require "json" require "jwt" require "ipc" require "./" class AuthD::Exception < Exception end class AuthD::Response include JSON::Serializable annotation MessageType end class_getter type = -1 def type @@type end macro inherited def self.type ::AuthD::Response::Type::{{"::") }} end end macro initialize(*properties) def initialize( {% for value in properties %} @{{}}{% if value != properties.last %},{% end %} {% end %} ) end def type Type::{{"::") }} end end class Error < Response property reason : String? initialize :reason end class Token < Response property token : String initialize :token end class User < Response property user : ::AuthD::User::Public initialize :user end class UserAdded < Response property user : ::AuthD::User::Public initialize :user end class UserEdited < Response property uid : Int32 initialize :uid end class UserValidated < Response property uid : Int32 property email : String initialize :uid, :email end class UsersList < Response property users : Array(::AuthD::User::Public) initialize :users end class PermissionCheck < Response property user : Int32 property service : String property resource : String property permission : ::AuthD::User::PermissionLevel initialize :service, :resource, :user, :permission end class PermissionSet < Response property user : Int32 property service : String property resource : String property permission : ::AuthD::User::PermissionLevel initialize :user, :service, :resource, :permission end # This creates a Request::Type enumeration. One entry for each request type. {% begin %} enum Type {% for ivar in @type.subclasses %} {% klass = %} {% name ="::") %} {% a = ivar.annotation(MessageType) %} {% if a %} {% value = a[0] %} {{ name }} = {{ value }} {% else %} {{ name }} {% end %} {% end %} end {% end %} # This is an array of all requests types. {% begin %} class_getter requests = [ {% for ivar in @type.subclasses %} {% klass = %} {{klass}}, {% end %} ] {% end %} def self.from_ipc(message : IPC::Message) : Response? payload = message.payload type = message.type.to_i requests.find(&.type.==(type)).try &.from_json(payload) rescue e : JSON::ParseException raise "malformed request" end end class IPC::Connection def send(response : AuthD::Response) send response.type.to_u8, response.to_json end end class AuthD::Request include JSON::Serializable annotation MessageType end class_getter type = -1 macro inherited def self.type ::AuthD::Request::Type::{{"::") }} end end macro initialize(*properties) def initialize( {% for value in properties %} @{{}}{% if value != properties.last %},{% end %} {% end %} ) end def type Type::{{"::") }} end end class GetToken < Request property login : String property password : String initialize :login, :password end class AddUser < Request # Only clients that have the right shared key will be allowed # to create users. property shared_key : String property login : String property password : String property email : String? property phone : String? property profile : JSON::Any? initialize :shared_key, :login, :password, :email, :phone, :profile end class ValidateUser < Request # Only clients that have the right shared key will be allowed # to validate users. property shared_key : String property email : String property activation_key : String initialize :shared_key, :email, :activation_key end class GetUser < Request property user : Int32 | String initialize :user end class GetUserByCredentials < Request property login : String property password : String initialize :login, :password end class ModUser < Request property shared_key : String property uid : Int32 property password : String? property avatar : String? initialize :shared_key, :uid end class Request::Register < Request property login : String property password : String property email : String? property phone : String? property profile : JSON::Any? initialize :login, :password, :email, :phone, :profile end class Request::UpdatePassword < Request property login : String property old_password : String property new_password : String end class Request::ListUsers < Request property token : String? property key : String? end class CheckPermission < Request property shared_key : String # FIXME: Make it Int32 | String property user : Int32 property service : String property resource : String initialize :shared_key, :user, :service, :resource end class SetPermission < Request property shared_key : String # FIXME: Make it Int32 | String property user : Int32 property service : String property resource : String property permission : ::AuthD::User::PermissionLevel initialize :shared_key, :user, :service, :resource, :permission end # This creates a Request::Type enumeration. One entry for each request type. {% begin %} enum Type {% for ivar in @type.subclasses %} {% klass = %} {% name ="::") %} {% a = ivar.annotation(MessageType) %} {% if a %} {% value = a[0] %} {{ name }} = {{ value }} {% else %} {{ name }} {% end %} {% end %} end {% end %} # This is an array of all requests types. {% begin %} class_getter requests = [ {% for ivar in @type.subclasses %} {% klass = %} {{klass}}, {% end %} ] {% end %} def self.from_ipc(message : IPC::Message) : Request? payload = message.payload type = message.type.to_i requests.find(&.type.==(type)).try &.from_json(payload) rescue e : JSON::ParseException raise "malformed request" end end class IPC::Connection def send(request : AuthD::Request) send request.type.to_u8, request.to_json end end module AuthD class Client < IPC::Connection property key : String def initialize @key = "" initialize "auth" end def get_token?(login : String, password : String) : String? send login, password response = Response.from_ipc read if response.is_a?(Response::Token) response.token else nil end end def get_user?(login : String, password : String) : AuthD::User::Public? send login, password response = Response.from_ipc read if response.is_a? Response::User response.user else nil end end def get_user?(uid_or_login : Int32 | String) : ::AuthD::User::Public? send uid_or_login response = Response.from_ipc read if response.is_a? Response::User response.user else nil end end def send(type : Request::Type, payload) send type.value.to_u8, payload end def decode_token(token) user, meta = JWT.decode token, @key, JWT::Algorithm::HS256 user = ::AuthD::User::Public.from_json user.to_json {user, meta} end # FIXME: Extra options may be useful to implement here. def add_user(login : String, password : String, email : String?, phone : String?, profile : JSON::Any?) : ::AuthD::User::Public | Exception send @key, login, password, email, phone, profile response = Response.from_ipc read case response when Response::UserAdded response.user when Response::Error raise response.reason else # Should not happen in serialized connections, but… # it’ll happen if you run several requests at once. end end def validate_user(email : String, activation_key : String) : ::AuthD::User::Public | Exception send @key, email, activation_key response = Response.from_ipc read case response when Response::UserValidated response.user when Response::Error raise response.reason else # Should not happen in serialized connections, but… # it’ll happen if you run several requests at once. end end def register(login : String, password : String, profile : JSON::Any?) : ::AuthD::User::Public? send login, password, profile response = Response.from_ipc read case response when Response::UserAdded when Response::Error raise response.reason end end def mod_user(uid : Int32, password : String? = nil, avatar : String? = nil) : Bool | Exception request = @key, uid request.password = password if password request.avatar = avatar if avatar send request response = Response.from_ipc read case response when Response::UserEdited true when Response::Error response.reason else "???" end end def check_permission(user : ::AuthD::User::Public, service_name : String, resource_name : String) : User::PermissionLevel request = @key, user.uid, service_name, resource_name send request response = Response.from_ipc read case response when Response::PermissionCheck response.permission when Response raise "unexpected response: #{response.type}" else raise "unexpected response" end end def set_permission(uid : Int32, service : String, resource : String, permission : User::PermissionLevel) request = @key, uid, service, resource, permission send request response = Response.from_ipc read case response when Response::PermissionSet true when Response raise "unexpected response: #{response.type}" else raise "unexpected response" end end end end