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module CBOR
annotation Field
# The `CBOR::Serializable` module automatically generates methods for CBOR serialization when included.
# ### Example
# ```
# require "cbor"
# class Location
# include CBOR::Serializable
# @[CBOR::Field(key: "lat")]
# property latitude : Float64
# @[CBOR::Field(key: "lng")]
# property longitude : Float64
# end
# class House
# include CBOR::Serializable
# property address : String
# property location : Location?
# end
# house = House.from_json(%({"address": "Crystal Road 1234", "location": {"lat": 12.3, "lng": 34.5}}))
# house.address # => "Crystal Road 1234"
# house.location # => #<Location:0x10cd93d80 @latitude=12.3, @longitude=34.5>
# house.to_json # => %({"address":"Crystal Road 1234","location":{"lat":12.3,"lng":34.5}})
# houses = Array(House).from_json(%([{"address": "Crystal Road 1234", "location": {"lat": 12.3, "lng": 34.5}}]))
# houses.size # => 1
# houses.to_json # => %([{"address":"Crystal Road 1234","location":{"lat":12.3,"lng":34.5}}])
# ```
# ### Usage
# Including `CBOR::Serializable` will create `#to_cbor` and `self.from_cbor` methods on the current class,
# and a constructor which takes a `CBOR::Decoder`. By default, these methods serialize into a cbor
# object containing the value of every instance variable, the keys being the instance variable name.
# Most primitives and collections supported as instance variable values (string, integer, array, hash, etc.),
# along with objects which define to_cbor and a constructor taking a `CBOR::Decoder`.
# Union types are also supported, including unions with nil. If multiple types in a union parse correctly,
# it is undefined which one will be chosen.
# To change how individual instance variables are parsed and serialized, the annotation `CBOR::Field`
# can be placed on the instance variable. Annotating property, getter and setter macros is also allowed.
# ```
# require "cbor"
# class A
# include CBOR::Serializable
# @[CBOR::Field(key: "my_key")]
# getter a : Int32?
# end
# ```
# `CBOR::Field` properties:
# * **ignore**: if `true` skip this field in serialization and deserialization (by default false)
# * **key**: the value of the key in the json object (by default the name of the instance variable)
# * **converter**: specify an alternate type for parsing and generation. The converter must define `from_cbor(CBOR::Decoder)` and `to_cbor(value, CBOR::Builder)` as class methods. Examples of converters are `Time::Format` and `Time::EpochConverter` for `Time`.
# * **presence**: if `true`, a `@{{key}}_present` instance variable will be generated when the key was present (even if it has a `null` value), `false` by default
# * **nil_as_undefined**: if `true`, when the value is `nil`, it is emitted as `undefined` (by default `nil` are encoded as `null`)
