CAA: first draft.
This commit is contained in:
@ -225,20 +225,6 @@ data RRModal
| UpdateRRModal
| RemoveRRModal RRId
string_to_acceptedtype :: String -> Maybe AcceptedRRTypes
string_to_acceptedtype str = case str of
"A" -> Just A
"AAAA" -> Just AAAA
"TXT" -> Just TXT
"NS" -> Just NS
"MX" -> Just MX
"SRV" -> Just SRV
"SPF" -> Just SPF
"DKIM" -> Just DKIM
_ -> Nothing
data Tab = Zone | TheBasics | TokenExplanation
derive instance eqTab :: Eq Tab
derive instance genericTab :: Generic Tab _
@ -395,6 +381,7 @@ render state
"CNAME" -> template (modal_content_simple CNAME) (foot_content CNAME)
"NS" -> template (modal_content_simple NS) (foot_content NS)
"MX" -> template modal_content_mx (foot_content MX)
"CAA" -> template modal_content_caa (foot_content CAA)
"SRV" -> template modal_content_srv (foot_content SRV)
"SPF" -> template modal_content_spf (foot_content SPF)
"DKIM" -> template modal_content_dkim (foot_content DKIM)
@ -458,6 +445,24 @@ render state
(updateForm Field_Priority)
(maybe "" show state._currentRR.priority)
modal_content_caa :: Array (HH.HTML w Action)
modal_content_caa =
[ render_errors
, Bulma.div_content [] [Bulma.explanation Explanations.caa_introduction]
, Bulma.input_with_side_text "domainCAA" "Name" "www"
(updateForm Field_Domain)
, Bulma.box_input ("ttlCAA") "TTL" "600"
(updateForm Field_TTL)
(show state._currentRR.ttl)
, Bulma.box_input ("targetCAA") "Target" "www"
(updateForm Field_Target)
, Bulma.box_input ("priorityCAA") "Priority" "10"
(updateForm Field_Priority)
(maybe "" show state._currentRR.priority)
modal_content_srv :: Array (HH.HTML w Action)
modal_content_srv =
[ Bulma.div_content [] [Bulma.explanation Explanations.srv_introduction]
@ -683,6 +688,7 @@ handleAction = case _ of
default_rr_CNAME = emptyRR { rrtype = "CNAME", name = "www", target = "server1" }
default_rr_NS = emptyRR { rrtype = "NS", name = (state._domain <> "."), target = "" }
default_rr_MX = emptyRR { rrtype = "MX", name = "mail", target = "server1", priority = Just 10 }
default_rr_CAA = emptyRR { rrtype = "CAA", name = "" } -- TODO: implement a default CAA entry.
default_rr_SRV = emptyRR { rrtype = "SRV", name = "voip", target = "server1"
, port = Just 5061, weight = Just 100, priority = Just 10, protocol = Just "tcp" }
default_mechanisms = maybe [] (\x -> [x]) $ to_mechanism "pass" "mx" ""
@ -700,6 +706,7 @@ handleAction = case _ of
CNAME -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_CNAME }
NS -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_NS }
MX -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_MX }
CAA -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_CAA }
SRV -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_SRV }
SPF -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_SPF }
DKIM -> H.modify_ _ { _currentRR = default_rr_DKIM }
@ -259,6 +259,26 @@ ns_introduction =
, Bulma.notification_danger' "🚨 Advice for beginners: do not use this resource record."
caa_introduction :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i)
caa_introduction =
[ Bulma.p """
The CAA record enables to specify a certification authority that is authorized to issue certificates for the domain.
The idea is to reduce the risk of unintended certificate mis-issue.
, Bulma.p """
Certification authorities (CA) may issue certificates for any domain.
Thus, any CA may provide certificates for a domain (let's say to any hacker that can now impersonate the domain.
The CAA record allows to say what is the authorized CA for the domain, preventing this kind of attacks.
-- , HH.p []
-- [ HH.text "🚨 "
-- , HH.u_ [HH.text "Advice for beginners"]
-- , HH.text ":"
-- , HH.text """
-- """
-- ]
dkim_introduction :: forall w i. Array (HH.HTML w i)
dkim_introduction =
[ Bulma.p """
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ data AcceptedRRTypes
| NS
| MX
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
-- | The Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) record is described in RFC8859.
-- | The CAA record allows to specify Certification Authorities (CAs) authorized to issue certificates.
module App.Type.CAA where
import Prelude
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import App.Type.GenericSerialization (generic_serialization)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Codec.Argonaut (JsonCodec)
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Data.Codec.Argonaut.Record as CAR
-- | Flag: integer from 0 to 255.
type CAA = { flag :: Int, tag :: Tag, value :: String }
emptyCAARR :: CAA
emptyCAARR = { flag: 0, tag: Issue, value: "" }
codec :: JsonCodec CAA
codec = CA.object "CAA" (CAR.record { flag:, tag: codecTag, value: CA.string })
data Tag = Issue | IssueWild | IOdef | ContactEmail | ContactPhone
tags :: Array Tag
tags = [Issue, IssueWild, IOdef, ContactEmail, ContactPhone]
tags_raw :: Array String
tags_raw = map show tags
tags_txt :: Array String
= [ "Issue"
, "Issue for wildcard certificate requests"
, "Incident object description exchange format"
, "Contact email"
, "Contact phone"
-- | Codec for just encoding a single value of type `ReportOccasion`.
codecTag :: CA.JsonCodec Tag
codecTag = CA.prismaticCodec "Tag" str_to_tag generic_serialization CA.string
str_to_tag :: String -> Maybe Tag
str_to_tag = case _ of
"issue" -> Just Issue
"issuewild" -> Just IssueWild
"iodef" -> Just IOdef
"contactemail" -> Just ContactEmail
"contactphone" -> Just ContactPhone
_ -> Nothing
derive instance genericTag :: Generic Tag _
instance showTag :: Show Tag where
show = genericShow
@ -46,8 +46,7 @@ type ResourceRecord
, dkim :: Maybe DKIM.DKIM
, dmarc :: Maybe DMARC.DMARC
-- TODO: DMARC specific entries.
, caa :: Maybe CAA.CAA
codec :: JsonCodec ResourceRecord
@ -87,6 +86,7 @@ codec = CA.object "ResourceRecord"
, dkim: CAR.optional DKIM.codec
, dmarc: CAR.optional DMARC.codec
, caa: CAR.optional CAA.codec
type Mechanism
@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ emptyRR
, dkim: Nothing
, dmarc: Nothing
, caa: Nothing
data Qualifier = Pass | Neutral | SoftFail | HardFail
Reference in New Issue
Block a user