class AuthD::Request IPC::JSON.message SearchUser, 12 do property regex : String? = nil # Since the list could be long, here is a way to get it at a reasonable pace. property offset : Int32 = 0 # By default, authd will send 10 users at a time. def initialize(@regex = nil, @offset = 0) end def handle(authd : AuthD::Service, fd : Int32) logged_user = authd.get_logged_user_full? fd return if logged_user.nil? logged_user.assert_permission("authd", "*", User::PermissionLevel::Read) users = authd.users.to_a matching_users = Array(AuthD::User::Public).new # FIXME: could be optimized. result = if regex = @regex pattern = regex, Regex::Options::IGNORE_CASE users.each do |u| if pattern =~ u.login || u.profile.try do |profile| full_name = profile["full_name"]? if full_name.nil? false else pattern =~ full_name.as_s end end || do |email| pattern =~ email end Baguette::Log.debug "#{u.login} matches #{pattern}" matching_users << u.to_public else Baguette::Log.debug "#{u.login} doesn't match #{pattern}" end end matching_users[offset..offset+10] else users[offset..offset+10].each do |u| matching_users << u.to_public end matching_users end result end end AuthD.requests << SearchUser end