# Deserialization also respects default values of variables:
# ```
# require "cbor"
# struct A
# include CBOR::Serializable
# @a : Int32
# @b : Float64 = 1.0
# end
# A.from_json(%<{"a":1}>) # => A(@a=1, @b=1.0) #TODO ----- FIX THIS!!!!
# ```
# ### Extensions: `JSON::Serializable::Strict` and `JSON::Serializable::Unmapped`.
# If the `JSON::Serializable::Strict` module is included, unknown properties in the JSON
# document will raise a parse exception. By default the unknown properties
# are silently ignored.
# If the `JSON::Serializable::Unmapped` module is included, unknown properties in the JSON
# document will be stored in a `Hash(String, JSON::Any)`. On serialization, any keys inside json_unmapped
# will be serialized and appended to the current json object.
# ```
# require "json"
# struct A
# include JSON::Serializable
# include JSON::Serializable::Unmapped
# @a : Int32
# end
# a = A.from_json(%({"a":1,"b":2})) # => A(@json_unmapped={"b" => 2_i64}, @a=1)
# a.to_json # => {"a":1,"b":2}
# ```
# ### Class annotation `JSON::Serializable::Options`
# supported properties:
# * **emit_nulls**: if `true`, emits a `null` value for all nilable properties (by default nulls are not emitted)
# ```
# require "json"
# @[JSON::Serializable::Options(emit_nulls: true)]
# class A
# include JSON::Serializable
# @a : Int32?
# end
# ```
# ### Discriminator field
# A very common JSON serialization strategy for handling different objects
# under a same hierarchy is to use a discriminator field. For example in
# [GeoJSON]( each object has a "type"
# field, and the rest of the fields, and their meaning, depend on its value.
# You can use `JSON::Serializable.use_json_discriminator` for this use case.
module Serializable
annotation Options
macro included
# Define a `new` directly in the included type,
# so it overloads well with other possible initializes
def : ::CBOR::Decoder)
private def self.new_from_cbor_decoder(decoder : ::CBOR::Decoder)
instance = allocate
instance.initialize(__decoder_for_cbor_serializable: decoder)
GC.add_finalizer(instance) if instance.responds_to?(:finalize)
# When the type is inherited, carry over the `new`
# so it can compete with other possible intializes
macro inherited
def : ::CBOR::Decoder)
def initialize(*, __decoder_for_cbor_serializable decoder : ::CBOR::Decoder)
{% begin %}
{% properties = {} of Nil => Nil %}
{% for ivar in @type.instance_vars %}
{% ann = ivar.annotation(::CBOR::Field) %}
{% unless ann && ann[:ignore] %}
properties[] = {
type: ivar.type,
key: ((ann && ann[:key]) || ivar).id.stringify,
has_default: ivar.has_default_value?,
default: ivar.default_value,
nilable: ivar.type.nilable?,
converter: ann && ann[:converter],
presence: ann && ann[:presence],
{% end %}
{% end %}
{% for name, value in properties %}
%var{name} = nil
%found{name} = false
{% end %}
rescue exc : ::CBOR::ParseError
# TODO: Improve error message, use dedicated class
raise "Error in mapping decoding when reading being hash: #{exc.message}"
# raise, self.class.to_s, nil, *%location, exc)
decoder.consume_hash do
key = decoder.read_string
case key
{% for name, value in properties %}
when {{value[:key]}}
%found{name} = true
%var{name} =
{% if value[:nilable] || value[:has_default] %} decoder.read_nil_or { {% end %}
{% if value[:converter] %}
{% else %}
{% end %}
{% if value[:nilable] || value[:has_default] %} } {% end %}
rescue exc : ::CBOR::ParseError
# TODO: Improve error message, use dedicated class
raise "Error in mapping decoding when consuming hash: #{exc.message}"
# raise, self.class.to_s, {{value[:key]}}, *%key_location, exc)
{% end %}
on_unknown_cbor_attribute(decoder, key)
{% for name, value in properties %}
{% unless value[:nilable] || value[:has_default] %}
if %var{name}.nil? && !%found{name} && !::Union({{value[:type]}}).nilable?
# TODO: Improve error message, use dedicated class
raise "Missing CBOR attribute"
# raise"Missing JSON attribute: {{value[:key].id}}", self.class.to_s, nil, *%location, nil)
{% end %}
{% if value[:nilable] %}
{% if value[:has_default] != nil %}
@{{name}} = %found{name} ? %var{name} : {{value[:default]}}
{% else %}
@{{name}} = %var{name}
{% end %}
{% elsif value[:has_default] %}
@{{name}} = %var{name}.nil? ? {{value[:default]}} : %var{name}
{% else %}
@{{name}} = (%var{name}).as({{value[:type]}})
{% end %}
{% if value[:presence] %}
@{{name}}_present = %found{name}
{% end %}
{% end %}
{% end %}
protected def after_initialize
protected def on_unknown_cbor_attribute(decoder, key)
