages de temps à autre.
Le développement se poursuit mais le service devrait être stable, mis à part quelques redémarrages de temps à autre.
Merci de nous contacter si vous voyez une erreur.
, Bulma.p """

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ render _ = HH.div_
= b [ title "Automatic updates"
, p "Update your records with a single, stupidly simple command. For example:"
, expl [ Bulma.strong "wget<token>" ]
, expl [ Bulma.strong "wget<token>" ]
, p "Every A and AAAA records have tokens for easy updates."
@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ render _ = HH.div_
= b [ title "Contact"
, p "You have a question, you have seen a bug, you have suggestions or you just want to chat?"
, p "You can contact us:"
, p "For more important matter:"
, p "You can contact me:"
, p "For legal matter:"
render_how_and_code = Bulma.columns_ [ render_how, render_code ]

View File

@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ tokens = HH.div_
, HH.u_ [HH.text "53be0c45-61c4-4d29-8ae9-c2cc8767603d"]
, HH.text ") for this specific entry, then make your server regularly visit the following website."
, expl [ HH.p_ [ HH.text ""
, expl [ HH.p_ [ HH.text ""
, HH.u_ [HH.text "<your-token>"]
, Bulma.p "For example:"
, Bulma.p "For example:"
, Bulma.h3 "How to automate the update of my IP address?"
, Bulma.p "On Linux, you can make your computer access the update link with the following command."
, expl [ Bulma.strong "wget<your-token>" ]
, expl [ Bulma.strong "wget<your-token>" ]
, Bulma.p """
No need for a more complex program. This works just fine.
And you can run this command every hour.