require "json" require "uuid" require "./" class AuthD::User include JSON::Serializable enum PermissionLevel None Read Edit Admin def to_json(o) to_s.downcase.to_json o end end class Contact include JSON::Serializable # the activation key is removed once the user is validated property activation_key : String? property email : String? property phone : String? def initialize(@email = nil, @phone = nil) @activation_key = UUID.random.to_s end end # Public. property login : String property uid : Int32 property profile : JSON::Any? # Private. property contact : Contact property password_hash : String property password_renew_key : String? # service => resource => permission level property permissions : Hash(String, Hash(String, PermissionLevel)) property configuration : Hash(String, Hash(String, JSON::Any)) property date_last_connection : Time? = nil property date_registration : Time? = nil def to_token @login, @uid end def initialize(@uid, @login, @password_hash) @contact = @permissions = Hash(String, Hash(String, PermissionLevel)).new @configuration = Hash(String, Hash(String, JSON::Any)).new end class Public include JSON::Serializable property login : String property uid : Int32 property profile : JSON::Any? property date_registration : Time? def initialize(@uid, @login, @profile, @date_registration) end end def to_public : Public @uid, @login, @profile, @date_registration end end