# protected def on_to_cbor(cbor : ::CBOR::Builder)
# end
# def to_json(json : ::JSON::Builder)
# {% begin %}
# {% options = @type.annotation(::JSON::Serializable::Options) %}
# {% emit_nulls = options && options[:emit_nulls] %}
# {% properties = {} of Nil => Nil %}
# {% for ivar in @type.instance_vars %}
# {% ann = ivar.annotation(::JSON::Field) %}
# {% unless ann && ann[:ignore] %}
# {%
# properties[] = {
# type: ivar.type,
# key: ((ann && ann[:key]) || ivar).id.stringify,
# root: ann && ann[:root],
# converter: ann && ann[:converter],
# emit_null: (ann && (ann[:emit_null] != nil) ? ann[:emit_null] : emit_nulls),
# }
# %}
# {% end %}
# {% end %}
# json.object do
# {% for name, value in properties %}
# _{{name}} = @{{name}}
# {% unless value[:emit_null] %}
# unless _{{name}}.nil?
# {% end %}
# json.field({{value[:key]}}) do
# {% if value[:root] %}
# {% if value[:emit_null] %}
# if _{{name}}.nil?
# nil.to_json(json)
# else
# {% end %}
# json.object do
# json.field({{value[:root]}}) do
# {% end %}
# {% if value[:converter] %}
# if _{{name}}
# {{ value[:converter] }}.to_json(_{{name}}, json)
# else
# nil.to_json(json)
# end
# {% else %}
# _{{name}}.to_json(json)
# {% end %}
# {% if value[:root] %}
# {% if value[:emit_null] %}
# end
# {% end %}
# end
# end
# {% end %}
# end
# {% unless value[:emit_null] %}
# end
# {% end %}
# {% end %}
# on_to_json(json)
# end
# {% end %}
# end
module Strict
protected def on_unknown_cbor_attribute(decoder, key)
# TODO: Improve error
raise "Unknown CBOR attribute: #{key}"
# raise"Unknown JSON attribute: #{key}", self.class.to_s, nil, *key_location, nil)
# module Unmapped
# @[CBOR::Field(ignore: true)]
# property cbor_unmapped = Hash(String, ::CBOR::Type).new
# protected def on_unknown_cbor_attribute(decoder, key)
# json_unmapped[key] = begin
# rescue exc : ::JSON::ParseException
# raise, self.class.to_s, key, *key_location, exc)
# end
# end
# protected def on_to_json(json)
# json_unmapped.each do |key, value|
# json.field(key) { value.to_json(json) }
# end
# end
# end
# Tells this class to decode CBOR by using a field as a discriminator.
# - *field* must be the field name to use as a discriminator
# - *mapping* must be a hash or named tuple where each key-value pair
# maps a discriminator value to a class to deserialize
# For example:
# ```
# require "cbor"
# abstract class Shape
# include CBOR::Serializable
# use_cbor_discriminator "type", {point: Point, circle: Circle}
# property type : String
# end
# class Point < Shape
# property x : Int32
# property y : Int32
# end
# class Circle < Shape
# property x : Int32
# property y : Int32
# property radius : Int32
# end
# TODO: Update examples
# Shape.from_cbor(%({"type": "point", "x": 1, "y": 2})) # => #<Point:0x10373ae20 @type="point", @x=1, @y=2>
# Shape.from_cbor(%({"type": "circle", "x": 1, "y": 2, "radius": 3})) # => #<Circle:0x106a4cea0 @type="circle", @x=1, @y=2, @radius=3>
# ```
# macro use_cbor_discriminator(field, mapping)
# {% unless mapping.is_a?(HashLiteral) || mapping.is_a?(NamedTupleLiteral) %}
# {% mapping.raise "mapping argument must be a HashLiteral or a NamedTupleLiteral, not #{}" %}
# {% end %}
# def : ::CBOR::Decoder)
# discriminator_value = nil
# # Try to find the discriminator while also getting the raw
# # string value of the parsed JSON, so then we can pass it
# # to the final type.
# json = do |io|
# do |builder|
# builder.start_object
# pull.read_object do |key|
# if key == {{}}
# discriminator_value = pull.read_string
# builder.field(key, discriminator_value)
# else
# builder.field(key) { pull.read_raw(builder) }
# end
# end
# builder.end_object
# end
# end
# unless discriminator_value
# raise"Missing JSON discriminator field '{{}}'", to_s, nil, *location, nil)
# end
# case discriminator_value
# {% for key, value in mapping %}
# when {{}}
# {{}}.from_json(json)
# {% end %}
# else
# raise"Unknown '{{}}' discriminator value: #{discriminator_value.inspect}", to_s, nil, *location, nil)
# end
# end
# end