class CBOR::Decoder @lexer : Lexer getter current_token : Token::T? def initialize(input) @lexer = @current_token = @lexer.next_token end def read_string : String case token = @current_token when Token::StringT finish_token! token.value when Token::BytesT finish_token! else unexpected_token(token, "StringT or BytesT") end end def read_int read_type(Token::IntT) { |token| token.value } end def read_float read_type(Token::FloatT) { |token| token.value } end def read_num case token = @current_token when Token::IntT, Token::FloatT token.value else unexpected_token(token, "Token::IntT or Token::FloatT") end end def read_bytes read_type(Token::BytesT) { |token| token.value } end def read_tag : Tag read_type(Token::TagT, ignore_tag: false) { |token| token.value } end def read_bool : Bool read_type(Token::SimpleValueT) do |token| case token.value when SimpleValue::False false when SimpleValue::True true else unexpected_token(token, "SimpleValue::True or SimpleValue::False") end end end def read_nil : Nil read_type(Token::SimpleValueT) do |token| case token.value when SimpleValue::Null, SimpleValue::Undefined nil else unexpected_token(token, "SimpleValue::Null or SimpleValue::Undefined") end end end def consume_array(&block) read_type(Token::ArrayT) do |token| consume_sequence(token.size) { yield } end end def consume_hash(&block) read_type(Token::MapT) do |token| consume_sequence(token.size) { yield } end end def finish_token! @current_token = @lexer.next_token end private def consume_sequence(size : Int32?, &block) if size size.times { yield } else until @current_token.is_a?(Token::BreakT) yield end end end private macro read_type(type, finish_token = true, ignore_tag = true, &block) begin # Skip the tag unless the token we want to read is a tag {% if ignore_tag %} if @current_token.is_a?(Token::TagT) finish_token! end {% end %} case token = @current_token when {{type}} {% if finish_token %} finish_token! {% end %} {{ block.body }} else unexpected_token(token, {{type.stringify.split("::").last}}) end rescue err raise"{{type}} -> #{err}") end end def unexpected_token(token, expected = nil) message = "Unexpected token #{token.class}" message += " expected #{expected}" if expected raise end end